speciaIIy priced et I $56.00 Beach Umbrellas Lawn Furniture .4...; 0* Cahopies Curtains Awning'Company, .125: Main' St., Wilmette Phone Wil.: 3376 RIH LACK SOIL We. have the Finest: Soi! available PrIce is .Rigkt Prompt -Delivefy Guaranteed Phone Winnetka 375 FRANK La SIMONS Landscaping depended tupûr.for blooni froni early sumimer to frost. They do best planted in a bed by theniselves, in rich soul. Given thie proper care and protec- tion thecy wiIl amaze you with a glorious mass of blooni about ten weeks alter pl4inting,'contininiig until, the f reezing weather kilis the buds. Rugosa Roses are perfectly hardy and are invaluable i Il, landscapc work. Their, beavy wood and shrubby formation miake thern par- ticularly adaptable to hiedges ani heravy borders, or, miixed iný plant- - ings of slirubs. SAlthough the Hybrid Tea- Roses, Sfurnish a wealth of cuttiing:bloonis,- the Climbers Can b)edepended upon for an abundance of, flowers.. C1inib- In ng roses are such vi gorou .s growers Sthat they provide many more square feet of flovver dispiay than may be Shad in any other class.. They are Salways. charming, whether trained over an arch or doorway, tied, against pillàrs, trailing along'a fence, d raped ôver siopes, or perinitted to develop Sinito gracefiul shirubs or liedges. SIt lias now become tie vogue to, Sbe "in the kniow" about this niost exquisite of flowers.,«To grow r.ôses suiccessfuilly requires as înuichi energy Sas golf; to be able to 'discuss the.ni inte lligently becoines as entertamning Sas bridge-and surely thie resuits are. much more tangible'*than eithier of 'these pastimcs:* -Charles Fiore Nurseries Delivered by Team or Tr uck Phone Your Order, Today, ~ Rotted Manure, Lake SandA Fiiling small lot cani have, just as attractive surroundings as* the largest estate ini 1the land. In fact, sorte of:the véry 1pret'tiest and most 'tasteful plantings -in the country today are to be fourni isurrounding homes of, modest size. In the. average, home building lot there are two sizeabl e spaces left after the home is erected-t-he "front yard" and "back yard.". There are mnany who' dislike the, terrm ->ack yad"for'it calîs to mind meilories of yards ýas Well left unsen. Pér- haps, because away from public, view the back yard was, for.a, long-,tim'le just a yard, unadorned and ail toO sfrequentl1y neglected. It was everv-,, thing-.that the outdooer living rooni is îiot; it presented no beauty for' enjoymet; a ws not a particulrl Splesn thing to, look into f ront rear windows of the house, flot a palcc to. take guests. There, was no privacy to, be fouind thiere. In good Iandsca'pe plans, the finest and__most, attractive of cvergreens,,. trees and shrubs a re gathered there. arratiged in living walls to shut out. the discordant world and create the -loveliest of homte pictures. Its car- pets or1 rugs glow ti rich, liviing green-the decorative sciieme changes with the hours of the day anid the se asons; it is ahvays ovely to look upon, wiihin and without. The "bac!; yard" becoînes the living rooqi ot- doors. Think of whiat if meants for theý ch1ldrýen to grow Utp ini the envýIl'iro-ý 7men of beautiful plants and flowers.' The outdoor living rooin will provide the ideal background for the child- ren's play. The roomi should be planned with ample lawn, space lint tue center for gaines and othier play ac- tivities. Such ait attractive fresh air, play room obut ini the open %wjll keep1) -childrenin 1tterested in' homie, safe and away fromi the streets. Eer par- et' cati appreciate .What tlis niean.s. Then, too, childrenl love. flowers; not wvitli the appréciation of the adult, but.with la clild's, enith usias*tie initeres.t. The gay colors attract themi. The birds, that take residence in the planting *are* a constant source of ,interest. Such a background of beauty is sure to enricli the child's Ferns for sunny spots, for shade, ferns for the pools. 1 5 varieties. gray,, yellow. for dry or wet area Blendings of green, Aquatic bronze,. blue,, Prom three inches to three feet high. ta staurndsuthe test of years end agives complète satisf action. MLPortenhauseri Painter and Decorator MO3 Greeuilef Phonoe 2764 E.