with the Chicago Symphony orches- tra, and a group of Chopin solos, on Tuesday evening, May 19, at the Chii- cago-North Shore Music festival This is the pianist's seventeenth tour of the United Sttes,- and it was onywith great. dificulty that he wa persuaded to remain over four a, ditional weeks, to appearat the Fvy' anston. festival. Paderewski fe came to this. counitry in '1891, W1ç he at onceè became a sensation.,' *On. bis tours, wbich 'Iast for a stretch of six months, Paderewski t ravels in the, de luxe private car, "TheSuperb," of the Pullnman corn- Panty. He neyer stays.at a hotel, ex- cept *hen he is in New Y'ork. The car is fitted as nearly as possible as a home, with. bis, piano,' his own books, and comfortable chairs. It bas its owni lighting and heating sys- temi, and can. be side-tracked without losing any comforts. 'The pia nist bas bis -own chef and accomimodations for bis> entourage of eiglit people. By traveling in bis own car, he is saved, the trouble of getting up to catch early trains, or wàiting for late ones. Following bis concerts be is * able to have a: bot meal prepared for hm atany our, and have other comforts of, a homie not tsually en- joyed by a concert artist. Outdoor Lufe Expo *Cornes to Coliseum Loyers of outdoor liue throughout the entire metropolitan area will gather next week in, the Coliseui,: l 6th street and Wàbashi avenue, at the ninth annual Outdoor Life expo- I sition, MIay 4 to May 9, inclusi -ve. *Mile. E. Westbrooke; mnanager Of thé show, bas anniounced an array of I «-ttractionis which inidicates tb'at this year's show wiII beé even, more color- *fui and varied in it s appeai to sports- men and loyers of the great outdoors than it bias. been ýin, past years. Àmnopg the outstaiiding attractions of the show will be a compflete lIndian village with the grea4, great grand- daughter of lamous Chief Buffalo in Thtis 5 circuit, (R-34) Screen Grid,- Micro Synchronous VICTOR RADIO. Formerly sold.ý for,$173S.0 VICTOR RE-1 7 combinatioin, formerly sold et' Now Complote pas of sporti-ng goocis and a new outboard 'motor which. works on a four-cycle principle,. is noiseless, idles with the eàse. of an automobile en- gine, and responds, instantly to -a touch of thè.accelleirtor. This wiII be the ,first .time this motor bas been sbhown anywhere. -742 EhmSt. %innetka 3474 WÏinn.tka 712 Churcli Street Evanston Phone Uni'. 3474 .380> Central Av. Highland Park 3474 Higiland Park