31!sJi * U.5:,me O'.-'vant 01 .3U(, ÀVIVlII Pauline von Mallinckrodt. This re markable woman wbo bas beeni pro- nounced one of the greatest Catholic women of the Iast century, was char- acterized by an unselfish, ýail-eni- bracing, and singuliarly attra ctive charity. SIie was a. social worker: she de- voted hertime, energy, and meails t the care of the! poor and sick and1 afflicted; she conducted and financedj a day 'nursery and a private asvluil for poor'tlind childreh. She was anl educator; niot onix' (11( she conduct the instructions and -the education of the blind children iii person, but she* also trained associates for thé sanie work; later, she extend- ed the work to normal cidren ýai her numerous letters contain surh valuable'(directions .and suggestions for the, education of. chidren, tliat when collected they 'wiIl repr.e.seit manual ofe Christian peda g. She was a found.ress 'of a religious commJnity-th.e Sistiers of Christian Charitv-whose chief field of activit\1 is education, aithougli it eoludes li other.,work of clîarity., Mother Pauline's work. bears, the? stamp of God's bless5ing. At thie*tiie of ber death theý comniunity Sliw founded nurnbered 492 menîbejrs,w-,ithi forty-five fouindations. Ait preseint there -are approximnately 2275 niein- bers with 125 foundations ini six prov - inces. The Motherhouse and noviti- * ate for thle Western North Amnerican province iý at Maria limmaculatai Convent, Xilmette, Illinois; that for *the Eastern North Aniierican Prov'- ince s atMallinckrodt Convent. ,.Nleidlia , N.J.> In 1926 the process of heatification, .of Mother Pauiline von Mall'nckot *was introduced. Sinice then mnore than.15,000 naines have.been iiscrllbed on. the registere of visitors .kept at b er grave. Many have experienced the -efficacy of ber intercession .il] their pbysical and mental suff erings. It is the hope of hier spiritual daugli- ters and ail bier clients that the naine oï6 Mother Pauline, will soon be added to the calendar of the Blessed. * April 30, was spent by the students with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dien- nis Wood Smnith of 337 Washington avenue, Wilniette. Mrs. T. G. Cooke of 355 Kenil- worth avenue,. eft Kenilworth for a week's visit with relatives at Matis- field, 'Ohio. *Mrs. Cooke made the trip by motor and will return'to ber home the first part of next week. enow taking, the part of -"Radio's r 'Aunty Blossom" in the Uncle Walt - and Skeezix sketch which takes place - every evening but Thursday and Sun- * day over radio station WGN. Mrs. - Perry's stage experience is. clearly - brouglit out in her clever dialoque. ;ioo-Car à to 9P.NM. is available for your car Ibe4ch 6000 The Local 1Tel:ephone Directory.> Goes-. to Press,.. Soon I n the interest of good service subscribers are requested ,to...ali COMPANY. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY