n ou Me la 1 ReV, stofle and eaten A fast flowlflg -strearn. where ail we have to do Is steer the canoes, lends us to a larger lake wlh manv beautiful Wc have.lunch on one of theni. It is vcr-iv hot. We want'adrink of cold wa- a t nd there is no spring. The guide ho-sus how to sink a 'corked bottie, miliiout the -cork at the bottoni of the la lie and bring ub water alios4t as cold as, Ice. 'Phere are beds of dry Mo ss here. a, foot deep and as soft. as a féatiier bed. We lie dovm on theàe and Ilsten to' the "Adventures cif .Jimrnie [bl"read b>' one of the, counseliors. Theic<arn» mite is so iovely we stay for .the night. On'the other end or the ilaid "s an Indian, grave with a littie, hut bulit over it.,We exploýre and take -tiure. W ldatapper's cabin. un- .ioved. ýFoîîr pairs of snow-shoes haIng on the wall. I>ere is az dog barnes.q. a, huntimi, hidfe, two dinmond willow canes and rther, souvenirs we want, but the cç>utl- -Il<,r says., 'Ple -nule o! the ý N'rth Wr,,,de is 'Use my cabin if vou need it, nint i%,ie it as you find It'." * JoQflf, UQiodConvention, We wm'ake next rnornlng to an ungod.ly Iakt t is rainine but we r ush out -f' the tent to find five loons holdintg a 'n%-entio>n near the shoré. Thsmorning we hav'e a shower he- fore taktný. our dit). We put on raim- vuoats- for the first tinie, eat our break-, fa.-t and start on. it is only a light xaii and niakes no difference at al with our plans. l'ini surpriseçI to fInd l'pi baving just as good a timne as if it wa.511 training. O>nive go. Suddenly Canoe 27 starts paddling like rnad. We follow suit. A flo-k of young ducks. AIl get aaybut (-nt, We pet it and let lt go. .The guide's eanoes ,.racing tawird. tlQfl-W11e recc A mat star, «elect of Sigrr jourtnalismn mand is a nij lui as a Leachi a Chi. ty at itor of Dorn't fail to examine "The Writ- er's Guide." You would value it above any other book in your library. *See ad. -Adv. 1426, FOREST AVE. .1WuLMEM , TaIqhne %imtu. 16 for Ap».iusmug You Ifyou buyyu Fuel Now PRICES 'ARE LOWEST IN MAY .We . top for lunch. Tfhe guide a, "Three kinds of fish, pike on top, wall- eye.s further down, trout on the bottoni. Iet'.s have 'trout," anid trout we have, Fiýsliîîg is just as good in the. rain. The sun cornes ont and We have a gilorious aftern oon. 1ýonIght- we. have twist, and doughnuts and -*Égspberries. After suùppeir we make fudge. 'ix more daysý of thie joyoue life. TFhe Ioads grow W-bter,, the paddling and Portaging' easier, acquaintance bas rip- ened into close friendsbins andi we are eagerly nearing the pef7rnanent camp, whLill 1iCm? com.a lm honwa oin t This month buy' season' s fuel bill .. %l L%9%" V A%%, vvai cgLav 0* O O lL TVULeL bargain-price heat and save25 to 30%l on next ORDE.R ,YOUR * SUPPLY NOW 4% ESTABLISHED 1907, West Lake Avenue and Skokie Valley Route Phones Wilmette 641-642 - University 5035- Winnetka, 643