Through the Courlesy of the Book Section- Bob MacDonald,. winner of many tour-, naments, and, one of té>i,. lrget schools of golf wiilI give a demonstration falk ... in th. Spotn Goods Section Saturday, May 2 at 3 P. M. '0e He wilI appear to, f..- finre the- opening of our new Golf Head*- ql4arfers, in aur Sport- want any sunbur Well, fellows it's mighty fille to, get back to camp and'see the gan;g again, but l was having the time of my life. 1 could hâve kept'.on go- ing ail summer and enjoyed every minute of it, ifwe,,hadn't been ru-, ning short of grub, and tieu, of course, we, al wanted our ,aiià, se IIere* we are, safe- and happy- We've been away a week and %Wec .had more, interesting experieuces cramnxed into tlîat* week. than iflost. boys get in al suminer. l'il he laughi- ing about'some of tlieîî as long asi 1I1live. And the. things wc learnied, why 1I Ieyer Iearnied so utucli ilu a inouth iii school inii îy 111e. Before-startiiug on the tri)Np eliad a lot of fùIn planning where we'd go and wlîat we'd takeand gettirig ceri'thiug ready. 1 "Stire«' "vas sur-j prise(l at the. systemnatic wvav t hey do everything hiere. 1 used to thinkl ~that camping was -roughing ItC'and( that a good camper was a fello\w wîo' CoUlid stanid a lot cf lhairdsi, but j iound out that the best camper is the fellow who is mnost at hion e and knows best how te niake -hîimselft conmfortable in the voods. l "Eats" Are Delicious* 1 thoughit the -eats" would be prVet-1 ty teugli; tliat we'd lîve on beatis auid fish aid go lmunigr%- niost i ich tuile. \Ve had ineais tlhat. would. 1 miake yuour mmoutlm water.ImnaginmeC liot biscuits and corii hread witha jani', fresli blueb'erry aiid rasph)errv i pie, doî;ghnuts aiid tudge cooked onl1 a cancoe trip. And thie f h* 1ee, mever liked fishi beiore. But say.a they doni't kaiow how te cook fish 1 ini the city. 1I never tasted any3tliulg,; better tn thie, fresh wali-.eyed pike c aîmid Freichi-fnied potatees 'we had. f But 1Inmxgetting alead ci x 11,Story. Sônie of us older boys, were assigined to help the ceuniseitors put. up the pi food for the trip. 'l'o my surprise ive O teck almnost, everyth1ing 1imaginable fr and it was ail carefully weighied eut p( and ciîecked off on)ilalist whmch gives G the weight ver day per boy for everiv V Soon we.canme to a low spot on the shereline and the- guide's canoe for shore. A Well *worn path winds, through- the forest. This is Our first portage and our paddling muscles. get a rest while we' unpack, tump and, carry our outfit across. We ail have tump Iines. A tump- une, is a strap that gees over your lead and -is tied te a pack .vhich you carr Non, your back. Old Campers Aid New We are glad. to get somne liell) fri the old camplers ini making this first portage but we soon learn the tricks of adjustin.g the tump-hine and swing- i1lg. the packs ente our backs. hy cressing the hands and. the lhodys we. lift the packs. It isard work, but we get quite a kick eut of it. We are, living. the* life' ef the eld pioneers, traveling lîke Indiatns, by canoe and portage. We are finding a real use for our muscles.' But, say, l'm glad te get across that ?first portage, and as 1 drop my pack I seem te, stretch Up about a foot, and 1 arn Ibreathinig' tht invigerating, plie scented: air clear, to the bottom eof my luings a's g back for mi second Ioad. A little way froni our landiîg îplace' the trail forks and a path Ieads up te ail Indian tepee nmade of peles and -birchbark. One of the cotunsellors lias taken the wrong trail. He is carrying a canoe which is bow heavy and lie basn't taken. time te balance] it properly. The .restilt is the rot end of thie cauîoc tips clown ini front of hinm so lie cannot see what is ahead, .and J'ust as 1 arrive lie runs., )auig ite the tepee, upsetting it and :ausing ne end of, excitement.I cani't tell who is more surprised, the uidians lu the tepee or the ceunisellor. -t Indiaffl Are Pacified We hl. lx UI) the tepeand z> Pacf the In dians by buying a couplet of pairs cf *swe11" l>eaded mnoccasis rQm the squaw, then we finish bte t portage and laugh fior hiaîf an. heur: v Gee! it was funnyv. The pioneer's{ *A nice breeze la blowlng ln the direë- tion we g and we just iteld up our paddies and sal. About 3 o'ciock we, begin to look for a good camp site. One of the new campers. picks out .1 .loW. level, sandy. spot, 'but the: oid- timers iaugh and the 'guide says, "Bo.v you'd have sand ln your blankets, ln viur eyes, ln your haIr ýand ln Your food therest of the trip." Soon we fIln.d, an. Island wlth a smo)othi, dlean rock -place for a. kitchen, level space for the tent, a good landing spot for, canoes, ynung popiar trees for tent poles and plen.ty of baisam, for beds. Tents, and packs are, taiçen 'to the place , the t ents are te be pitched, food andi dishes to the kitchen. Eve'ry- body works, Cetting tent: poies, baisami for, beds, fire-logs, and, Wood for the tire. Up go our Baker tents, as comfor- table as a cabin witb their sewèd lu floors, and, mosquito fronts. Now for a swini foliowed byr expioi ug and flshing. 'the fishing is, marvelou. Dick Huey fromx Oklahoma, where they have no fishing. is so excited hé for- gets, to hoid onto bis poië,, and cast>ý fisbpole and aill Into bhe lake. We let ail the fish go except thc wall-eyed pike. saviiig them for dlanri-wlUch con.4iats of fish, Frencli fnled pota.toes, spinach, bread and iamn, cocoa and .blueberry pie. After dînner when dishes are washed, woocl spiit and put under cover, food put away and canoes brought Uipoun land and turned wron g-side. up, we sit around the fire tefflng ,tonýes, ainging camnp songs, and lauRhing and, joking. about the evepita of the day. Tben we start maikingu up a trip song and plan- ning the stunt our group la to put. on in -the vaudeville show next week. We are ail ready to bit the bay, or the baisam, rather, when the trip head says, "Bed turne, boys." - Now the Fnm Jegins Sound auleep, we are awakened by a horrible scratching noise near the fire- place. Is lb a eatlng our' gt'u, a deer seratching the velvet froin bis horns? Fearfully we creep to the front of the bent and train a flasblight on the spot frein wbich the noise corne.. A~ huge porcupine, foraging for food is .earing open one of our duffle bags. We vhase hlm away..Now te get semné. quiis. -No, ebldren, porcupines don't throw thenm at you. You -sock theni wltb y Our hat.ý Good shot! My hat -lands ;quarely on top. of the 'Porcky," but ala", it sticks there and off, Into tbe bush go,"tporckyv"'and my favorite hat, autographed by every boy tlu camp.. Vbat a chase! Through tbe bushes, in the dark, dressed lu pajamnas, armned vj.tb fiashligbts, huntlng a sharp quiiled iorcuplne wearlng a bat. Suceess at last. A bat f ull of quills, the envy of lake, the guide's- calce leads, a coun- 9 getsail tuea"'yg sellor's coince brings rip th.e rear ond we are washing d ail canoes keep close together. JIt veryifltèesting st Then we expie, isn'b se easy as ib sounids. Some Of find a place where us are new campers. Our muscles witb berrnes that tire and the canoes won't gb straight. elghteen incheà How. we do envy the old-timers. who bnhs lel !%a 2LaLiyas LU m rie lsla.nd and 1. jun-ôr-a m,ers have. been -turned looue ground la covered wltb axes, except that ail the trees have o0 bushee about faileni towards the water. The coran- * They are .lu smellOrs tell us ail about tese luteirent-, and as large as [ic. aiiniai. a cOuumellOr to Soon we corne to, a sbailow lakte. Wld t Goods Section, 5th Floor. ýt Deen ,