A Go od Permanent Is Cheaper'! Did you lcnow. that you could sv money ona permanent wave, from us? Why take. a chance on inexperienoced operators When ýright bore on yur vil- lag'e ther0 js a nationially kniown per- manent wave expeort? <Cal1 Mr. AlIbrightfokr an appointment. ALBRICHT l 167 WILMETTE:AVENUE BEAU:TYSHOP -o- WILME1TE 451-T - - - - - - - - Don't, Hesitat.e! Coal Pricesý Are DOWN ,iMAY *Now is the Urne to' fi Up your fuel bin for next winter at a Substantial Saving. 4. w e *~ * Il Miss Virginia IIaýqht, ýda*ighter of Mr- ami Airs. Elbert E. Haiýqht of 815 Bluff Street, Glcncoe, is givingq ler, scni.r recital, on the Pipe organMay 5 in the Musical hall of thte .Univers it y 'of Wis- consin at Madison. She ùill, play "Thie Belis ,tf St. Anne de Yeaitpre" by Alexander Russell, "The ,Matgic, I-Iarp" ,by M cale,, IIandel's Si.ili. Organ: Concerto, and . t h e Andanteý Conttabile, 'terz~o, a IFia le nov-enent ,of, Widor's Potirth sYmtphon Y for the organ. Miss Marguerite Ernst- contralto, of0 St. Paul, Minn., is giving her senior' recital with Miss Haight. Miss Haight is a graduate of New Trier High school. She studied organ one year at Rock ford colIege, one yèar under Stanley Martin, organist for the Chicago Sunday Evening club and St. Mark's church in Evanston. and thrce, years at Wisconsin, one under Paul. G., Jones and the last two under Mis f rene B. Eastman.. She is a niember, of. Sigma Alpha Iota, nati onalmui sorority, and Delta Delta Delta, social sorority. Traek Work t'O Start at Sears Sdiool Next Week .. e Crushed Stone Screenings LACK DIRT-HUMU iSAND--.GRAVEL-CEMENT Phone Wilmette 999 Pio'neers o! the ..New 'Skokie; Valley Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bows and their fanily, wbo have bee.n iaking, their home at 1337 Rlmwood avenue, a ,re mnoving to 1351 Elmndale avienune, Ch ,i- M.cagot Maày I. REPXIRltG ýSho. Repair S.moe 1185 Wilinette Ave. «S3 Lindien Ave. WII. 48614