EnchantingClementina-Cleugl.h Sqire's Daughter-Mayor. Clowns and Cr minals--Oppenhelm. Paisley Shawl-Nlven. Look. Homeward Angel-Wolfe. poyeholoy Human Personalty-Myer. Pritner for Mothers-Stekel. Strategy in Handling People-Webb. Logie-Cunùinghamý: ChIlds Emotionis- Bo Youth May Know-Dickerson. Charm-Wilsonl. Confucius and. Confulanism-m-Wllhelm. Ethic-Sgpinoia. Etonouiles and socIoIýogy Drlfting, Sandis of Party Poltitc- Ufiderwood. Human Nature and- Management- Tead. Europe,' the Worldes Banikr-Pets. Chain, Group and, Bràae.hBankirîfg- willts Third, Degree-Lavlýne- Life lu Colege-Gausa.ý Road to Culture-Sh&w.- CharacterEdatn-emf. Iec1enee and j!eehnology Practical, Phyics--Carhart. New Frontiers of Physieu--Heyl. Chemlistry in Modern Lif-A.,rrhenîus-. Science of Life-Weils.. Traxidermny-Hornaday. Mlroblology-IWnrshtail. Land and Fresli Water Vertebrate Afimals-Pratt. Aerodynaniics-Moflteith. Caro and Repair of the .1one-Phelan. Accoufltiflng--Gogig. Inorganic Chemical Technology-_ Badger. Buying an Honest House-Tucker. Librarian for 48 Years Dies Here at A-de of 92 Miss E. Frances -Barber died on Sunday, April 26, at the home of ber sister, Mrs. W. S. Goodbiue, 245 Lin- den avenue, Wihnette, at the age of 92 years. Miss Barber was born in New York state. For many years >she lived at Polo, 111. She started--a public hi- brary there and served, as' librarian for forty-eight years. When Miss Barber resigned as h brarian at Polo about: ten years ago af which time. she, came. to live with her sigter, Mrs. Goodhue, she re- ceivedý a letter stating that she was the oldest librarian in Illinois ini point of service. Besides the sister, she is survived by four nieces. the Misses Louise, Mary short trip to where she .wll Mrs. Harriet brother, Mortoi gton, D. C. her inother, to visit ber and a niece, Aiso LU,., ). .7 P, Gre. 3316 Ir Vunhu-sband, especially, WILL ENJOY this A dish to temnpt the men folks! A meat food dish.jo <satisfy: their heartiest oppetites. Beca use of its rich, wholesomeness, and. its delicious, aptizi ng flavor, Crfied Corneci Beef Hask makes an instant "hit" witli the men in the house. And no, wonder! It is, prepared frorn only the cboicest, selected, tender Wilson keef, snow-wlhite potatoes, deiT- cate,, chosen spices-ail skilfully and, delightfully blended Iy expert Wilson Chefs. -Prépèred in soless, sanitary kitchens, under a new and special Wilson formula. You wiII neyer know how positively delightful and tempting. Corned Beef Hash can really be, until you've tried Wilson's Cettified. words! Truly, if is dflcious beyond For the annual spring dinner and annual business meeting of the Kenil- worth Union church which will take place on May 6t1v at the Kenilworth club, Mrs. Leon T. Elis and Mrs. James Ralph Starr are in charge. There wihl be dnner and then the business -meeting. Somne entertain- menti willbe given during.the even- ing. mute Avenue, 11