* Mr. and Mrs. Don NViley of 1147 sp Michigan avenue, have rettirned c l oh *heir home after having spent a short tu *time at Prenclh Tick Siringjs.. D 'nl to rt of nette, who lias been winter mnis at lher ni Beach, Fia., will re- iette about the mijddle iand Clotilde (iSern) befloth of Ltica, N. Y. Before 'lier marrage she was for some years coninected with Mrs. Quincv Shaw's school ini Boston. as a teacher of Greek and Latin. In 1893 she camne to Chicago. and, a* yèar or two later, with her sister, Mrs. Horace M., Kennedy, established the -Sieboth-Ken - niedy School. for Girls, on Bellevue place. After hier marriage ini 1898 hier home wvas* at 13 West Walton place, Chicago, until April, 1923 wheii the. residence at 321, Minden street, 'i- netka,'was acquired. She is sirvived hy ýher hlush)and,.tîteir daugbter,-,Mis ,Nathalje .nokin, her sister,. Mrs. Ke nndy., and her brother, AlfredC Seotli of Oracle rz MOVE, TO.WINNETKA r.a nd Mes. Dona4ld W. Aleshirel have moved f roi 2.37 Greetnleaf ave- nue, Wilmette, to 1252 Ash street; NiIn- nietka. The Frank R. Warrenis. Vdho for- inerly resided. on Raleigh road iii Glenview, are occupying their new 'hiomne at-1130 Locust road, Xilmette., .tat New Tier. This visit was the resuit of a nation-wide survey of pliysical education in high schools which has just been made by the U. S. Government. This survey re- sulted in a haîf doz.eni school's. throiughout the country being -select- ed* for, special, study. New Trier has the honor of being -one of thiese schools. .Mr. Brommeli was very nîuch in-- terested ini aIl phases of the, physical education department work 'as .car- ried on at'New. Trier. The organiza- tion of the department, the-physical. education, classes, the intramnural athletics, the interscholastic athletïcs, and. the unusual physical, çducation plant. Mrs. Thomas-White of: Keniilworth is leaving next week Wednesday for Dartmouth col lege as chaperon for three north shore. young -w 1omen who are to be guests 'there for, the spring ."Pro m." The girls, wvho are Miss Loretta White, of Kenilworth, Miss Ruth Senor of' IEvanston, atnd Miss Nanette Holman, of Glencoe, with Mrs. WVhite, Nvil make the trip by motor. Swansdown -2'/t-,2 5 Coke Fie. - Oe. et a Low Pdle loW EconomIcatDakiros savtlett Pt os Rayvole Brand Freé O.p.. FInesO Outity 3ff No.0C r mfeappieor C"éd - New Low PIce **cm' 20c $hreddecd Wheat Peaces ed ' I Pks. 19c onlBad- Mid* fr2 25c Well Knowin Food* EagIe Brand (Condensd) A .popular Baby Food Ralstoin's . . 19 Wiole VheqCem'ee 8 M Corn 2 '2U Puis rand Spring Household Needa Fel Nptha Soap Thé Golden Bar 10 bars -49c Quick Arrow Scap chips .2 el,33t L~fga mare than 26 Years Wilmette and Central Aves. Phones: Wil. 400.401 OPen Sundays Until 10 P. M. I Every-Neghboýhood* nu oarYu .Ne mile erevu.lugd @te.von.. y»eumove, llon a* maue wIII ho mimd b greet Yeu. rMOTIJER'S MAYlth Se Sod Gjive National "" Food Stores TIE @tALITY OoCIlS OF THE MIDDLE WESTIce 1899 I