It is a particuiariy aeîîgntua way for strangers to -become acquainted, it is pointed out. At this meeting, the report of the nominating committee concerning ofi- cers for thé coining year wîll be given. The lunicheon wiIl bc served by the Nortbwé*st Circle. 'the program is'in. charge of the Cen-1 tral: Avenue circle.- Mrs. G. .W. D. Shorti', presideti of the Illinois Wom- an's Missionary* society, will ;speak on A Report of the International council at Bournemouth, Enigland." Mrs. Short. %vas a delegate to this' couricil and is heralded as a .very interesting and well-* informed, speaker. Ail women attending, under the direction of the Central Ave- nue circle, %vill assist in the tying of quilts* for Santee Normal Training school. at Santee, Neb. As this luncheon immediately precedes Mother's Day, an urgent invitation is extended, to everyone to bring, b er mother, or somecone elses mther,' as the guild'would1 like this partictular luncbeon to be in bonorof mothers. IAt woMans ClubI 13: kutheda1- Pretzel * Barre Hili's superb baritone voice and magnetic personality completely won the approb)ation anai interest ot mienbers and guests of the Wonian's cdut) oi Wilmette on Wednesday alter- noon, at the club's annuai spring lun- clhcon su Shawnee Country 'club. French Lick Springs, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Workman will join friends from I Indiana for their stay there. Tbeyj made the trip by motor.L hi distinction, One who is tnoroughly cognitant of the finer points of song production, a soloist who is always en- tirely poised and sure of bis- technical background. W hatever he had to sing lie sang with the utmost musicianship, and with a,.výoice that is, always flexible,, immediately responsive to every demand. Although a young man, hie bas al- ready made a place for himself ini the.. operatic and conçe rt worlds, for 'bis ràmakbl oie smee uven nmore GARDEN SUPPLIES Our garden departmeftlias practieally every item you wili require-Tools- F'ertiizers Peat Mos-Insecticides- Sprayers-Peony Prop-Plant Stakes -flower and 'Vegetabie Seed-GIa-«diolia Buibs and Fertile-potted -Roses andý Shrubs. WONDER Aý sturdy, lîghtweight mower.. Foi4r teinpered crueible steel býlades nîountedI on bail beairingq. Ani ideal mower for smiall lawns at a low price. * 14-hacli cut $7.95 16-inch eut $8.75 Aiso Ca CLOTHES DRIER Revolves ln the breeze-folds like an umbrella. for, ea sy. storage. 135 feet of clothes Une. A reai Unme and labor saver. EasIly installed. STEEL CLOTHES F0815 Dlanieter 212 iches. Height '7 feet. Paf nted green. E!asfly removed when flot ln use. $2M CLOTHES LI NE Numùber 7 sash cord cloithes Une. 100 feet. NEW Low PiRICES on QUALITY LAWN MoWERS' BARTLET Every blade of crucibie. steel, hardenedand teinpered ln 011 to insure a smooth, long wear-. Ing cuttlng edge. A mo cwer that wili give many years, of excellent service. 17-inch cut $20.75 19-inuch eut $22.75 21ldnch cut *25.00 r~. 331f SPORTING GOODS The bas>ebali player-the tennis expert' -the golfer and the> fisherman wIlll finq; the items they want. The prIces are, owr-the Qualîty remains .theý sanie. Stop ln today and sce for yourself. BLUE RIBRON A high grade'mower in every respect. 1lyatt roller bearîngs practically elimi- mnate friction thereby addiflg to the life of the machine. 5 hlgh carlbon, tenîpered blades. 16-amcl eut $ 14.00 18-iacit bade $15.0 20-f»tch macLe $16.00 pert accompaniments at the piano, and showed ini a group of Debussy solos that ie is a pianist of merit. He played a "Prelude in F-maàjor," "Serenade for aDoli," .ând "The Isle of Joy." 'He I .WIL 3MW