West of and Opposite Indian Hill Station PRIVATE PARKING SPACE Th.e Churchill Weavers. Shop. Takes pleasure in announcing that1 on Thursday April 3th, and Friday, May let, there will be a special shoingof hand-quilted things by of KIRK, ý Ky. Tea "wilI be served both. days f rom. 3 to5 152 Cernter Street -Winnetka 3482 OJttmg~i auru Dinner ................... 150 Sundays and Holidays included TWO APARTMIENTS AND STUDIO ROOMS Are Available in Teleiihome 3470, J&b Il MOBY 'D1CK, in this fascinatflng glazed chntzl $3060 THE. YARD for a boys room or study h om ,brolwn background a ppeals fo masculine tast. and *ho. unusual quality of this print, makes it praçtet for curtaîns and slip covers. YFabric Shop ce