Cbairme n's Reports, Musicale by Lilian Knowles on Luncheon- Meeting Prog.ram Tlie Neig hbors of, Kenlilworth ýwill - have their last, Meeting, of the seison of 1930-31 on Tuesday, April 28. Thiis *ill be the annual ,meeéting and ln'ich- eon of the club to 1)é held at l2 :30 o'dclôk. However. ýthe ballot bo1o the.:election, of officers %vill be opeil as early as 12 o'clock M. The officers and chairmien of (le- *partnlents will give short reportjt su:nming up their work for thepast year. One miight Say, it is ail execu- tive day for it is the. only conplete "b-ýusiness mèeeting .during the, year. These' summiaries give a close-upl view of the individual work. of thec officers and comrmittees and- help to mlake the memnbers more, familiar wîth ,t.he various interests of their own club. There will'be a delightful prôgrain of songs giVen bv Miss Lilian K nowles, ghose charming contralto *voice bas won her an important place in Cbicago's musical mvorld. NIi sl Knomiles is a soloist. at the Second Preshyterian- church of Chiicago, ami is also one of the artists of the Na- *tional Broadcasting company. Shle iý; m.ell known in oratorio work, having sung at different times %with' the Apollo club, the Swedish Choral club, and the ChicagoBacli chorus. Miss Knowles will sing two groups * of songs, announcing hier own nuni- bers, and wiIl be accomipanied at the piano by Miss Rutht Bassett. Women Voters to Have. P. T. A.'s as. Guests on Monda y Lloyd T. Goodier, superintendent of soosat Chicago Heigbts isý to be the ,speaker at the meeting of -the N\,Vilmuet te League of Women'-. Voters on Monday, April 27, at 2 o'clock, at *the Woman's club. Mr. Goodier's, *subiect is "Desiriable Sch.0oi Legis- Esther Dunshee Gives Account of Her Work ini Bebaif of Womlen Jurors; Candidates Speak Members of the Business and. Pro- fessional Women's club of Wilrnette listelied with, especial interest to Mviss Esther Dunshee&s account of ber ac- tivities in, behalf. of, the Vornien on1 X:,.~: _Juries bill at their regular mfonthly dinner meeting hield in the Congre'- gational church Thursday evennîg. ~ ». ~April 16, Miss Ruth, Slown,, vice- Spresidenit, presiding. The. que stion. of ~ the 'legality of the referendumn which' ~.. ~ was successfully voted uponi at* the ' ~ .election. Iast November is toôbe argued before the- Supreme court by Miss Dunshee.. Miss Edna Mieants, arrist,, enter- tainter, and iinpersoiiator. will !' a series of draînatic readings- aai the oýzwuaI mieetinig of the UWoiants -Catholic clifb of Wîinette Tiies- dai, afternoon, April 28. Miss Means is a graduate of thé ~Emerson College of Oratory of Boston and bias appeared extensively ini pro- grains throughout the United States. H-er impersonations, cornI>iiing bumor, pathos, and philosophy wiil give an hour of very' delight fui entertainmen't, the club announces. The meeting Tuesday 'is onie of the most interesting of the ýclub year, for iis the day when the club) officers and çhairmen give a report of the work that bas been done. Tbey have accora- plished much and the club niembers are' aIl eager to hear it., The business meeting 'will b e f ollowved by the in- teresting program. Nort bridge Club Is Now Barre-illi, baritone, whose nalue.. has flashed across t/se, musical horizon, who,. nowù in his twventies, is ra/pidlv ftking his'. place as o11C' ofthe »iost interesting recitalîsi' of his generation, is ta give, lthé profirans for 1/se minutai luncheon of the -Wozan's club' of Wilinette - Wedntesday, April 29, a hSIazone' Country club. M-ls siniging will fol- lozv the' luticlieon tuhich is to be serv'ed ai 12:307 o'clock. During, the brief 'years he bas been l)efore the public lie already bas sungýI 'famous arias with - the Chicago Civic, opera, the Cincinnati Zoo Opera.and the Amnerican Opera cowpany, anidbas been- soloist witb the, Chiécago Sym- phony, Detroit, Cleveland, Minneapolis,. Dallas, symphonies, the Chicago Little symphiony, and the Rochester, Tri-City, and Kalamazoo Symphony orchestras, as well as with Ieading musical organ- izations throughout the United States made to vorth 345.5 Mr. and Mrs. Orville G. Daily, * 618 Teâth street, gave a« diner party last week Saturday in honor, of Mr. * Dgily's cousin, .Miss Allene Lýyle of Chicago and. her fiance, Payson Pearre. To Entertain D. A. R. IMrs. Don Wiley of 1174 Michigan avýenue, Wi'hnette, is baving the ail- day meeting of the Wheel and Distaf circle of the FortDearborn (Evan- ston). ,cbapter of; D. A. :R. at ber home on Monday of next week. mette, for its regular .monthiy Imeet- ing. Mrs. Moulding will be assisted b' Mrs. C. N. Roberts' and Mrs. F J. Scheidenhelm. The flower arrange- ment will be made by Mrs. D. 'M. Gallie. The. programt will take the form of .a,.study élass, with Mrs. 'J. Benton'Schaub in charge. A report of great interest wvas that on the card party held April 10, in , the lounige of the Wý\oman's club. 'Mrm Esther Stone, programn chairruan, who wvas in charge of the affair. * thanked the inembers for the help) *given ber and stated that a nice stum ýwas realized wbicb will 'be used. to, supply the club ,witb, interestiing and educational programs next year. Ilrs. ,Florence Fr.eund, reported for Miss W'inifred Roivar, convention ch air- man, who wa.s absent,- Plans for reti- resentation at the Statie convention wbicb w i11 be ldin D ecatur, IM., Mav 8, 9 and 10, were discussed. 1A most interesting a'nd enlightei- ing prograin was presented by Mi5s E.sther Dunshee, legislative chairnian. The candidates for village president, Fréderick J. Newev of the Civic party, and Carbon P. Dubbs of the \NTilînette Public WJelfare part', ad- d ressei the club, exI)laining- their plaýtforms and.l ansvering q.uestions. Miss Duinsb'ee spoke on legis lation in which. Nvomnen are particularly inter- ested that bas been l)efore thie legis- lature (luring this year. Garden Market May 1 61ý Wilmette's aniual Garden 'market Nvill be beld all day - Saturdav. "Mav mîssionary program. Dinner for S. A. Lloyds Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rich- ardson, 1233 Lake avenue, gave a din-: ner party last Mon-day in honor ofý Dr. and Mrs. Stepheni A. Lloyd Of Pontiac, Midi. 'Dr. Lloyd, former pastor' of thé Wilmette Congrega- tional church, has' been visiting. friends this week in-the village.