man of arrangemets. 'U n er com- mittee are Mrs. Harold F. Tidemnan of Kenilwortb, Miss Marion Wolf e of Wilinette, Mrsý A. S. Wiltberger,. Mrs. C. E. Grigsby, Mrs. PhilipSpar' ling, and Miss H-ortense Pendieton of Evanston, Miss. Annie, Joe Howel and Miss Edna Schofield of Chicago. A fashionshow of spring'and sum- mer goWns and wraps, and, the new pajama mode for, the sesaon will be * one.of the.outstanding attractions> of the event.. Tickets* may behad from active or alurnnae memnbers, andi tables will be reserved ini advance.. Proceeds f romI * the affair wiIl be given over to thel uiotse fund.7 Patronesses' for the bridge party incliide. Mrs. Walter Diii Scott. Mrs. L.ouis E. Tilden; . Mrs'. H-. L. Harker, Mrs. , Perkiis Bass, Mrs. James Patten, Mrs. A. . ý Sanders, Mrs. A. S. ýWiltberger, and(l Mrs. S. V. Baldersion,of livanston; Mrs. Arltur -M. Loing and Mrs. Thomnas NMoulliiig,. of Xilniettc; ' M\,rs. Hiarold Tidemnan of Reniilw\orth;: Mrs. R. C. '\cNaniara of WViinnetka; and Mrs. A. B. Milis and Mrs. C. B. -H11l of Glenicoe. To Entertain at Shatvnee.. A cabaret dinnier and sty'le show w111 be givenl at ShiawýNee Country club) toinorrow. evening, April 25, and a buffet supper *will be served at ý inidnight. Amnong the mieinbers whioi '.have iiade reservations for the din-1 ner are ir. and Mrs. XWilliamn Schu-1 marin, jr., INMr, and i\rs. Roland D. Feltrnatn of WVinn.etka, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. lBôozer of' Kenilwvorth, and Mr. anid Mrs. Carl S.. Minier of Glen- Hostess to, Commfittees Mrs. Samuel 1-. Moore of 707 * Laurel avenue was hoste ss at a (le- lightful. bridge luncheon Monda(lv at Shawnee Country club, for ille two commiiittees that hiad worked for the *produCtion of "Y'our Uncle Dudfley, given recently as a benefi t for the building fund of thé new St, Franicis Xavier' churcli. .'ihirty guests were pres;ent. BECAUSE'bouseý cleaning re-> B quires such strenuous effort, dry cleaning of household things deserves crflthought. Shore Uine special house cleaning serv- ices commend themselves to home-' makers who appreciate more than ordinary preto in workman- .ship. * .~.? - -. .. .~:-'-- 4 I~. i tr~;~~ i fi Jxj DRÀPES, curtains, table runners,' scarfs, blankets, bang-. ings, domestic r ug s, Oriental rugs -,Mira- elean brings tbat added toucb. of color a n d cleanfliness, w i tbo u t trace, of cleaning- odor or oily deposit to at- tract dirt. Phone for progressive buicaueiprii Speaks at Vista * Last Sunday Miss Amelia McFie, who bas lived amfong the, Indians of * te ouhwestfrmn years, gave a talk on, ,Indians of the Southwest" illustrating ber very interesting lecture witb lantern. stides. DOUndUt r r étmposphefe. MIRAýCLE AN ewt.