candelabra which were placed amudst a beautiful a1tar of paIns, ferns, and large baskets with Easter liles, ani white snapdragons, Miss Jane Yonng of Kenilworth became the bride of William C. 'White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. White of-Evanston., on Saturday- evening at the Kenil- wc rth Union cburch. Dr. Herbet . Willett, pastor of the church, per- formed the, wedding ceremony with Dr. .Herbert Virg in of the, North Shore Baptist church assisting. A reception followerl at the homne of the bride's- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Young, 333 Cumnor road. The sides and windows of. tle sinaIl cliurcb were covere(I with southern smilax and at the begin.nling a.nd end of the wlîIite'rib)on.e d aislc were baskets fillcd .itli Faster lilies, ,ixhite, snap dragons andferns. Thîe bride wore an exquisite. gown-i of wvhite satin witiî the bodice and long sleeves of lace. Her bridaI, beaddress was of tbe same lace -witiî orange blossomni îd a tulle Veil faîl-, ing from the lae-cap. She carried an aril)ot.iuet of .%-iî,te,.orcli(s amI( lilies of the Valley. *Attending. the bride as nai.of honor was a classnîatc of Ms Young froin New York, Miss Carol' Clarke, who vvore a frock of whîite lace mvith bine gloves. and slipp ers The bridesmiaids, the 'Misses Virgiia- Marshall of Kenilworth, Charlotte Greist of Lake For-est, Frances An- derson of Wininetka, and Elizab)ctlî. Sweet of Minette, al- wore lace frocks like the maid of hionor's \vitlî the blue gloves and slippers. Eac!, *attendant carried Easter hules anul lilies of the valley. The best man for the groom was bis brother, Hlovvarfl White, and the ushlier5 iiicluded Fratîk Moore of Iowa; Frederick Stoieý of Wilmetýte; and Herbert Vu-gin' and Carl Schultze, both of Chicago. The homie'of the bride wvas decor: ated with spring flovvers, roses am 1 southern sniilax for the wedding re- cention J. f.IillMins Mac', bari e wt ilicuei Abboit Byfield, soprano, -uill give flic pro grani for the final iinisi- cvcit of tlic 1931 season at flic club V/ista del Lago Siuday, Aprii 26, at 4:30 o'clock in tlec aftc>'noon. .4 social hour and recep- tion anid tra will follow flic musçi-. cale. Mi-, Macy, vhio lives ini Hubbard W oods, is well known ln draina and mutisic circles through luis association with the North Shore Circuit theatre and bis recital and radio performances. He lias pr ' duccd and directed Gilbert and Sullivan excerpts for the Children's af ternoouîs at Ravinia, Park for the iast twvo sumners. 1He Ias studied these deliglitful operettas f rom early childhood and lias nastered the tradi- tion suirrounding theni. - His second group onulis. Sunlday's prograni will include selections f rom-n four otitstanid- Airs. willianm Finncv W-illiain- son, 324 Shieridan road, Kenil- zoorth, zice-regent and social chair- moin of the Chicago. chapter of the DT. A. R., gave a reception at. the Sti,-,éjs hotel April 16, in lionor of -Mrs. Raymond W. Stevens of "'The Mecadow(s'. in Highzland Park, 'Mia is regent of the cha/'tcr. Airs.. [Villiaiison is also a nîeinber of. the Unitecd States Daughters of 1812 and the ,\atioilal Daughters of Illinois. Ex-Service Committee Entertains Mrs, Hutson The e.x-s;ervice ii enis comimittee of the XVoman's ,-,Club of WNilmette en- tcrtained last Monday afternoon for. MVrs. W'illisý H. Htitson-, retiring chair- man ofthe committee. «Mrs. Hutson bas served as cfiairman of the com- mittec for six vears. Th, farewelî partv was given at the homne of Mrs. E. Pl. Fatch, 611 Washington ave- nue. 4 oclock, with Alvene Resseguie the soloist, and Annabel Robbins at the piano. Mrs. Resseguie lias a contralto voice of rich ýquality, good range, and volume, a voice.of, unusual beatv.y She sings with ease and, ýfluency charming her listeners. Mrs. Ress.eguie has -been twice with.the North'Shore Mis'ic festival, receivi-ng most, favorable comments, fron music critics. She aiso has been, singing. at. the First' Presbyterian church inEvanston for many years. ShÇ Will sing fthree- groups at Shawnee. mn ersnswill be the serenade, "Nur XVer die Sehn- Keunit," liv Carpenter; "'\7here Corals, Lie" *by Tschaikowskv "Vis- ion": and "Kriens",bv Elgar. Mfiss Robbins also will be'soloist ont that,(la' She, too, is w-cillknowîîil i mnusic circles.* Last 'ar lier recital at Orchestra hall was ai] outstandi,îg success and on lier appearance at th e Thursday afternoon concerts at Ra- vinia she 'received very favorable: Press coniments. Amlong b-Ier numbcrs for Sun<layv April- 26,- arc "Humioresque" Ilw Rachmnaninoff, "Caprice Espagnol" 1wI) Mfoszkowski and "Vailse" b)v Cho pin, Legion Auxiliary Has Tea for New Members Ne-w inerbers ini the Wilmiette unit *of the Anierican Leg-ioni auxiliary were entertaiîîed at a spring tea on ,Wednesday of last week by the exec- utive board of the unit. Mýrs. George Kellogg,. Jr., inational. rehabilitatiôn chairman 'and national executive conI-ý mîitteewortnn, Éh recently liaýs moved tà àa new'homre In the NI!orth-- Ridge section, was the guest of honor. Mrs. john Fiscber, president. ofthe Peter.,Huerte.r unit, was. also a guest. Mrs. . B. Cochlran and Dr. Be a- trice HIawkins presided at the tea table which looked very attractive decorated in the pastel shades rem- anniounced the engagement of their daughiter, Patty, to Theroxi T. Chap- man, son of MJr. and *Mrs. George Qhapmnan of Oak Park. Mis-, Fores- man attended Pine Manor at \Velles- -ey and the' University of ChicaIgo. Mi.. Cbapman is a graduate ýof thIe* University 'Of Misconsin,. The. Wed- ding will take Placein June. Keno dinner and dance Keno Satpîr- day' evening, April 25, the bridge luncheon Monday with Mrs. F.. K. Bènzing and Mrs. Mv. B. Stahl the hostesses', and the family dinner bridge April 29,> with dinner ýat 6:30 o'clocc, and with. Mr., and Mrs. R W. Clark hos$t and hostess. ivr. utiarles uE' Driver, Mrs. 'Thomas to 'corne to camp and share with it C. White, and Mrs. E. John Hicks its honiecoming celebratioi. -Re- are the hostesses. freshments will be served in the Ad - The last luncheon and bridge of ministration building at t he close Of the presènt season is, to be given at. the prograni. . the club Friday, May 1, at 1 o'cock, This gives ."opportuniity," the coin-. with Mrs.' Burt A. Crowe andý Mrs., .mittee announces, "cto appreciate the, Harry J. Williamns the. hosàtesses. Mrs. scoe o ths wrty cariy. t wllCrowe and Mrs.. William J. Taylor be an event well worth attending." 'are 'in charge of reservations.