This is in 1 response to, the inquirer writiflg in your colurnin expressilig the wish to know something more ab>out the Rosicrucians and their present day activities. 1 flnd,. by making the proper contact with the true Rosicrucian organizàtion, that the reai history andpurposes aye en:- tirely different from those commoniy explained bypess who have neyer made the 'contact except througli carelessly written references conceru- ing this ancientorganizationi. Mucli to m ny sur 1prise and pleasure, 1 find tliat the Rosicrucians doflot deal with any. of the ancient or modern su.l)erstiibUË, such as. Fortune-telling, crystal-gazing ' magic. Nor are the'Roicuc a .areligious cuit or.ý for that inatter, a cuit of any kind.' The organization first Carne to *Arnerica in 1694, and- is the oldest, huinanitarian, educational movement nii America; and in foreign, iands it is the oldest form of* advanced edu- * cation known to ci'vilization. Th'le or- ganization operates as ýa- fraternal bodv conductineg a number of col- leges, academies and schools in whicii1 various courses dealing %,itiithe sciences and fine~ arts are taught.ý :w âihout any fanaticism or sec- tariatusm, politics, or commerciaiisni. The strange word, "Amorc," referred to b)v your inquirer is composed of merely the initiais of the full namne * of the organization, which is Ancient My stical1 Order Rosac Crucis. Rosicrucian Park,. San Jose; Calif., is where the national headquarters of hundreds of branches and many more in foreign lands. Being an international. body the Amnorc is, therefore, devoted to aid- ing ment and Womeii to improve them- .selves and attain the highest degrec of success and hiappiness* in thls earthly life; leaders in every profes- sionýal w%,lk' of life, regardless of their, business or religious associations, support the, work. Many.erroneous statenients, made about the Rosicrucians that a ppear in somne books or newspapers are either a* blind to hide -the real or- ganizaition -or refer to à number of small American groups that are at- temptitig'to imitate the Rosicruc ian Brotherhood and have rnisapplied the, Word, "Rosicrusian," to cover ,their activities along superstitions and fa.ds and fancies in.,lg~u and spiritual Inatters. *Ihope that this information will be hielpful and that those se-eking more informnation will write to the head- quarters, for authe4tic statenents.- Gerda 'M. Nelson, 315 'Mapfle avenue, *Miss Carol Clarke of New York Cit'Iio v as here to attend Miss Janie Young as maid of hionor at her niarria,%e to Williamn C. White of È.vanstoi, on Saturday, has returned with hem parents to their homne in 111e east. Miss Clarke was a class- miate of the bridle at National Park sexniniamv in Washington, D. C. SONS' MOTHERS' DAY. IS SUNDAY, MAY. 10 Chanel replica in two- piece Z e ph yr diagonalI st ripe. Slantitsg patch pock- ets and ail dct ails of tht, Paris original1. Combina- tions in Sea-Sand, Corail, Blue feaven», andý Grey. $25400. A three-piec e r plista of Chanel's new ZePhyr stripes. Tan zW'th sleeeess blouse of red and bNue stripes, and n a vy ,Mth white,: yellow and bise in, thé blouse. P29 50 Arm in Arm with Spring are these ail ber lite- Youretifotograpn,. LEugene L. Rai 1CHICAGO AVE.. EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 2238 'J -~ r '-j f