Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 27

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Girls' Club ý.... Harriet W'ebster Tri-ship Club ....... Bill Sundiof H-unor....... ......... Dave Lot Inquiring Reporter ........Jane Orr Book Reviews....... Ruth Jackson Reporters Alice :Atséh~ii., 1Ethel Alnderson-. jobtu Barden, Enuma Bickhani, Jack Hicks, .Bid Howard, Bob Hutchings. Virgituia Lotz, Harry Kinne, Xiland Kus, jack Mcc, J. McConnaughey. Meta' Miller, 'Ear1i Moss, Mazie Mouat, Jane Norman, George Ogan. Babe, Ricli, Virginia Rietielimier- Leila White, Jane Yost. WHAT CONSTITUTES AN EDITORIAL? \\'h'at shouhh an edlitonial.,>e : A learne(l dissertation on world )eýace. a s t irical cominieilit on it aneictioir, a scruta ' n iii )riint, or a hutuorous lnaIii-bcril)t suicli las mlighit appear iii oionuf : -u r c urrent magazines ?A'- corling to'the lwsof flec'Mèdes anil PersianS. an editoni<l-s--htui+lanx "\hu Vhen and \rîec ail ini tu rIrst 1pairagraîtbl. That sotunds like at new article tuis, After al. an edi- oratcd on anid poisled, iiii'lt u~xtr ofthlie xriter. \\< lt at Ibis colunînîu is ithe .hast "attratcti\e ini the p nc'.uiaiiiiy bccair u riters 1111m itoui of has an.n iitilt01at \\-Iii bcut al in- lt restimîg lulihe 1readers (fb'cac ont, or xx oîn.oie rad thein 't. XV feuv] quI<jiteIlike shouiting. "HI-Iei j«Ii> ' îe fthc fainouis ifiister Ili the MI orniig Dal1v, buit we are snv iiinintmic tb'tt herea fIer wciniakce no ~iî:itrr:'tes asto théiî. aterial ili :1'hktî doesni't nieed to catiýc alarmn on îb.e Iart of any,ýonie ho is eaiiyý .excÉited or anîagoinzed, 4s lie wvi11 inf ail- )robal)ility be so duli that no one wil 1 aware of his e'xistence. Un- derstand that 'if we i-ssued our ownf p)apel- ihiýn the schiooi pontais,, we %vouIlbave stuif ini the p)eriodical that %vould njake vounr verv hair rise with exciteineut, thrill, and, -oh -wtelip , ie had better iot say any miore, or we shah get into trouble. \Ve wish to assure the p)ersoni who The differepce betwee ptneuTonia Is th.tt one and the. other ln ehests moi s in Lois: "How corne those freukles oI Your face?" Leonard: "oh, 1 slept in the shado oi' a sc'een door.' Spark: "o' your friend corning along with bis driving?" .Plug: "The poor guy took a turn for the worselast week." Ray .ý"YoU oughit to sec our chuirchi Jean: "Lead me to it." Trate Pullmnan Traveller: "Hley, willl you .kindly'shuit up and ltlnme slcep? What 'is this -anyhlow, the catllec'? Nick "Nope, sorry ol' top-Yiu nust 1)e in, the wrong. place." First $1lory Man: "Wha's tie malterý .Iove ! \hy ain'l you ut 1hr'nu' tinight ?"1 Steùnd Sto'Man : ".,%wI ean't. get iii, inue xxuf.e ' k- le icouI." t.e. ,,thaten, ourse. A special rate the student to piav twelve times for a nominal féeeha aiso been granted. If the manage- ment had any doubt about how great- ly, their kindnes s would be appre- ciated, they were certaïily reassuned by* the large. crowds1 of both boys and girls that showed.up at the Course for the first, lesson on last Saturday inorning. Intruictions: to various classeswene being given.by Mr. ~u derson, Mn. Nash an .d Miss. Boulton fnom 8:30 un-ltil -12 o'chock., These wifl be «continued on Saturday momnings unifuly 1. N. T-. Band -Has 1 Benefit Concert «Friday, April 24, -The Nc\"w Trier band, under the. di-» rec&tion of Mn. Schumiiaci.er, prescrits Intran2ura-1 Sport 'soffly concert for the vear on, th;. N wj Frîda ' e-einv, Apnîl 24; atP,1p. nm. ini Mr. cbumcherand tlieh î 'l'Ie leaders iii the freshnîan divi- nlmebrs . certainlv eçv public ijloft tue intranliural1 volyhaîl are support, flot ,on1ly becauise t1lev hav r \'ankinýk,' with four gaines xvon and 1 wonked lhari, lbut '.ecausc the - rle none lost, and *uke with fourl ceedsý are to lLrchase Soinie h< ga s on utwth Qone gate lost. inieed inistrumients. Ctonleads the sopbs xvî wth three 'fhe prograni is asfoos xx on an u e 'Io',t. Te 4ufi;r aem lc, Our Colum bit Forevt'r. i beader(i h1v\-Fuikholîser m'.110 lias NV... . .Paris ('hamboir scored four t0 bis credit, \\ith no (le- P opufl:r Geins, eltinOf)puratic feats. \Vehr eads fltheniors i Airs......William A. Ilochihelim, al-ofu o n nn i u:rC: larinet Solo, Sceites and Air l'lie voilevýItal tounnaîtient xv111h ho ('harles Mlh' completed ini about two weceks. Thjis is .WTnnit'red ice aecompanist spor, waer blo nd hudbll ae 'O'erture, 'Morning, Nopn and Nigt. sport, ýýater pol.and.hanball.a.eVon Sip thue only remaining indoor sports. lmareh, 'Battie Roytl . Fredl Jewell * . 'erenade, The Blushbihg Rose. .. >1 harles U .Johns.znn Thîe plavgrounid iafl founrne\y startecl March, Little Traveler. Fred Jewell- h1astý FridaY.. There ve.re four ganties Cmind Bands, Schunachn het Mineîia Watz, .olly Fellows TtR. V01lstedt piaved.aterbét -,iinila';uite de Coneeýî't No. 1, L'Ar*lesýienne 14 10 Il ; FPlaningam lidefeateil Caton i Q... Gorges ;,Bizet to 4- Christensen swapiped Aschcn- .X meriean Patrol ..F. W. M en cha n hach 8Tte,1 and Colonial MNaréeh bah8f 1* n Oaks and .Persing ...... heXtxv R. B.Hall foughi t tQa, tiewhich xill hl, o e______________ plaved ont later. . . INQUIRINO REPO R TER Playgnouind bail is one of flic most Question interesting and successfiui of the in-te tranîural projects., as it draws more, What i s vour opinion aboutte entrants. who actuallv coule otnt to Horne Reading system in connection play than .any oth.en sport. :with the Englïsh courses?. The ate poo .nict i coing JANE LUDWIG, '31-I helieve the ~ ;,~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ;~ ~ present svsteni tobequtefiin to the public's attention recentiy as the talking picture, "Fast and Loose," l'ie plot of "The Best People" deals with the unwillingness of modern vouith to accept the social dicta and the stunhborn prejudice of a previous generation, and with the :successful breaking down of outworn class& dis-. tinictions which. stili éxist inmode r if e. The çast includes Mr. Kahler, Miss Wilson. Mr. Smatl, Miss Fraser. Ruth' Mearns, -Madelon Beall, Miss Bredin, Mr. Christensen, M.Capn-, ter, Mr. Shearer,ý Mr. 'Grater, Mr. Reamn and: Mr. Schumachèr. The .play is being directed by' Mr Van, Kir-k.. Miss Grover is tech.nical. (irector, and Mr. Heron bas charge of ticket sal 'es and publiéity. Ail seat.s vill be reserved and tickets went on. sale. beg,--inig NfoiidaNl.'at the school. AJdvisor Rfoomn NotesI Girls' Advisor Rooms 1.Mis's Hadden's advisor room i having -a series. of debates ivhich are. ô( continue tlhrough aà.period -of'sev- eréal vveeks. The first of the group %va givS on Tuesday, 'Apr il 14. The ni)ecduer, fire, was eSoror.iti 1es."' Mliss Cole's sophomore girls arean- ticipating an îîteresting prograni for Fridlav of this week, Marth.a Morse. the oniy girl in the room Who went oni the Washington trip, bas willinagly consented to talk to her room about lier experiences which she hiad on' thi-, trip.. Doris Benison thoughtfully mailed a crate of luscious,,Ëlôrida. oranges to lier Sister advisees. A goQd& ti .me was. lîa'd I1 ail at. the feast, excep t t he fact that the hostess wasn~t present. Mi ss Wilsoén's and Miss ýEvans' ad- visor 'groups are contending for a mninimu ti ardy-to-class record. The wurse is a generous b ox of chocolates. Think of the poor girls who .are diet- îi-, when the race is' over! RADIO CLUB IN CONTEST The fneshlnien who entered the Radio club's contest are now busily engaged in building their'radios. To thie person who buiids the best short-ý wýave'seta seveni tube radio W-ihl be awanded a s prize. ,Tis ,contest us meant to interest mnore peopleiii the Rado lub. gles and doubles, was cuue LUU4y. PETITIONS DUE SOON Several petitions have been signed for the Girls' ;club officers of the next schéool year. More petitions are avaîlable but must be turned l)eh- tmreen thé last ,Thursdaw ini Apnil and the first Thursday .in May. -blig-ed to choose our books fromi the ,-omipanatively snall i:lsts which is "uven to the different classes. Fre - nItenitly good books which L Àotild like to read are recommended to mne, but I find that they are often not, on the assigned 1is. A langer list, .ýuclu as we had last year,1 offers much. more varety. Mn. Jones' roon'i had two speakers ast week. On Monday, C. P. Dmibbs "f Wilhîette spoke. On Thursday, Dan Wachs spoke about oratory. Mr. Chistensen gave'a very inter- estiýng taik about: "The Powers of he rticity" to Mi-. Asceenbach',s noom.

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