Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 1

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to .Assume c ice Tuesday, 7- MOTHER'S DAY I The entire North Shore.Area council of the -Boy -Scouts wilil turil out for a Council-Wide ceremonyatRvinia Park Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10, àt 3 o'clock, ta pay tribute to the mothers, according to an announcement by Henry Fowler of Wilrnette, presi-" dent of the council.. The Girl Scouts, Camp, Pire Girls and Girl. Reserves of the whole area have also been invited. and have accepited the- invitation to joi in this tribute to, mothérhôod. Sev- eral bands and drum and bugle corps will furnish music for the review that will open the prograin. As the varions units pass before the reviewing stand, they will swing around and corne to a hait facing the grandstand wbicb will be reserved for the mothers of those' taking part in the parade. There will be a very short program at this tine in keeping with the purpose of the day. It is expecied that National and pas- sibly international Boy Scout officiais the project 18 neing niost entnusiasuically received by al of the people serving as leaders jn these organizations. James R. Goetz of Winnetka, com- missioner of, the North. Shore Area council, -Witb lis staff of, district and deputy commissioners, will have charge af -assembling and marùching the various districts past the reviewing stand. He has called a meeting of aIl district and deputy commissioners to meet at the Council headquarters at 7:30. p. ni., -Tl"2vA oecl 2R- tonL ,iner.1al de "Ol1de Towne Foikes"» HoId Dinner May 12 "ýYe Olde Towne Foîkes" plantu t have their annual dinner and visit at the Wilmtrette .Masonic Temple audi- torium. on T*uesday evening, May 12. The first meeting was held in 1892, There are still some of the original' niembers with their children and grandchildren on its roll of members. Wilmette Civic League to Elect Officers Today The annual meeting of the Wil-ý mette Civic Ieague .will be held at the Uàiversity club, Chicago,, today at 12:15 o'clock. Election of officers and direcetors for the ensuing year will also be held. Or. Donald M. Gallie, nresi- WELFARE TICKET'. IN -CLEAN .SWEEP Pre- In Carbon P., Dubbs,- candidate for Village president,,on the -Public Wel- fare ticket,ý and the, entire slate of that party were sweptý into office Tuesday by a decisive majority in-the hecaviest vote ever polled in a -Wil- mette election. 'the total- vote' cast s urpassed -5900 and- represents slight- ly less than 100 percent of the voting strength of the village, which is esti- mated at somewbat in. exce.ss of 6,000. 1The new officials will be installed Tuesday, May 5. *Mr. Dubbs cârried ten of the twelve precîncts, - Most of them by overwhelming major.ities., The two precincts giving a majority to lits opponent, Frederick J. Newey, stan- dard bearer of the Wilmette Civic party were the third and fourth situated in the northeast section of the village, the fourth being Mr. Newey's preçinet and the 'third, Mr. Dubbs' own bailiwicc. Landl. efor 0*Ii. A perusal of the. vote indicates that the southeast section of the vil- lage, the'entire 'near west side and the f ar west side went overwhelmifig-. ly in favor of Mr. Dubb§8 and the, Public- Welf are siate. New trustees elected were Stacy C.. Bennett, Albert W. Froclide and Arthur Lee. Going down to defeat with Mr. Niqwey were trustec candidates Floyd B. Weakly,, Henry J. Brandt, and Evan k James. gregation present teo near IJ Mathews. . On Sunday the Church school the Uni$ church will join that the. hof athe Uoly Comfori, at the latter church ta ýhear, a ta' by Ci. Russell. Small, suiperintendel af the, Senior'Sinday, school at tI Union church. Lon... ........ Ros Esti Soci.ty -P 48..................... . I...........42. Whether to give your, boy the quiries ta the credtt bureau flCI privilegeg and advaaatages of a was announced this week. Theý one exception ta the Iiew rt summer camp. and what camp shall When the persan about whom a* it be--these and other questions mette business nman wants certail may find their solutioni by red- formation is a Wilmette residen ing the boys' camp advertisemeat charge wil be made by the Wiho on pge 1 ~~ ~Credit -association for cals to credit bureaus of, Evanston or c --------arby cities or villages. - Dubbs Winners on Tuesdays.ýB.allot-

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