Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 24

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Jesdenta ÇEtel * An atmosphèere that is at once qjuitly sojyhisti.cated and1 *ayly,,alive ..,an atms~Iereth't abouncls *th men anda womenl of the sort you want to) live about. An.tmiosphere that coin- binles home and the nccessary.ýquali- tie"s f smnrt Service. OverlookinA the new chamjui.onshitp Lincoln Park Aoif course -and hrezeàsWe"l,?tBelmont I larbor . . . yet Just fifteen nir;nutese from îteh~ uxy, ustlinà 1oop. A home, more like a country clulb, jarAe or smal'tûites and idtclinettes -it N,>ery rea.qonable rates, A diinéý * roo(M secondà to none. The Belmnont! Thke smart.hotet. ..the gracious home. Sheridan Rd. at Belinont Harbor Phone Bittersweet 2100 B. B. WILSbON, MGR. ýShéeer legance, jPerfect service, re- fined beauty. Dozens qof eniticemùents for those wh , o in for' sociability- eaeh feature is distinctive and com- jee...the farnous Sovereign Bwimming pool. .: the dining om oiffering unsurjlassed cuisine ..the spaciouts ballroom. AIl combine.to mahe the Soverei§n a deliàhtful home. Fois sinýIe rooms, h0teI suites or kitchlenettes -- ou'Il, fisnd the Sovereiýn truly ple:ting, in ýsize-in elegant frihns-nrates. Hotef roomis t only $,3.00 and $4.oo fer day.* Suites consi.tin'ý of livin with Inador beds, dininý room',v iéih cari Le used as bedroomi, and kitcheni- ette as IoNv as .$ 120.00 per monith. An early visit willsBurely déliAht v'ou. 6200 Kenmore at Granville Phone Briargate 8000 HK L. JoliNsoN,- MGR. 9»ink oJ/uJaIIwt ani Amotig the farewell parties that have been given for Mr. and Mrs. %Çalvert was a diniier and bridge given by Mr. and Mrs. E. H'. Pearson of .422 Tentlî street. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Smith, 1711 Laurel aveniue', will entertain at dinner. this -eveéning for theÇaîverts._______ WE PROMISEDý REX BýEACH FOOT COMFORT He got it! -x Beach-agthor, playwrigt id sponrtsman-is nnlvone c lt of mremibers of the cnurcn unucr the auspices of the Foreign Service de- partmnent of thé Women's union. The titie role is being plaved by Flovd Williams, a senior in the X\orthwestern university Sc hool of [!'nginieerir1g, miith Hazel Singleton, a graduate of the Schi)o of. Speech,. who lias been active in productions of the Masque players, carrying the fernijine Iead,., Other members of the cast are Pauline Griffith,, Robert Caldwvell. 1Mary.. Virginia . Bauer, Wit-, lard W. Grant, and Nobel Rompel. Marie L. Moeckel is directing the performiances and is assisted. by Marie '1'olenen, Who is in charge of produc- tion,, Mary Elizabeth Spauldiïg, .whoý is ini charge of lighting, and Hele L4awson, who is iii charge of proper- ties. Ail, as are thé memnbers of the cast, are .either students.or gra(lu- ates,,of the school of speech. Mrs. Burt J. Deiiman of Wilrnette is chairiian of the Foreign' Service departmient, whichi is sponsoring the production for the benefit of an In- fant Welfare station in Chemnulpo, Korea. At present this station is housed in a- bedraggled native 1 1îut, WhIichi servesý as the only clinic- for,. Scores of .ailinig- babies. Aifrieda Kostrup, the "graduaàte. nurse, who'is.. .1 charge, visited Evanston last year and>won the sympathies of the wonî- en wvhen she told 'of the need for $5,000O with which tQ ecrect an ade- quate building for the clinic and for the instruction of inothers in the care of children, fjaviing sent $900 for tbis.cause, the department seeks now to buiild the sunm up to $2000 a nd presents "Toni- tii" as one medns of dloing so. Mrs. W'illiam M.* Keeley is in charge of tjicket sales. Others whà are as- Sisting, Mrs. Denpian in niaking ar- rangements are Mrs. Fre-d WT., Sar- geit', MrsI. Walter Edwartd Schwindi Mrs. Arthur W. Milîs, Mrs. Adolph, Lindstromn (Wilmette), Mrs. Frank E. Baker, Mrs. Frederick H. Sheets, Mrs. 'Albert E. Cross (Wilmnette), Mlinnie Terry, Mrs. Ralph A. Ward. i\rs. Merrill J4 Hoînies, Mrs. U. SA Grant, Mrs. Lawrence J. Lard.ner. S ANTI BROS. DAIRY Pasteurized MiIk and Cream-Butter ,and Sggs P HON ES * Tho Notural Shoai. 0f Anyone' having. such articles to The Normal Foot donate is asked to comnmunicate with the chairrman of the Wilmnette board, Mrs.* Leslie W. Millard of 510 Wash- ington avenue, and she will arrange for their collection. 1735 SHERMAN AVENUE Mr.H 1.Ptibone of Mil waukee GREENLEAF 611 as been. the bouse guest this, week OpenSa*uda~Evenugs of. Mrs. George S. Roberts, j,135 Lk ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ avenue, .4 4' qL Plencoe 606. Highlànd Park 1581

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