Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Apr 1931, p. 18

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aoles of Jesus," this oe, belng. "The Conquet oft the Storni." A story for the, boys and girls là cafled "'A Day with Jsus ln Ca.perraumi" and la fol- lowed 'by a,. sermon-time kindergarten period ln charge of MISS Nettie Kauf- 'nan. On. Sunday evenlng at 5:.30 the're wIll b. aà Union meeting of the Young Peo- ple's sôciettes of- the Congregational', Methodiat, Presby(rlan anld Baptiat churches. Supper*will'be serveti prompt- ly At' 5:30, charge 15c. The prograni following, wIll be, helti lu. the Church auditorium with Miss Grace Benjamin of the Univeraity of> Chicago,:as the èpeake'. She will give us. a viviti pic-ý ture of ber.experiences ln Social, Serv- ice work in Chicago, uslng as lier toplc; "Some'Brothers I Have -Knowfrl." Next Wednesday evening, April 29, a t ~-8ocI~ka discussion of plans for our new building -wil be ,held.* It la lm-ý portànt that. ail ur members who pos- sibly can shoulti attend thia meeting end be' lnfo'rmed of the progress lu plans. Saturday, May 2, about flfty m~ernber and friends of this church wvll take thie trip te Bloomington to witneaa the Pas- sion Play. They wll bIave arounti six o'cloek lu thie morning and return as- ooon as thie play ia over. Saturday, April 25, the boys and -girls ln the Junior-Internxediate departments wlll attend the Chldren'a Rally of Chi- cago at the Imnianuel Baptist church, 2328 South Michigan boulevard. Our nart ln thé- urortn la t.ta, nresnithe. Tihe play la belng directed .bY AiSS Piianl Hoose. -Mrs. JHL A. Ovsand Mrs. A. Heerens are in fiharge ef the costuming. Those' In- the play wifl leave thie church at 11:30 Saturday morng, snd the.rest efthtRe group wil mneet at thse church at 12:30. The pastor and Msr. Alilson, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Guthridge, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Clark, Mrs. J. W. Stougisten, Mr. Charles Major and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin PRielpu represented this churchs at the cloeing session ef the Chicago Baptist, Social Union on Tuesday. Telephone Wilmxette 64 anid 688 Morning worship ......... Il a. m. Sunday sehool........ 9:30 a. m. Juniorschool .. ... . .. 11a. m. Y. P. *C. E. ........5:30 p. m. P'rayer meeting, Wdedy ... p. m. We cordlailly welcorme stranigers and visitorà to ail services, of the church. Morning worship. at the. usual hour, The services will be conducted, and, the sermon pre.ached by the Rev. mSelden L. Haynefî 'D.D. of the Presbyterian', Theologicai*seminary. It willlý be re- membered that Dr. Hayýnes suppýlied our. i)uIpit Sunday, April' 12 and al who he ard hlm wilI be gIad Of the p lrivilege. 0f hearlng hlm again next Sùnd4y morfi- ing. There are Suànday school classes for, ail ages. If your, chil4fren are flot at- tendlng Sunday achool elsewhere we ex- tend a cordial -invitation to you .to. bring them. to visit our- achool and then en- roli them here. Ch'ris ian Endeavor will meet at 5:30 P. m. at the Wilmiette Baptist church in~ a Coemunity meeting Sunday, April- 26. The leader at Prayer meeting Wednes;- day, Ap'rll 29, wili be announced from the pulpit. Ail are invlted to this most helpful meeting of the church. The Woman's society wili meet ili.L the following groups Tuesday, April 28: Spoke 1 with Mlrs.. P. H. Post, 1234 Wilmette avenue; Mrs. Harriet Knowl- ton, co-hostesa. SSpoke 2 wlth Mrs. John Robinson, 514ý Gregory avenue. Spoke 3 with Mrs. Robert Swalm, 701 Laurel avenue, Prlday, May* 1. Spoke 6 with M.rs. George A. Thurs- by,.1716 Highland avenue, 1:30 o'clock. Spoke 7 wlth 'Mrs. James S. Barcus, 303.Seventeenth street. Spoke 9 wlth Mrs. Louis N, Benner,, 1330 Greenwood avenue. Spoke 10 wlth Mra. R. J. Ryerson,ý 210 SixtRi street, at 1 O'clôck. Spoke il with Mrs. R. Tencéhe, 829 Ashlanti avenue. Spoke 12, place to be. announced, froii puilpi. Presbyterian Union will meet Friday, May 1 at the Drake hôtel beginning wlth a dinner at 6:30 Q'clock. The speaker, ]IYr. John C. Acheson, nresident Macales- The Northmlnster Presbyterian choir and the Wilmette EngIlih Lutheran choir will unite for a musical concert ln the Northmlhster Presbyterian church, Evanston, Sunday evenlngi May 3. The. Sunday school, is maintalnlng It$ hlgh average of attenidanàcç. A"bl1rthdayr party for ail having blrthidays during the first :four months of the year wil!. be held In the Sunday achool auditorium FridEay evenlng, May 1. If, your bfrthdayi Is in January, February, March, or April be sure to attend the Sunday ý,chool blrthdaLy party. The church auditorium was filled-for ouY tenth annlversary program lâst Sun- day evening. We recelved, so many favorable comments upon this program that the sponsorsà are conslderlng others similar and as good for next faîll. The feature -ofý the program was a radio vIsit to Sweden. The combined choi'rs of Northminister Pesbyterlan church of Ev- anston and our own church rendered two fine chorus -numbers_ very acceptàbly. We are glad that you came to visit with us. If you ýhave, no church home on the noth. shore, worshipý regularly ln "A flouse.of Wo6rshlp."o First C ongre gational, John G. Hlndley, minister 3. Clair Mlead, director of religlous education The Sunday morning worshlp service is held at 10:45 o'clock. Next Sunday Mr. Hince'ey wlll preach on "The Sacrament of SlYrjflg.f Music by the quartet and choir wlll center around the sanie theme. There Is a place for boys and'girls of ail ages ln our chùrch school program. The following schedule indicates the' tune and age grouplngs» followed from Sunday to Sunday: P1rimary (grades 1, 2 a~nd 3): 9,:30 to 12 a. m. Junior (grades-4, 5 andi 6); fi:3O to 10:45 a. mi. Intermedhtte (grades 7 andi 8): 9 :30 to 10:45 a. m. Beginners (pre-school): 10 :45 to 12 a. In.. *High school (ail four years) . 12 0io P. M. The closing meeting of the hlgh schocl series belng helti on Sunday evenings wlll be the union gathering 0of Wilmette young people at the BaptIst church on next Sunday at,5:30 p. mi. Following a light luncheon, the groups wlll be ln- troduceti to Miss G race Benjamin of the University of Chicago and con- nected wlth the Juvenile Court activities of-the clty. Ml§s, Benjamin will talk on the very InterFstlng subjeet. "Some* 1Friday, May 1, the Central circle wlill me5t ln the church for llucheon at 12:30, followed by the monthly busi-' ness meeting and sewlng. Mrs. M. G. Hopf, Mrs. J. A. Savhlle, and Mrs. A. J. 1'aylo'r will be..the hostesses.' The Young Marrieti People's club. wlll meet on Frlday,, May lst, at 8 oclock, at the horneof Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Doneisôn,'219 l7th street. Members ef tha church are asked. to. keep the following -coing events ln mmnd: Tuesday, May 5: The annual Ladies Night dinner and programn of the Men's club., Wednesday, May 13: The Parish din- ner and Sp'rlng Thank Offering service., Metko.dist Church The munie for the . worshlp service next Sunday morning is as follows. The organ. prelude: "Up, the Saguenay". by Russell and "In Summer"' by. Stebbins. The postlude. '"Toccatai" by d'Evry. The' choir will slng "'Fear Not, O Israel", byy Spicker andi "I Sought the Lord" by Stevenson. The menibership classes for Junior' and Intermediate boys and girls will be held during the church hoiur- Sunday mornlng, These, boys and girls wllIl at- tend,; the sanctuary service. untîl. the. singlng ofthe bymn preceding the sr mon. Thée-Junior class, led by ,Theodoreé ;vayer, will then assemble in the Junior room, andi the Initermiediate cl'ass, led by Miss Lillie Mac Huniphries, wiUl meet In the Philathea room. The High School league will have a uniteti meeting with the three other h.-h school leagues in Wllmette this ýevening at fWVe-thirty in the Baptist church. Miss GI'ace Benjamin will tell utf 'Some -People I Have.K nown." A supper will be served, A 0frl Scout trainiug course will be held this Monday nIght at 7 :30 in the Glrl Sco ut rooni and. *wll continue for ixsucces iVe Monday nlghts. This Is open to ail womnen interested lu learn- ing more about Oirl1 Scouting. Commit- t .ee members, mothers, an4 lprospective, leaders are especla lly urged to attend. The Friendly Girls',class will holt i Is regular social meeting Tuesdayý evenlng at '8 o'clock In thée Woman's room. Hostesses: Dlesdamnes F. P. Proc tor, J. A. Prescott, .and E. V. Tubbs. Al wo- men of the church are cordllyinvited. The Chicago; Methndist SonnialUnion A Girl BSut traJning cours4 ,gfvU4u at thse Methis t Soi beglnwg Mohday, Apnil 827 ai Wb" kla open t> "Y ute a~v dreetr for or( 1 ne 1,utnerieague or seurea, L LIMe * ac1I j'r wiu utbuuni a taiin doon. An entîre evening's enteitalument I. LtUUn te be le assuned. Support the youpg peopie's Growing eut of thse trip te Blooming- Room, play. I ton, thie discussion of the Mid-Week, P. m. meeting on Wednesday ýwill be on "Thé *d in The Chicago confereneeetof14 Unlte&j Jesus et Drama."'Mn. Hindiey wil lieà.d, n tRie Luthémsu chuirçh wiii ops iM-, pring asud ail wRio have seen Jesus.enactedl in Show. convention lu -Woo«lstoec., II., Morsday.. ç4er or Picture are lnvlted te attend and -- eoir...... iýS 5fl*C* et Charale No. 1 In Enmajor.............. Cesar Franck William H. Bannes, Orgs.uist and Director, First Baptlpt Churcis, Evapiston, Illinois Ottertory-By thse Waters of Babylon......... ........ .Karg-Eiert Miss Marie Briel Fugue ln R-fiat (St. Ann'.)- . .3. S. Bach Thse Chapel ef San Miguel (MS.> ... .... lm.' S. Se4er The beip0f the olti chapel at Sauta Fe ring 'the Angelus, thse suu sets,

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