Ail Tele~phn and C.,O. D. Orders, Carefully ind: QuIckly Deliverd .Carge:Accotants Solicited froua Reiable !People iYn h l-M- 0î By Telephone, A dozoni words in àa-flehn- . fow deft swings of. th ii eavr - a rn g et your. ktchen bell - and, presto: your order is fil.-succul.nt Meats t moderate cost. L.ts demonstrate. LEG OF LAM.B1 fancy, fresh tender cuts, only, lb.,. . . . . .. . 211/2c POT ROAST, choice cuts cf tender beef lb...................... I VEAL ROAST, boneless, rolled, lb... RIB ROAST, bonelessi rolled, lb.... BACON, v.ry best, sliced, 3-lb. pkg.. 191/2c .24c 32c 89C chairman and hostesu1 at her home,, 1004 Michigan avenue, at a one. o'clock luncheon; Link D met with Mrs. Fred Borgfeldt of, .1215 Gregory. avenue, thé bostess and Mrs.. R..ý C. Johnson, the 'chairman for:-the sew- ing and tea. Today twô FridayI Links aret f be in session, Link R meeting for des- sert. and 'coffee at 1 :30, with M'rs. G. N. Lamb of' 115 Wooàdbineavenue the host ess and Mràs. E. 0. Ander- son. Link S, with Mrs.>. Harry Kerr the,, is meetingr at the home of Mrs., E. A. Claar, 1301.m Chestntt avenue, for sewing at 1:45 anid tea. eLink E, with Mrs. Stacey, Benniet chairmian, bas postponed its meeting until May .1, and Linký H, ýMrs. R. F., Lyncli .chairman, :will flot tfeet this month. N. U. Alumnae Hostesses at l7ea Ïhursday, Apr. 30' The board of the Associate Aluni- nae of Northwestern university will. entertain the wives of trustees and friends of tbe university at .a tea April 30, at the -home of Mrs. Fred W. Sargent,. 2870 Sheridan place, Evanston. Miss- Cyrena Van Gordon of the Chicago Civic Opera wiIl he &u22L of honor. Assisting Mrs. Sargent ini receivingý spring roast, SIRLOIN STEAK, select cuts, tender, lb.. . 38c SWEETBREADS, genui ne calve si swe et- breads. . . . . . . .. MONDAY SPECIALS Frpsh Spareribs, 2 lbs.. Ssuerkrauf, lb... ... 59e 25C Mrs. Honier W. Bang is in charge- of arrangements and members of ber conimittee are -Mrs. Arthur M. Long, Mrs. Horner H. Cooper, and Mrs. Alfred S Wiltberger. Miss Beftty Ketchani, daughter of the Craig Kéehanis of 611 Abbotts- ford .rûad, keniiworth, entertained 1a group of the high school young peo- pie at a Sunday night tea last week Ralph *R. Hawxhurst H. G. Zauder, Jr. H. V. Crooka Ralph R. Hawvxhurst, 618 Essex ,road, was, reelected president of Kenilwvorth at the annual Kenilworth Village elec-, tion Tuesclay of this week. He had pre- viously served two ternms as president of the village and one ternu as village trustee. Richard Wolfe, 414 Essex road, ýwho has servecl two ternis as village trustee, was reelected. to that, office.: The. two new. nenibers of1 the Kenilworth Vil- lage board are Hamry,'V. Crooks, 615 Cumnor road, and Hénry G. Zander,_ Jr., 736 Cuninings avenue.., Theyý were elecýted to take, the places of joseph Joyce, 53, Essex road, and George R. 705 Main Street Grtenlea# 2989 IStreet 43551 CHMAIIRSAN TA»BLIS FOR1 REliT FOR ÂLL OCCASIONSB NILMETTE3 2 5121 MAIN ST..