'Goya, tamous Spanish uancer. Camola Goya is considered one of the really jgreat atists of the day, onie who has beeni received with resound- ing acclaim both in this country and abroad: Along with La Argentina-. she is the outstanding -expoùent of the Spanîsh dance. Assisting artists will be Beatrice' WetIer,. renowned. young Asuerican harpist, and -Raman GGouzalez,_ Spaii- ish concert pianist, each of whoml will play solos anrd-'accornpa.isnienits.. While the appearance ý of Camola Goya is primarily a Northwesterù university functionl,,a selected lilock of seats.is being resèrved.for resid-' ents of the, north ýshore who nmay be interested in, seeing bher. The isun- ber of stats-set aside for this pur- pose is uecessamily li mited. Anyonie in the sîorth shôre..villàges desiring to reserve seats inav get:iii touch with James WVorthy, Greel- leaf 8865, it is announced. "Indoor" Pienie Is Gi4'en by Ray Zahers Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zahier, 857, Michigan avenue gave another of their attractive and original enter- tainments last 1Sunday ýeveinig, thse occasion being Mrs. Zaier's father's sixiy,-eighth birthday.. The dining roons wasconverted m-ito a barbecue grave -and the guests were served picnic sulipers .*inhbaskets, . 'Tle carpet, which is 'green, served as an appropriate syinblol for- grass. 'l'le men wore white, flanuels and tiie women sunimer frocks to con!plct,ý the "picnic" sceiie. Ouests inclui'd Mrs. Zalier's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jôlîn jacobson.i who reside witli their s-ilaw and daughter; MIr. and .M r. orace Gregnon, M r. and MN1r*s. {Co rge Scbuster, andi Mr. and., M rs. Mathiew Zakowsgki al of Wiliiettc; "Gene.ý Chujck, and Ray," radio artists : Missý Florenl'ce Carter;. Mr. and Mrs. jack O'Malleyi M.r., and Mrs. Gean Walz,. Mr. and Mms. \V. Camniienl, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Novak. Mr. and Mrs, joseph Geiger, Marty Fay, Frank Magine, and \V. Costigani. who,. on the beautiful farm on the Fox river,. have the beinefit of freslh air,: exercise, schooling, a general health - building, character - formuing programn, and a home. Mrs. George. W. ewert of 6121 Winthrop. avenue. is. in. charge of the mninstrels aidý is, directing the - re- hearsals and the other arrangements. Mrs. justus Chancellor of Witnnctka isý taking: part. in the show and Mrs. Max W. Zabel of, Wilmette and Mrs. George. Karnes of Winnietka are ac- tively interested in the 'success of the afair. The. cast includes thesix end nuen. (also of the' chorus), 'S. Guy Fuilmer, A.. R.. Van. Toil, Fred, Pinkney, Charlesý M.' Jessup, J. W. Harrîott, and Alan Messiffg, of Chicago; the cornedianls and chorus,ý Mr. -and Mrs. W. Hl. Matthias, Mrs. Chancelor, Mrs. Arthur M. Millard, ErminielfW. Buckiier, Mrs. F. W. GraefT, Mrs., 1. W. Herriott. Eduia Kieve.- Dixie- Trernblcy, M~rs. G. WV. Ewert (inter- locutor) aud tlw. ,c.borus, Mrs. J. E. Pluriteil. -Mrs. Edith M. Visger, Heu- riette jacohs, lines Duiuiiig, Russe] 1). Spauilding, Ed.(ithi Martoni, Agnes aueLecu E. Carlson, Anita Dath, l~.lnCarlson, Vere Roberts, Dor- othv Mconald. ,Jeani, JoaniHelenia., and Margaret Staargeard, Alice ler niice Wildes, Gertrude Thoruison., Heleif M. Brausfield, Lorraine. M. Krauss, aîîd Alice Btischiick. Public Forum E'.ditor,W..M.1TIF *Both cal]did(ates .lit our recent lo)cal cleet ton .ire .proînînielit it thuir respct e diîoîîintrom ad 1< c;l clch ei i vs se.NOW is Olur op- lortu\Ilclei er a nîeunhc r oft0t11 Pubic X &'ir pa lxor of Itle k suc pary.î~burt hll i ait ht t oiî un- lfrie indly, or unkiind di su uictsý e ctiu- cîsus Il anld* los .:.le 0['tpiO t O the hlio ll o ir si pit t svc leadiers it i,Ib mal e \\' îîsuttC V illagie oet Unistîdu honses hx sup- s)oritig uext 'Stuuda-'w i ths l Mabel -Sykes Phôo 'The engagement of MiSs Eliza- beth Freund, dâsughter of Mfrs. Florence K. Freund, 125 7'Iird strcet. Winette, and, Frank Stone Tor.qcrsoii. son of A1Ir. ami Mrs. Io vd Torgqersin was onnolinred rc- celilv. The .betrodnhal W.as mowde knozc'n at a tea on Sunda 'i, APril 12. Both 21'iss Freyncl and .11fr. Tor ' erson arc members of the J',uç cgradulatin.q class ai North- Nurses Will Sponsor Benefit, Dance May 8 TIse nurses of the Chicago Tuiber- rs.sinstiîsute are sponsoring 9a: (lai d -cadcar(l larty for the l)eneflt o 1wluel)ers of the Illinois qtat.é N assOciation. . Tieaffair will 1 12 ib le fBal Tabarits of the Hotel rhesus rida... v e-eniig. Mas- 8. 'lieý prt7tP(K l o tcmwartls thee Endowr I i~i 5iiiil t) Iprov-ide a free nd i tht Nu~e~cottage, Edward Ssa îîsusNà Ipe ville. I11. for isjUrst-ý wlo at tihe, annual Recreation Danqu¶. t Wednesday evening at the Shawnee Country club: . Atvte 1. Wonien's Playground ball. Tuesday ev(enings -%Vattn nPark. 2 l. Lessons. Wednesday miornings;. Village Green. 3. Syvimming. Tuesxday anO TIhu'rsdty, afternoons. 4 to à p., m., Wilmnette Beach. Men's Aetivities, i. Playground Bail. Alonday, Wednesday. Friday evenings. Village Green' 2.ý Horseshoes-. T'l dayanidThursday evenings, Village Green. L.Jun.ior or B. playground bail league., .'Iluesday.evenings. Village G1reen, Sireclal Actlvýitles For Bots -Meîi and Women 1. Areery. atu-ra fternooéns., Wash- inïgton Park 2. Hlking çlub, hase to be set later. Daniel. i) avis, director ofre- creation, jn rmaking the summer schiedule stated thiat al l aguies would- start the week ofcfMav 18, and that entries for. the.league'activities were due at the Recreation office,. 914Cen- tralavenue, hy May 4. He, also stated that persons: interested i n thé special activities wouild receive, any addi- tional information concerning the sports and also definite ainnotincemient of the date of .beginkning by coin-' nuuiicatinig with the office. A printed, set of rules'comipiled hby the Recreation Board Were ,diîs- tributed toalal those pre sent' at the, banquet and according to ýMr. Davis have been adopted as the officialI mIes governing the, athletic léagues and ac-, tivities. conducted 1w the Playground and Recreationi board iM the future. Girl Scout, Directors Offer Training Course A prelimnarv meeting Was held. last Mondav night ini the Girl Scout rous of the WVilnIétte Parish Metho- (list church. A course of six lessolss wiIl Isegin Monday nighit, April 27, and is open to any one intereste(Ii tIhe Girl. Scout movemnent It i 1soped that some will corne who are interested intaking charge .oS a traop nlext fal, however, th at,. is not a me- quiremient. Trhe course is beîng given bv tle north shore lbéal director Mfiss Elizabeth Grobben; who is be- ing -assisted -1.)y Miss Lillie Mae Humnphries. It will include tensder- foot, second. and first class work. oui: pionship finas. Mir. end Mrs. H.- W. Jordan of 320, Cimberland road, Kenilworth, lef tthe eàrly part of this week for a short vit-it'to French i.ick Springs, Ind. They. were to join a group oi friends there ( rodi Kanuas City, Mo., and Meniphis, Tenn. scîsool at. Stonle wtch, Mass., and Easter vacation. -- Mrs. E. M. Hiatcb Ind., bas, now gone aftem spendiing three guest of Mms. J. H. Ashland avenue. o was bav of Loganspamt, to, New York weeks as the Dyon of 1310. Mr. and Mrs., F. A. Buck, 1518 Forest avenue, entertained inembers of the E. 0. S. last Saturday evening at their home. *Mms. Thomas M. Kriox of 519 For. est avenue, Wilmiette,;bas returned ta, her home foîlowing a three months io0jôurn at Miami Beach, Fla. on April 15 at that tit ber party. e ner nirtnnay, 0. As she had ne Janet bad Mrs,., E. F. -AniesIef t, Friday for' hér, home in Rochester, N. -Y., afiep a we ek's visit witbhemë sister, -Mrs ., Edwin Hledmick of 304 Meièrose, ave- nue, Kenilworth, 9 i