$5:69 Whw 0x3% 4.40o21 (29 x 4.40). 4.50-20ý (29 9 4.50) $4e98 s$5.60 40750019';$6.65; 4.75.20 s6-75 (19 x 4.75) 5.00- 119 $6-98 5*00-.2C (30 Ir 5.00) 30 x .5 6.00-o21 .<33 w 6.00) $8.30 $j165 your old tires on new, Goodyear A1I-WeaÎth. ers or. Double. Eagles at the New Low Prices!. Wilîete attery &..l teSerview 1740 Twelfth St. Washing-Greasing-J-gnition Service, WilDlOtte 691-696 BUY OURCGAL ON APPROVL There is alwayss s"tohh uigrl'ablte merchandise from 'a, relibefr-h satisfiction of, getting'j your. money's worth. And youcan be just as sure cof your coal ýas of ariything else you buy. Every load of 'Contumers Coal or. Coke is -sold ýunder our guarante. of hgh qualify, fuil weght and saisfaction-" it mus+ sai'isfy you or we remove it and ýrefund your money.",' Phone us your orders wtk entire confidence. YOUR COALI ON.: ý-,.APPRO VAL! IGUARANTEED COAL FUEL OIL SOLVAY COKE D EL 1V E RY @psmes mpaiM k R DS AL L 0OvR T H E mNORTyH I ILMETTE 1300 I INNEIKA 3385 IGLENCOE 75 S HOR E DI1S TRI1CTY OIL CO. Cad, L flraça PIEFL ,arm Tlephoo. Wnn.tka 3020 R.obt. F. Do<el BUY. m