I For jAppointment Pline Wmette.31 54 Yak. a look in the. mirror. Mas your hair test ifs lino. and is if aIl loose If s0, we can Maie it Iovely again wifh our sci*nific permanent waving mothods. And- lov.Iy hair h 50 s s- sential this spring because s. Much of If shows w.4th the n.w hafs. w. ai.r-wave thé. pawtly Oïown ouf- permnanent wav', nmafching tii. n.w waves with those tf111 in -the hait. Ev.ry ýbranch of *very beaufy work le Most- carefsîfly done at our shop. Calil oday'.for an appoinfment. W. offer Genuine RealifrHce'dFr.deriick Permanent Wav.s. W . specialize in, Ladies' and Children's Hafr Cutting) I. IEeauty Salon 11351/ Central Avenue 17e carry a complete Une of costrvtics for home use in lu OLUI Dr. George A. Allison spoke on his recent trip through England which* was charmingly picturesque. And Mr. Oruer spoke on civic interests pertainimng to children. .Miss jessie Pocock gave a recital1 of dance numbçrs with, pupils 'from ber Winmette and Evanston classes1 as participants. Refreshments were served. The last meeting of the year will, be held in May and every parent is urged 'to. attend. The, food sale netted $36. The last sale will bc held, at' the May meeting.ý Mrs.. Kendricks, Mrs. Lange, Mrs. Hoest.1ing, and Mrs. Craig will 'repre- sent the Central Laurel Parent Teachers association at th é State Convention to, bc held in East St. Louis, Apnil 21. Mrs. Craig and. Mrs. Gullickson'will be -representatives to the National Convention to be, held in Hot Springs in M4ay. « The association was delighted to hav~e as its guests on TIuesday, Mrs. Wagner, Mrs. Waugh, and Mrs. Kroeschel, from the newly organized "West Wilmette Parent Teacher as-I ginnng of nlany such friendly visits, f rom other associations. The last J3ulletin of the year will be issued at the May meeting. Many interesting items -concerning next night, April 25,'at 8 'clock 'n ume old auditorium at the high school. Residents of the New Trier vil- lages who saw the faculty men's club production of "Three Wise PFoôls" last year are loôking forward to the- presenitation. of- "The Best People." T1he faculty* men w111 be assisted by several women teachers at the high school and by two graduates of the school.. The cast for the production, as announced this. week, is as follows lime cast Mrs. Bronson-Letlox...... ......Miss Winifred Wilson Bronson-Lenox.. Frederick A. Kahler Maron Lenox ...... Mdelon Beill Butler ............-... Robent Ream Lord Rockmere . .N. G. Christensen Henry .....Robert Carpenterý Miss Tate......... FrPances Bredin George Grafton . . . . C. Russelli SmalI Bertie Lenox ........ Bailey Shearer A waiter...........Clyde Grater Millije......... Helen jean Fraser Alice O'Neill ....... Rth Mearis'r Another waiter. .joseph Schurna.cher Gordon Van Kirk of the New Trier dramatic department is directing the production. H. H. Herron is chair- mnan of publicity.. Ail seats w111 be reserv ed» for the play. Tickets may be obtained by writing Mr. Hernon at the high school or by plioning bim at Winnetka 2400.. Mail resenvations must be accom-: pained by check, Mn. Herron an, FINE QUALITY MEATS FOR LESS MONEY. Special Low PriceaksFri. 6Sae., April 174IS. I STANDING lUE 1'O F DEEF...But cuts 35Clq Other cuts 27e: Eh DLI ERTSUR IÇEawu VA N ID U[IRH'S I --UMM" .1 -- , ý 1 631