*anston Township High school. E. L. bNygaard, superintendent of *thé Joseph Sears .school.,iii Kenil-' woth, is treasurer of th - Lake Shore division. J. R. H arper, supernedn of the Wihnette Public schools, is n member of, the division"s executive comniittee,ý and S. R. Logan, assistant superintendent .of Winnetka Public, schools,-is a inber of its legislative- committee. .Mr . Nygaardý wiii leèad a,« discussion athe af ternoon. general session on proposed changes, in the teachers pension and retirement fund law. Members of'the L.ake Shore division wiil vote on the following'resolution: "Reolvdthat the, Lake. Shore division of .the Illinois State Teach ere' association goon record as favoring the adoption. of a pension law based on a legal revenue basis similar to that pjr,.posed by the pension coin- mnittee of the State Teachers' associa- tion at the last state convention in Springfield; and that it looks with disfavor upon any attempt to con- tinue the present pension law %vith slight modifications." Expect 2,OW Teacliers About 2,000 teachersare ekpected to attend the meeting of the Lake Shore division teachers. Two. general sessions aud the usual sectional mecet- ings will bé held. Among th.e noted *speakers on the program are the fol- lowing: Thomnas H. Briggs, prof essor of sec- ondary éducation at Teachers' college,. Columbia university; Florence Hale. state director of rural education, Augusta, Me.; William A. L. Beyer, professor. at Illinois Staté normal; Felixc Borowski, superintendent of thé' Chicago Civic Music association; Maj. John L. Griffith, commissioner of the Western conférence-; A. Eus- tace Haydon, departmnt of com- parative religion, Ujniversity of Chii- cago; Ernest Horn, professor of edu- cation and director of the university, elementary school, University of Iowa, ,as, ýwii, ias s This view of .railroad track ele votion on the DeIow<&e, Lackawanna and Western raihîray at the Brick Churci. station is gast Orange, N. J.,shows the possibilities for simiar hoack elevation its Wilmtette. In thse opinion of trac 'k, evatin experts and mnicipdal officiais this type of clcvton wodd be an asset toa any towun. LEGAL1 STATUS STUDY CROUP An excellent opportunity t-o ac- quaint yourself with the laws of Illinois that vitally affect. you. Can you afford io miss the privilege of sucli contact witli experts? Tiuie-Friday mnornings at 10 :30. Place-203 N~. Wabash' avenue, Chicago, Rôom 1218. Speakers April 17-Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulliock--"Rights in Marriage and Divorce." April 24-Noble Lee-"Property Riglits." May 1-Dr. Sophinisbaý Breckinridge -- "Acting Capacity."* May 8-M rs. Raymiond .Sirons- "Riglits and Obligation." bis before. the General Assembly and this is Our last opportunity to consider them and, plan the next steps in the work which will assure their successful outcome. 10:30-12:30: conmittee meetings. 1:00-2:;30: luncheon, Mrs. Alfred D. Kohn, pre- ,siding. 1. Reports by chairnien on1 legislative measures. 2. The Spring- field Review. A skit produced by Mrs. Guy Cornwell and League meni- bers from Elgin, Evanston, Glen El- lyn, Hyde Park, Northwest, Oak Park, Riverside', South Shore and Western -Springs. Reservations made through, Mrs. Harry Burnside, WVil-. mette 4052. NEiCT MEETING 0F LEAGUE On April 27, Fioyd T. G oodier, superintendent of. schools,, Clhicago 'Heights, wili present "Desirablc Schooi Legislation for Illiinois."' Mrs. Anna Wiimarth Ickes, Civil Service." Both subjects are apropos.. Save the date. ing more ntroduc- *wilI 6e and fun One course i& to meet for eix con- secutive Monday evenings at 7:30 at the Methodist Parish House >in Wil- mnette. The first meeting wiil be Monday, April 20. 11 r The second course is to, meet on Tuesday rmornings for ýsix weéksco- niencing April 2Z1, at 9:30 o'clock, at Christ churcli Parish House in, Winnetka. Persons interested in .joining, either of these- two courses. are invited to sign up at the Girl 'Scout :office, at Christ church Parish House, or cal i. Miss Grobben at Winnetka, 884. ýMiss Woodward, leader of the Ev- anston Girl Scouts, is off erin'ga Tramping and. Trailing- course oi Monday mornings. She takes lier group, which consists of leaders f roi Evanston, Winnetka, and perhaps others, to -some sunny "woodsy" spot where they learu to cook on easiiy made and iugenious fires. A First Aid course for Winnetka, Scouts and leaders is to be given iin, the Girl Scout room Tuesdays at 4:30, Mrs. Cieft of Eývanstoàn iin- structing. A fine opportuiiity to Wini pro- ficiency badges is being offered .ini ten lessons in Elenientary Art, which started April 11, at the home of Mrs. F. A. Farnham, 557 Orchard lane, Winnetka. They will be from 10 to 12. Sunday, April 19, there will bc a dedication service for the new Parishi House inî Wiîinetka. Ail Girl Scouts, and Brownies and thecir leaders. vili1 lie welconie. Saturday, May 2, is to, be aý big day for the Girl Scouts for their Parents will be invited to a dinner to see-and, hear ju7st what the . girls are doing and have-heen doing dili- gently ail winter. The occasion wil be a dinner and prograim,'for which great prepara.tions are being .-ade aiready. othciaUy cw eat -the immsng Iixt ucet«ngat w :3u ocioclç fur tue iast* Mooday. A prizc of ten dollars is, to bizut .lis spring to report on'. its b. awarded to the wm*ncr. legislative prograni and hear inter- JiW IL M Brown wUI give his re- estlng talks on varjious phases- of its port on the1 history of the board. worlc. We havre nmany imp o rtant LONG DISTANCE HAULINO CEAIES8 AND TABLES FORBEe~T FOR ÂLIL OCCASIONS. 521 MAIN ST. WILMETTE 31