tress and sprIng. Set Havlland rosel, B11k llned drapes, pet,. lampa, pie breakfast set, gai wln D. -Payne,4 wllmette 1141. spool bed, box Beautyrest mat- pattern china. Itchen xnaid cabi- tes, odd. table, ,n tools. Mmi. Bd- Laurel. Ave. -Ph. 86LTN5-ltc DECORATIVE SCREMENS IIAVING ly eued for eximmit oe sposrai. bl eued for exibmd it upss at- Living rrn.; -dlnlng rin. an .d. urseiry. Mrs. Lord, University 4462, 1633 As- bury Ave., Ev. LT5-t LIVING BOOM SO>FA, CHAýIRS, DESIC. 4 poster' beds. Day bed. , Dressers, Small Oriental rage. One. 9x12 WIl- ton rug., Portable electrlc radio. Phonograph., Limoges'china., Vacuum cleaner., Phono Wlnnetka -,911. 660-ltp FOR SALE EXTRIMELY FINE black walInut bedrm. set, 10 pco. 2 Mir- orsi cost $2,800.00. 'Made for very ige, room. A1 Lge. Thor mangle and washing miachlneb and two ige. black leather chairs. Cail. for appointffient Glencoe 1310. 86LTN50-ltc LAMPS, COTÈS,' CH INA' VIC'rRoLA, anld recordsa,' kitdin table and chair; curtains and drapes; lawn mower and garden Iniplements. 915 Elm St. Win- netka. Phone Wlnmetka. 2452. 86LTN50-tp MOVING -TO SMALLER QUARTERS-' Wlll seli dlnlng room, bedroom, and porcli set, bookease, table, Ice box, rugs, curtains, etc. Phone lVlnnetka 944. 26LTN50-lte SOFA, CHAIRS, BOOICCASE, BEDS,. dressers, day beds, desks, latest ail- electrlc radio, smali Oriental rugso vacuumn cleaner. Wlnnetka 911. 86LTN50-lte FOR SAL--MAH. LIV. RM. TABLE, mah. chair, bed sprlng and mattress, poreli swing, arm chairs, 2 rnnall riugÉ. 1534 Highland Ave. Wilmette. ___________________86TN604tc el WANWgD TO UUY-HOEHI.D. 00Dbe WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Hlgheut prlees for same. Crost Furni- *ture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans-, ton 111. Ph. Uni. 0189. 87LTN42-ttc. M8 FOR SALE-MSCKLL.ANEOU* 1IRON DOUBLE RED, HAIR MAT- * tress and box sprlng 4 burner gas * stove, 100 lb. ces box, single mail. 4 poster bed, walnut china cabinet, ail splendid condition. Plh. Wllniette_1877. WANTMD TO B]3uY-la Uai.vdy"47. vivi personality, nas been presenting numerous programs before clubs in and around. Chicago, Win- ning for herself wile pop- ularity. Uler. repertoire,.. from which she will, give ýa few selections, Wedniesday,. includes drarmatic 'and iusical numbers,. num- bers, that are onîy dra- matic, numbers that are only musical and:lecture recitals. 0f ber it bas been said: -"Valborg, Sinkier is a, wholesome and charming Norwegian 'songbird' and vibrant dramatic reader of exquisite, ability, who sa -entirely pleases, and enraptures ber audiences that the memory of ber etntertainment lingers Ii the. inrdsof ber auditors. Her. programs are in- variably well balanced; and especially remarkable are ber interpretations of famous women of litera- turc and bistory." "Valborg Sinkler, dra- niatic reader and Iyric soprano, is charming au- diences everywhere,!" the .Musical Leader of April 9, declares; "Last TI"urs- day she presented an eany mL1is week îsne ______________ peared. at the Medinab Atbletic club. Miss Sink- 1er is endowed by nature with puichritude, personality. and intelligence. She bas a most attractive voice and she is as gifted a singer as a- reader." IL Public, Frm IFlnàIly 1ticket W (contlnued frorn page 2iB) ceniber, 1930, whlch also containeÈ I ,Ay idathat tet Ci aw... ate thii aly , > s was called and a froni any connection, with, the -League or ýed. This ticket was any other organizati.on . wecks of thoughtful ýe part of the direc- .YouI'E truly, *justifled in recom- DONALD MACKAY GALLIE, ector did nôt have Peiet v- --titit tzuy a inuviau~Jais moia. i.LU aUiaition, C Vthe I1iICt meJ as wel as directors, aré supporting It. Health departmentt reports for. the 10. As to the future, it le hoped and ex- week eigbt old cases of mumps, two IIY pected to make thé temporamy Caucs, fýwopn .-n.o cre or become a permanent one, functionlng o ho gCoýugh.oeo cre Dit, 'on Its %own basis and plans.,,and îfrflýever of measies.