I#Ioward Student Helps to Inspect New Pire Engineb tueeday, March 31,Mrm. Rqthraâckm ad d I vent te Zon, 111. r oh raek sud îny dad went te test the film ee that Zioný was gettiug. Wbeu và arrivéd lun Zion the, fi rat thlng wel saw vas a big aigu forbldding thé. eating of eystu su ad pork. We : a eh et tethe flo tetiou, vWhlch vas i: a police station sud a, village hall, 9 tè.ask:where the.englue ivas sltuated. ti W. fouud that itvas on the edge fe 0 the town pext tea pond which vas used1 te furnllsh vater on thus occasion. b -,As iv. neared thé. place we ss.w 4ultë fi a. ro*d w1i lgfor the e eit eet luto açt 0u.T Éuennewas" tiintm aud mâdi t.t--the three-houm pump test irhlch It vould have. ii, englue proved succestul andva acceptedý by the town. Durlng ail this tl me 1 had't seen anybedy .mmukig,.and 1I vas teld that It vus reiiibited. . My dad and I thien *.ut tround te the ZionCan .dy, factory and' bakery, and.. then w were taken for a ride en thie, new lireenglue by the. assistant flme ciief.-Paul Hoffmau, Howard 8X. Stplp Will Stage Debate, a Ton Scholarship Award& Th nnual debate ot Stolp aehooll.R te be heid soon. The. participants whoe i are frein the eighth grades .were recent- A ly chosen by Miss Perriug, elghth grade compouition teaciier. They are as fei- leva: Dorothy Heiwsy and Bill Jeu- kins, leaders; Mlam West, Ray War- reu,-Oeergette Becker and James Chris- ni tensonet TIg question te b. debated le--R.- IR 9olvedý That awards sheuld b. gîven for T~ go<>4 schelaWshIv. 1Thie boys' team 4defend h e b.aiMrra-c tive aide eoftthe debate. Jlm Keegel waa appoiuted te be the chairman. Jane Nor-( tlng lu the. timekeeper-Lois Wolfe, 20, Stolp. Stolp 1C Basebaîl Team stt -Wins First Tilt From 1B di The team et 10 Stolp won their liri;tdî aneThuruday: against 113 Stolp. Tii. u scoe as 1C, 28; 1B, 14. At the. third ce Innlug the score was 23 te 0. Our llpeup t' vas: Robert Mocker, catcher; Jim Bur-ec illh, plcier; Bill Stackiiouse, firet base- ce man w- Robert Reed, second baseinan. n Cage Star of Stol> 1 Lauds Howard Five The Stolp etghth. grade 10 won thé, basiretbaii champioüship, of Wilmette. Dur liret game waa wlthStolp SC. Whefl 1a temloues, -It >1u torced out-,of -the eague.Stoip 2C haâd Won trom st. Francia aud we bea.t 20. 'Our hlext gaule wau ;with .the chaml>ienship team ef Howard 84. «W àe played at the Atolp gyxnnasium. We 1 ais Won t"Lt The. ruies are that the. championsthiP, grme muet be piayed .twice to ,decide the wluuer. The next Monday lwe Went over te Hçw*ird., We aise *on again. The Iloward teà,m dld. very nâtc basket- bail, playlflg. Thé Stol.p lfeup was as renlows: stolp Iloward Don 'Anderson-R .-Howa.rd. Ruff David Cressyr L. F. John Vermine James Burrili <C. Jim Vermine. Bill Étac1khouse _R. G. Hugh Carriniton Tom FinIay8on L, G. -David Cress3r, 1C Stolp: Play About Circue. LUfe Given by Fourth Grade Miss Frauk's fourth grade had a play called, '"reby Tueèr at the Circus." It was very Intereàting. They had seven sCenes. They were: Toby Tilers fl!rst Iay at the Circus; Tii. Great Wiid West Show; Toby Tuler Makes Friends wlth the Skinny Man and Fat Lady; The Robbery of tthe CIrcus; The Phautom et he Circus Opera; Toby Tuler Runs Away from the Circus; The, Lion Escapes. The. characte!is axe: Edwin Benson, Toby TIler; Rebert Sciienk, announcer; Edwin Ottinger and Robert Scheuk, the hold-up men; Donald Gar- niss, the skiuny man; Mary Jane Dreck- er, th~e fat lady: Olvia Perry, the glant; .nd Donald Hutchins, the. ragged mani T'hey ail took their parts aiicely-Lu:- cie Heerens, Miss Frauk's roomn. 3eneral Science Glass 'Is Studying Electricity_ For the past month wé have heen tudyiug about electriclty, electrical bat- teries and appliancef lin general science. V. have been studying and drawing ilagrarnu of simple cells, gravlty celle,, da niel, cells, and dry cells. No,*practicai use eau b. made of a simple ceil,,' ex- cept as an experlyneiit in galvaniceec tricity. Inu a simple and gravity ceil the. urreut lpasses from tihe positive pole, oppe'?,tote .negative pole, zinc, by ieans of wire. The g-alvaffie celi le Kerlèrafl used lu teieËraph compsinies. Two Home Runs Mark Howard Baseball Win On Tuesday, April 7, 8B had a baue- bal game with St. Joseph. It was àa. pretty goôd game won 1w Howard. 8B. St. Joseph ma.de ment of their, rune lu the slxthinnuing. They xuadeseven rune. There were two. home ruse made, lu the gamne. Those whe made thexn were I!ew- ard Bail and Charles KleInofen. Tii. linieup for Howard: lu as foilows:* catcher Chas. Moreau;1 pitchers, Howard Bal and George -Green; flrst baeman, Fred Heer;, second baseman, Charles Klin- ofen: third baseman, Fred Kasper; con- ter lielder, Bill.Faymionviiie; lef t field-. ers, Ho ward' Balil. and Gerge Green; lIght filder, Walter Robinson, and short- 4top, WilllinAm chara. Charles Kleiùefen Howard SB. New. Trier Students Give Opera Snatches Tuesday the, Howard sixth, seventh and eigiith grades'enJoyed a- v.ry lu- terestingprogramf given by a few stu- dents of New Trier HIigh school. These studOflts were te have Important patrts~ In the, opera at New Trier on Friday and Saturday evenings, Aprll 10 and 11. Tii. epera is kuoWn as "The Pirates of Peuzane." Virginia Sprague was the hereine, George Bersch, the major* gen- oral, and Meliy Mickey was Ruth, the nu'rsemaid of Frederich, the hero of the. opera. They ail sang some of the parts. George Bersch lu au alumnus, and Vir- ginla Sprague and Molly Mickey ar e seniors. The pianist, a very tàlented young lady who is a sophomore, was comiplimented by George Bersch who said that she 19 going to have a great future. - Cathe'rine Reynolds, Howard. 8B. BiIlyWade, Hurler, Is IBaseball Captain of 7B *Thursday, April 9, 7lB Howard was to open its basebali league. Billy Wacie, our ctaptain, hopes to briug the pennaut home. Tiie ilneup is: catchers, Jarvîs Brown and Elemer Stonle; pitchers, 1311y Wade, Ed Colegrove and Gerald Spinuer; first baseman, Frauk Koeuan; second baseman. BillyGrinuell and Har-ý ry Kramer; third basemen, Edwin Cole- grove and Biliy Wade; left .fleiders, Bill Wade and Gerald Spinuer; ceuter filider, Bob MacMrran, and right filder, Robert Cramer. -Bob Maemorrau, lB. Howa rd Track Teams of Stolp Preparing' for Barly Meet' Starting ArlOsdextudgaigtii whoIe week, thetrack ans eah practice. Mouday lu for Dewees, anid Wednesday for iightweigiitu. Heavy- welghts practice on Friday. Lightwelghts. are 110 pounds an.d underý; pQeee, 90 afld under. and beavyweigiitu, ever 110. Alil teams-have pracice overat.How- arÉd school. There are nine eveuts open for competition: 75-yard dash, 50-yard. dash, 60-yard, hurdles, running broad juxmp, high jumip, pole vault, siiot putb runuinig hop-step-and-jumrp, and the. 440- yard ireiay. One man may go enly ln thrée eveuts andl tii. relay.- The flut meet, le. h,êd at. Dyçhe uta- diumn and luamnong WIimette, Haven, lKenilworth and Nichols. Points ln this are f1ve for firut place, feur for second, thiree for third. two for fourth. aud one for ilfth.-Ed liee, 2C, Stolp. Eighth Grade Basebal Team Practice at Stolp This year the eighth grades are having an espectally leug baseball season. Every team plays every Monday aud Wednes- day. If they do nt have a game, they are allowed to referee. Iu order te get ail the. games In, we play ouly, two in- nings. There are on. or two teams lu each room accnrding te the numibel, of girls lu the room. After each team bas played five games, we will etart the real. coutest. Alil the ulayers lu each room wiil form the team; the. vinuer oft tus sciiedule wiii play Howard te decide the ,hampionship. W. hope that a teamifroln Stolp, èspecialiy 2C, viii gain this linor. -Jane Horstfhg, Steip, 2C. Araxie Jorjorian Heade 1Basebaîl Players of 7B Laut Mouday w. voted for eur base- bal- captains.. are going te have two teams. Thécalitaln ef the. irs. team lu Ara.xie. Jorjorlan. The players are as foliows» Lucille Watson, Frances Rapp, Helena Mickey1 Elizabeth Leslie, Eliabeth Beuen, elene Weakly, Mar- jorie Staubitz, Elsie Jane Edge, Lucille Graham -aud Barbara Orinsbee. 1The captain of ,tii. second. teain lu - -..PICWEE TRANS XEETI :TUTU The FStolp amd Heward pe. track 1 pkéw te, go team eougegated at the Village Green- C$Ay INam Moudayr, April &We vere velghedlI Kt the M t u. and then M. baVlu -gave us a Utttletalk ' Euch it. Nam88about -Our Mseass., men v.w ' vii b. vtiioot pu t~,iGthe ~ :74 6-ýe, eWINS ?ITLE Zuy cys et 513 piayed st. BEE S SUGGESTION hamplonshlp lu bas3ket- 1 have iieard that the Jumea Lîru Io lineup st the start vas alvayu leoking for suggestlUos. If seo Bainuelson> and Dick I would like to offer euoe. How- about ugiass 1Huck ; unnlng an InqUiring. Reporter? People &Il llke iews; standing guard, te knoev tiie 'Peo0pes' opinion, ou -We. von atter a bYlef thingu and thds us the best vay 1 kuov W8,Sliae, Hwr4 tfindlug-ont -Beryl ToIen, 10 Stolp.