Rlsabeth Rethberg, soprano of glorious voice, soloist of the Metro- politan Opera company and the Ra- vinia, Opera. cotupany, the beauty of whose singingbas brought hler world- wide faine, is to corne to Chicago for a recita -Annüouncemient of hier coin- ing compels the immediate attention of music loyers of Chicago and the north shore, afd when'such an an- * uoucemet iscoupfled with the fact that she. wiII sing as a benefit for the building fund of new Rockford, col- lege the* interest in bier appearance is doubled, doubled- beause rnany Rock- ford alumnae live in these, north * shonre villages., The box committéee'in charge of the concert, which will be held in Or- chestra: hall Monday evening, April 20, under. the auspices of Rockford college, announces1 that the following already hbave, made reservationis: Mrs, Walter* S, Brewster, Mrs. D. Mark Cummnings, Mrs- William W. Dïxon, Mrs. James M. HIopki~ns, Mrs. Edward P. Litsinger, Mrs. Rockefeller Mc- iorniclc, Uv. James A. Patten, Harold H. Swift, the Misses Colvin, William O. Goodman, Charle E. Herrick,1 Frank O. Lowden, Mrs. Frank H. McCulloch, Charles H. Swift, Mrs. Gustavus F. Swift, Jr., and Mrs. Frederic W. Upham. Indications are that the occasion will be a gala social and college aff air as a large delegation of students and, * facultv frorn Rockford college have foilowïng -prograrn , wîtfl iut Kuhir- seitz at the pianoi: 1. Il Mbo Bel Foco .Bendetto Marceflo Amarilli .......... Giuflo CaccInt Alleluja....Wolfgang A. MOza"t 11. Would'God 1 Were the Tender Apple-Blossorn-Old Irish Song.... ........ By Frank Bibb M-Y Lovely Cefla-Old »nÉglmh: Song ...... ... By George Monro It Was a, Lover and Hia Las. ........... ... Roger Quilter Love aPhtleophY' -Rfoger Quilter, 111. Jewel Song-From 'Fa.st.... apaAlpha Theta -mothens of tb.tera unversity will meet ]mn, A. J. Cole, 913 Elmwrood u, FmaUbstoSMonciay _after- APIat2O'lc its guests and will aaa restivty ro the year as it nears its close. The receiving line will .f orm. 'at &~30 o'clock. and 'dancing and bridge woll commence at that time. Hiosts and hostesses for the even- ing are to be Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ]Potter, chiirmen;^ and Mr.. and Mrs. John. Clark:Bkr Mr. -and Mrs.. E. H.. Burgei. Mr. and, Mrs. W. Sý. Camnpbell, Dr. and Mrs. N.; P. Col-, weli ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig, Mn. and Mrs. *Stavýer Moulding, Mr. and Mns. H.. EZ Poronto, Mr. 'and Mrs.- W. A. Richardson, and Mr, and Mrs. L.- F.StarkeL Marine' Bal T nih on12- & .Kenilworth The Kenlwrth- club sends ont its "Last caîl for the Marine hall," Fni- dayr evening.,April17, with £inner at 7:30 o'clocic, and dancing. The host- esses for the evening are Mrs. .Frank W. Ketcharn and Mrs. Sarnuel H., Clark. It is to be the gala 'dinner dance of the year, the "season's grand, finale," a "voyage on the good ship Kenilwortb, a voyage packed with fun and merrirnent" and for which members are urged to "beg, bornow, or steal a mariner's costume and corne." .The entertaininent originally plan- To Marty Saturdag The marriage of Miss Jane Young and William C. White is takinig place tornorrow evening at 8:30 o'clock.at the. Kenlworth Union church with a eception imrnediately îollowing at: thé home of the bride's parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Frank k. Young of 333 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. The final affaiýr in- honon, of Miss Wellesley Circle Hoes The North Shiore Wellesley circle is to have its next meeting Tuesday, April 21, at thre homne of Mrs. William Sherman Hay, 645 Sheridan road, Win- netka, at 2:30-o'clock. 13ynequest ,Mrs. Ray will give the second half of ber tall "Ports of Cali on the Pacific!" Mrs. S. P. Carson is general chair-1 man in charge of arrangements, and the vanrious comrnittee chairmen -are the following: Mrs. Lionel Frank,' Mrs~. John Wilder, Mrs. Mauniice.Kar- ker, and Mrs. ordon Ramsay,.*ticlc- ets; Mrs. Keith Roberts, Mrs. Hamil- ton. W.alter, and M rs., S. L., Hypes,i prizes; Mr Is. J. e. »Hyatt and Mrs. J. IE. Davis, lunche on;' Mrs. Eugenej Holland, Mrs. Elmen Wlfieboldt, and Mrs. &y >Kiddoo, cards "and tables, and- Mrs. John Compton, finance. Mrs J.H.Roberts is president of the, Glencoe center. Methodist Women Are to HaVe Luncbecon at Shawnee Trhe annual srn luncheon for the women' of the Wilmette Panish .Methodist episcopal church will 'be held at Sbawnee Country club Thurs- day, April 23. A program of un-9 usual talent is planned. Miss* Léolai Aikman, a coloratura soprano ofout-1 standing ability and personal charin, will give a group of songs. She bas. had unusual success, and press.i notices of ber appearances are more than flattering. Mrs. Dorsey Long, pianist, who entrances ber audience by ber renditions, bas also been se-i cured. Mrs. Thomias L. Grisamore, has charge -of the luncheon, reservations Ev ening Card Partyg la Church Guild Bene fit One of the attractive social events of the coming week is the evening bridge party sponsored ýby the.Rec- ton's Aid society of the Churcb of: the Holy Comforter in'Kenilworth next Wednesday evening at the Ken- ilworth club, for the benefit of the Woman's guiki of the church. Mrs. Armand *Pevlcke. is chairman C. M. rgham of Winnetka. Sets Wedding Day. Miss Helen Fraser of 645 Abbotts- ford road, Kenlworth, bhas chosen June 27, for ber maniage to R. Boyd Anderson of Winnetka. avenue, to IEllis 1F. MUfler, son of Mrs. Roberta Noe Muther of Ev anston, on May 2,. bas been the oc- casion of many pleasing pre-nuptial events. Affairs in -honior of "Miss Groman included a lu ncheon, and hosiery shiower given by Mrs. David De Camp at. ber home in X-Ceilworth, january 6. Mr. and Mri. -DoUglas Crooks entertained, on March .5, at' an evening bridge at their home in Kenilwortb. Mrs. Cora Hulbert and Mrs. A. E. Riddle gave a luncheon bridge 'and, linen shower at Mrs. Hulber's, Kenilworth home March 17. Mrs. Herbent Newport and Mns. Charles Rockcastle entertained at a tea and showen' at the Newport. homnq in Kenlworth on March 26. Atrinket shower and, luncheon was give n by :Insr. Charles Dubsky at lierborne. in Kenilworth on April1.O Monday, April 6, Mrm, Roberta Muthen, moth- er of the groom, entertained. at tea in honior of Miss Gromann at her' home, 118 RKeeney avenue, Evanston. On April 7, Mrs. Charles Howe gave a tea and pantry shower at ber home in Kenlworth. On Wednesday, April 8,,Mrs. Russell Z. Cook, and Mrs. Hanry V. Crooks were boste sses at a luncheon and linen sbower at the Cook home in Kenilworth. Other events in bonor of Miss Gro- matn included luncheons given by Mrs. Eclward Hendricks of Ham- mond; Mrs. Ernest Kuppent of Ev- anstoil, and a Dutcb supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown of Chicago, entertaining Miss Grornanti and Mn. Mutber. On Wednesday, April 15, Mrs. Gro- .matin entertained at ber home at an informaI trousseau tea. A number of. other aiffairs are planned in honon cf Mi»-ss Gromann. Miss Roberta -Muther, sisier, of the groom, and one of, Miss. Gromann's brdiattendants, and Miss Betty Ryerson are giving a sbower at the home of Miss Muthen, in Evan- ston, April 18.. Mrs. Frank Cor.. The wedding breakfast was served' at Shawnee Country club, andinmmcdi- ately afterwardg the bride and groom, lef t on a wedding trip. Mn. . and Mrs. Gnies will lake up. their residence .in Detroit.,