1 x.c uau "cçà&.a--. t e-- N la.UA&& - thrombosis of the heait for several months. A 'trip to the south f ailed to aid him and lIe was ordered to bed by his doctors on bis return home three weeks ago. Dr. Forster, who was 46 yeaàrs old, had practiced medicine in>Ciao for the last twenty years.' He had lived in Winnetka for the last nine yéa rs with bis family. Éê was.a member ofý the staff, at the IEdgewater and Frances Willard hospitaWs and the author of several books on medical.subjects. His latest work was "The Mastery of Cancer," publication of wbich followed'several vears of researcb," Born at Sterling, Ill., Dr.. Forster came to Chicago to study medicine and remained there to make his home. *'He moved to Winnetka, in .192Z Dr. Forster is survived by bis. widow, Mrs. Helen Forster, two sons, * Arthur Robert and: John William Forster, his parents, Mr. and Mrs B. A. Forster of Sterling, -llt., four brothers, Leo of Chicago and Fran- * cis, Bart and John of Sterling, and thret sisters. Mildred, Emily andI Theresa, al of Sterling. The funeral services were held Wednesday morning at St. 'Francis Xavier church in Wiliette. Burial was at Sterling. Social Work Lecture course Starts Soon Dean Plorence Scher Robnett of NVoritwetem ,nvrxity wdil be speaker -ai the joint meeting of the, North Shore A lû,nae club of -Pi Bei, Phi, the Chicago Alumnat club- an hIllirn~~oi-Esiloclti* chapi er, following a spring lunch- eon Saturdeyý, Apr'. 25 at Shaunee Country club. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Doctrine of Atonement" v,411 be the subject at the services ln the First Church of Christ, Sciertist, in Wihnete, Sunday morning, April 19, at Il o'clock. Sunday school conveiies Value in a chl's sho. 1implies carefuly select- .d, maté rial1s.- ,kildwra- shiand modemn Bud ther. is also a four$,factir that isof paramounti mportance correct, omorabeflng. No price woulb. e hg if 'it could qua'rante. juVenile foot-h.alth. Any pic. ls too muîch for. a sho. -thaet s. cot.healthufy benefiçial. Pool, & Pipu-fitteod shoot coul, no more than other 'good shoot.ut *many parents haveý told us that theby 1woild insist on hei.q Pool. a Piper Shoot aven if they coul tfee tifmsas muchi PLAYTME MOCCAsIN4S, illustrated, for smuiE boys and t hewr bigget brothers. Crept SolýeS. Sfzea x11!/ to 2at *4.00ý and a44 to 6- at *5.00 are unusual uat tbe*e pricea. PODL :<PIPER CIULDBNS SHOE $PECIAUSTS 16o8 CIAGC) AVENUE + EVANSTON hall ot Nortnwesternunuivesity. L is given under the auspices of the Evanston Council of Social Agencies I its aim i's to cover' briefly and con- cretely social service probleins with emphasis on practical details of volunteer Work. Many should be able, to make neighborhood visits,. take patienits ta clinics, act as big sisters to delinquent girls, wýork with children along rec- reational lines, file, type, do statis- tical research. or follow thie ditections Mr, and Mrs. B. A. Langdon, 715 Laurel avenue, left on Tuesday.,fpr -&e west., They are going to the Grand Canyon and Los Angeles ini which city they will visît the Paul Kehlings,, formerly of. Wilmette. From Loi. Angeles they..will visit Mr. Iangdon"a brther in Porland, Ore.. They.plan0 to be gone ab9t a mn THE MV',éREAL CAM PlUMG FOR sBOY* HAPPY DAYS ARE .HERE AGAIN NZE CAMPS-IN THÉ 'FINEST CAMPING COUNTRY IN AMJ3RIGA-RBAL (pot mae-belie.ve) CAMPING