tire aeegation wal tt e.. The resolution to be presented for vote states that the Lake Shore di- ision goes "on record as fivoring. the adloption of a pension Iaw based on a legal' revenue busissimilar to that proposed by the ,pension, committée oftht State Teachers' association. at the lait state convention, in,'Spring- field; and -thatit looks with disfavor upon any attempt to continue the peetpension law wit slight modi- fications." T. Vote: cm Law Discussion- and referendum 'on the saw . will take. place-t'the genieral afternoon -session f rom. 1:30 to 3, at which the principal speaker- will be Dr. Thomas H. Briggs, -prof essor, of secondary education, Teachers' col-ý lege, Clumbia university. He will talk on 11Th e Motive Force, of Con-: ducte" At the ~genetal iuerning seusion, from 9:30 to 10:45, the speaker will be Miss Florence Hale, state director of rural education,. Augusta, Me., wihose subject will be "The Motive Force of Conduct." Delegates will divide at 10:55 for sectional meetings in elementary, fine - and applied arts, interniediate and high school, music, prinary, princi- pals and supervisors, rural and phy- sical education groups. The principal speakers on these prograins wlll be M iliam A. L. Beyer, professer.of Illinois State Normal university; Felix florowslci, superintendent, Chicago Civic Music association; Major Johni *L. Griflîth, comniissioner of the Wes- tern conference; A. Eustace Haydon, department of comparative religion, Universty of Chicago; -Ernest Horn, prôfesssor of education and director of nirsty Elementary school, Uni- versity of Iowa; and Charles Fabens Kelly, assistant director and dean of the school of the 'Art Instittute,,of Chicago. For P. T. A. Groups Members of parent-teacher asso- tiermany. When she came io nus country, she- lived in Chicago about, nine months before- moving to Win- netka. ' She is survived by four' daughters, Mrs . Mayme -Dahîgréen of Winnetka,.Mrs. Helen Weinstock of K2niwortb,?M Mrsý. Herbert Kirk- patrick of Los Angeles, Calif.,: and Mrs. Robert Scrimngeour of Glendale. Calif., and& three sons, Christian Henrichsen of Wilmette, William Henrichsen of Pasadenia,* Calif., ý and Henry Henrichsen of Port Angeles, *Wash. The funeral services w ere held froni ber late residence inWin- netkaý Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial took place at Memfi- rial'.Park cemetery. DurngHomeceanung, Insist Upon Our Cleanung Helps Our. he1pful service eliminates 'the drudgery and mnakes homne-cleaning enj oyable. Lusirous rugs, immaculate drapes and brigktened hangings-awak- ened by our scient ific processes add m.asurablyftheb satfisfaction affer +ho effort. The discriminating housewife also finds in our services an opportunity 1152 Central Avenue, W'Imee ~Phones 320-321 arts; Jessie M.kAstin of Cicero, ini- termediate ;nd high school; Wal lace Nelson of Maywood, music; Missj 4. 't :1 "'j "j' PI-Ji "0