Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Apr 1931, p. 32

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a. lNe 1 e A. * ilDU5WIF5J'I Are Held Monday Monday was the'date of the Honor Society and T. N. T. assembly Which tukres place every year of, the spring semester. Members of --the Honor Sgociety have reached their1 enviable position by, three and, one-haîf years of bard labor. From the senior class is taken the. upper ten percent of thie boys. and.girls. Those: who were fortunate, enough to make this ,sociéty were é John Barden, George Boylston, Norman ~rudigrnDavid Crawford, David Davies, William Freenan, Alan Ful- Iér,ý Clarki Gapen., Paul Gilbert, Eu- 5ene Hildebrand, John Howe, Barm day Joncs, Lawrence Leviton, Robert, Livingston, Eugene Mancinelli, Jack Mee, WalttrMoekler, lin etr sen, Guy Robbins, Olin Sethness, erome Straus, Philip von Ammon. m llot Witt; the girls, Ethel Ander- son, Lora Baoghman, Patsy Bolys- *ton,. Amy Clagett, Alice Conhaini. Mary Ferraéini, Ruth Jackson, Vir- * inia Jenkins, Frances J1utz, Kath- erine Maxwell, Mary Margaret Melvin, Marion Nettleman, Jane Orr, Ethel Pierce, Elizabeth Potter, Vir- kinia Prestoni, Claire Sinion, Louise *Wagner, Martha Wilen alid Dorothy Winzenberg. N. T., which means Tenax Nobile umphans, le a soity whose miemy- s are comtposed of beys and girls of: seniqr and Junior classes, who ,are around' activities people. Member- p le limiýtd to six boys and six s cof each élasu. Five cf Its newly àted mçmbers miade both *socletie3. E> foliowiiig are: Seniors - John riro, Henry -Foster., Jack IHeitman, lu #mm.* NMffaa:d. Wil- puUIUno Lecture Gives Thrills of Mouentain Climbing Thursday, April 9, Bradfàrd Wash- humn of'Harvard univçrsity pre- sented a lecture.on Mountain Climb- ing ýto a nniber of New Trier stu- dlents.during the seventh and eighth periods. The lecture .was: acconi- panïed by mnotion 'pictures. Mr. Washburn banu, had seven years of experience, ln mountain climbing. Hie -crowning chieveinent was, the, clImbing of Mount Grepo» 1i>n the French Alps; only one other climber basne- coMpllshed this. 1Mr. Washburn -kept a motion pîcture record of bis climb up this. mounitain,,* Mr.. Washburn illustrated the methode of climbing mountahi and. ciearly showed .thé' necessity -of using a rope.. To. Illustrate this, ho showed how a mountain climber uses a double rope to descend a cliff. 'Mr. Wasbburn kept up the Interest ln the lepture by relatlng a great num- ber' of personal experlences. One of the mont lnterestlng was the tale cf the experience of two o e i el.d wi'o were crossing an icy glacier about two thousafld foot aboyé the plain. Ome of the men stipped and pulied the other down with hlm. They skidded down the glacier and rolled over a bundred-foot clii! at the bottoin of the glacier. Luckily there was a suow bank at the bottom of the clii!, nelther inan waua hurt. Faculty__Men's Club Give Play April 25 The Men's club of the New Trier The mnen who are taking part in this comedy are Mr. Kahler, M~4r. Small,' Mr. Shearer, Mr. Carpenter, Mr. tChristensen, Mr. Reani, Mr, Grater and Mr. Schumacher. Miss Wilson and Miss Bredin of the faculty and two New Trier graduates, Madelon Beal, Helen Fraser and Ruthi Mearns, are assisting tÉe Men's club. Ail thie seats are reserved, and will go on Êale at New Trier soon. Mr. Herron is in charge of the publicity It Thé Conunerciàl club was en- thn teilained at its meeting on April 16 La te by a play whicli was. given by uY. four cf its memibers. .,113e players are aioDorothy Fox, Selma Wax, ÈEarl Pet- etinter an"d Bud- Markens. I DREAM (Contemplat ions of a Perfectý School) Way out, on the plains of the north shore ,wt.find the 'one horse" institution of New' Trier planning a new building which Will bc a sup erb. prison. The building Will be. of thé niost elaborate kind wt lvtr and escalator to suit. the students. Each cel wilI have running water and mnaid service, with a radio to study by. Instead of the usual-five- mfinute, intermission there will be fif- te .en iinutes in which an orchestra wîll play continuaI popuilair music for the students to dance to. Onie of the most poPilar features, of the new buildinglua a very much draved bar, which willi be iocated In t he -main hall and w1l be used at, the conveflience of the etuidents. The achool. board bas given an allowance of fIve. steins an Intermission and the day off if the student la too drunk to go to the jnext, dlams. *The desks are t e hocf the modernistie style with cigarettes at the students' reach. in the library there wil ho avallable ail the latest magazines and publications. One of the Important and best features of the library will ho a very skillful penman for the purpose of writing the excuses of the students when it lsu impossible to get the parents to do o. This penman wiii have al the rubber stamps of the parents' sig- natures, if any advlsor sheuld doubt the word of the student. A nnual Junior Prom, Will Be Held May 16 The annual Junior prom wiil beIheld in the mess hall on Saturday, May.16., Several. commiittees have been, ap- pointed and are working very bard 'ta ffiake this dance thie greatest succe ss of this, year and the greatest Junior prom of ail years. Decorations and favors will be quite elaborate. The best of mîusic will be provicled. and a large rormIancVOWe was wLy of profession-, ais and Its reception by the student body and the township ln generai was mout gra.tifying. .in, s Of Cast irate Opera ,eceive Praises The opera which the, musica.l dé- partmient presented lait Friday and- Saturday nights.,was claimned by al as a huge success. There is somne dis. pute as to whaLt niÉht was the better; however, in thie opinion of Mr. Macey, authority on Gilbert - and Sullivan opeas tRe art of 'Ruth'was' played ectionally well on both nights. He went se far as to say that *he had neyer heard high school students with such beautiful contralto. voices as Molley Mfickey and. Phyllis Dubsky. displayed'. This1 is certýainly a chert ished piece of praise, Co Ming front such a source as'Mr. Macey. Tom Elvin bishlmPraises sung on the lips of everyne who sa.w hlm take the part of the handsome lover. mine- deptally Tom luthe nlstudent te take the teor part.Mrn Tubbs- and llen Cozzens did thomeae justice ln their difficuit parts. The sweet, well tralned voices of Jane .Orr and Ernes- tino eehrens won the praises cf the whole audience-thiu was shbown by the applause and fiowers which were., ,showered on them. Althoug'h Jean Htall and Eleanor Culver dii flot have. many solos, tbey were very charMlng ai did their parts very well. Leaving the main lead and the, most diffieuit parts to criticize, 1 newcornle tg the part ef Mable, taken by Jean Lindstrom and Virginia Sprague. Tt là impossible to tel on paper bow beau- tiful these girls looked and sang. In As to the boy leads, Lindge:y Fields was the bit o! the evenlng as the police captain. George Bersch and John Chapman were exceptionaily fine in the, irole of!' major general. Hugh Middi'fton. and Bob Rirtland, aise did fine, jobs of their partuý-that cf PtV pirate 'leu-. tenant. Lowell -Comee was. the Io st word in perfection as the pirate king. As for the cboriùsesg, their accompani- ment wau perfecely cbarming and proved te be a wonderful addition toa the whole performance. anunnaai UIUtSUCeal. esdes theUiCtwo letter meni who were elcctcd co-captains for 1931,. there are several excellent prospects for the squlad, mcluding ]EU- gee Thoins, Tom Sinding Jackr Mec, Malcoîxu McConnell and Ne Levinson.

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