Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Apr 1931, p. 28

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'Men's Suifs enid Fumishings Womne&'s Clothes of Ail Kinds Rugi, Tapestri.ýs,,Drapes,'etc. Winter garments returned. in Mothproof Bags upon réquesft ethout extra charge; .1,.1STANDAR.D CLEANERS & DYERS-TAILORING. Wilimeff. 41,10 When Mary Baker Eddy discover- cd Christian- Science -as -the law of God which restores to us our Gôd- bestowed freedom, health, and. purity, she wrôte, ."I had1, learned that thougbt must be spiritualized, in order to;apprebend Spirit. It must become bopnest, unsélfish, and pure, in order to bave tbe leastiinderstand- ing of God in divine Science ... Our reliance upon material tbings must be transferréd to a perceptioni of, and dependence on spiritual ýtbings" (Re- trospection and Introspection, p.> 28). Ail wili. admit tbat mesmerism re- quires no spiritualization of thougbt for it'is the action of the buman wilI> which is often manifested in selfish- GRADUATION'GIFT PROBLEM SOL VED 1804 Central Stre.t-i4n Evafisfi j For the restless youth and dancing 'I jIdaughters, may we suggest, a tour ______________________ -abroad? WVe represent smal private - groups and are now arranging some private-travel trips, well chaperoned by reliabie and popular director. Al PA TRONIZE O UR A D VER TISERS Travel Ways, 6563 Vernon Ave. Glen- coe 305 or Glencoe 986.-Adv. Our Thrift Hat Section i r Pauatna and poss3iittes iseas, aso anid evil. Christian Scienceflot only brings the physical relief, destroys the disease, but it spiritualizes and enlightens the consciousness of the patient, making, him better morally, mentally, and spïiritually. PRAYER Christ ian, Science enables us to know God and man, His image. Un- like other so-called Sciences, of wbicbh it bas been said that where they. end faith begins, this Science lifts faith to unde rstanding,,to knowing; unites reason and revelations; weds religion to Science. j esus emphasized the fact that tbrough knowing we would gain free- dom and tif e eternal. He 8aid, "Ye shall know tbe truth-, and the truth shal makeý you- free," also, ."This is lif e eternal, that tbey might know thee the only true God, and Jesus, Christ, whom -thou hast. sent.". It is quite evident that Jesus expected us to. know what he knew. The only thing wbic}a is kiiowable is Trïith, that which is, or reality. Jesus said that he knew God, that he knew f romn whence he came and whither- he was going, that he knew -the wfil of God, that be knew ,he was in, God, that he was the Son -of God, and that he was une with, God. This is. the w ay -the Christian Scientist prays, by knowving the. ever- presence, all-power, and omniaction of, God, divine. Love, eternal Lifte, im- mnutable Truth., But bis knowing does not stop there, for he knows himself also as he is Icnown of God. And how does God know mian? Why, as His- beloved child, as the mani- festation of His beiug, His power, lUs intelligence, as the representa- tive of Mind, not matter; as the ex- pression. of Soul, not as the victim of sin;. as the reflection of: har- monious L.«ove, not as a suffering, sick mortal; as the unchanging idea, of changeless Principle, not as touch- ed by the. mutations of time, dis- turbed by thé cruelties. and bufetings of conflicting temperaments. Chris- tian Science enables one actually to know these facts, this truth. &«Mrau Ou oe Chicago Tel ephone scbool when she graduated iwo years ago. Delma W., Caldwell, son of Mr.- and Mrs. Herbert Caldwell. of93 Linden avenue,. Wilmette, returned home f rom a tuberculosis sanitarium at Ti 'udeau, N. Y., on Sun4ay for a visit of two weeks. Choosing Perfect Hats and L'expeeniveI $5000 160.7 ORbJNGTON -AVE. Suuo "à 8 TmuueC. BIdg

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