was uot oniy the reguiar meeting Lio the month but was the annual spring tea when regents of neigbboring chap- ters were entertained. Ainong the regents who were present were Mrs. Gair Tourtellot of the Fort Dearborn chapter, Mrs. Charles Flagie of the Kaskaskia chapter, -Mrs.ý Kel- logg Speed. of Highland. Park, and Mrs. Fannie 'Cope, ex-regent and founder of the 'Skokie Valley chapter. Mrs. Harry Street, of Winnetka, chairman of the *c6tmittee on music, presented ýtwo talentedmusicians, Mrs. Albert Pick (Corinne Frada) and Mrs. Norma Bosworth, -wbo gave a1 most distinguish ed recital. Promi the 'first- note one 'had the, feeling of complete relaxation -t0 the pleasure of listening and enjoying both the singing and the playing. - Both artiàts were a t ease themselves. Mrs. Pick devoted berseif. to. a sat- is fying. program. of nocturnes, etucles and waltzes f rom tbe music of Chopin. and plàyed themn deligbtfully. She played with great strength and power yet so very simply that it al seemned effortless, and the difficult scores for the- ef t hand especially rippled gayly or moved steadiiy to the climaxes witb great charm. M4rs. Bosworth opened the afternoon witb a group of well chosen songs, 'Eros" by Kurstiner, "Reflections" by Zickwer, -When 1 Go Alone" by Buzzi Peccia. Each song was a gem in itself. Besides having a voice of depth and beauty Mrs. Bosworth has great charm in the presentation of ber songs. She was suffering f romn the results of a severe cold- so tliat she did not f cel quite at ease on the quiet tones which demand complete f reedom of the vocal cords but she very artistically coverecl this with special emphasis on the dra- matic interpretationi of bier songs.-"Re- flections" was aui. exquisite tone ýand color picturc. lIu it you could àlmost. feel the drops -of -water f romt slim fingertips and see the loveiy color in the "Gown of Waterhblue." Ini "When I1 WaIk Alûone,",Mrs. Bosworth brought the atmosphere of the night, with wiud in the tree -s andi with keen appreciation brouglit the beautif ut worcls of Tagore. Elect HE RMAN T. RE ILINGI for1 Village Treasurer Taxpayers Party Candidate He Will Publish. Proper Reports. Herman T. Reiling, candi- date for Village Treasurer on the Taxoavers Party * Mrs. Abbie L. Eastman of San Marcos, Cal., arrived in Wilmette last Saturday to visit ber uncle, the Rev. W. W. Anderson and ber cou- sins, Mrs. S. B. Groves and Mrs. J. R. Hairper. She goes further east * to visit relatives and friends i Woo-. ster., 0.,' and Belleville, Ohio' ber childhood home, before returning te the PacifieC oast. Teil your neighbors te vote for Reiling 'for Tt'easurer. --«M v Mr% a«vu- à IrR«V JOHN 1P. tALLMAIN Chairman Two important duties are required of the. Village Treasurer: _I), He is oustodian of the. Village funds, bond being given to pro- teet the -Village. (2). He is required to, publish detailed reports. of, receipto a»d expenditures. Faithful performance of the irat duty doe. not excuse a failure to perform the' second. Why have proper reports$flot been 'Pub. Why has -the Village Treasurer denied taxpayers their >ro>er, right,to check, on, expendituresP The' publication of treamurer'. reports i. flot required as a check on the honesty of the treasurer.> It is the ýtaxpayer'. check on economy. ShouId epçli taxpàyer boç ompelç%l to make an investigation or audit, when the inf or- mation can b. given to everyon. at an annual cost of less than one tenth of a cent for each average taxpayer? What taxpayer wants to make an audit of several hundred thousand dollars in expenditures when he has elected an official who is supposed to give out the information? Why has the Village Treasurer >ublished no're>ort of tees >aid in sfiecial assessments? During the past four years the many thou- sand dollars paid in engineers' fees, attor- neys' fe.., and real estate expert fees wotuld have boee of interest to ail. D)uring thi. period no -report ha. ever been published showing'the ontpai. -WhY? We are entitled to know. Why has the Village Treasurer given no explanation?