At the regular monthly meeting of1 the execUtive board of the North1 Shore Area council, Boy Scouts of Amnerica, held Tuesday, April 14, the Camp committee of the Council, of which Keith Roberts of Glencoe is chairman, was instructed to prepare Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan for hanidling a fifty-percent inçrease of'campers1 for the 1931 camping season. The additional.wing to th opital, not constructed làst yardue:,to lack of funds, is to be býilt and tempo- rarily will bouse thenature study de- partment and museum iti- camp this summer. Additional tents, cots, cbina- ware. and boats, canoes and other, mniscellaneous equipment are to :beý provided. la order to maintain the standard of the camp incomparison with other camps, five cottages and five tents aretato be, provided in a new camp ta bhe constructed on the other side of the lake, for the use of' Scout- masters' famnilies white the Scout- masters are giving their time as'vol- unteer leaders in charge of their boys in the Scout camp. The coiuncil in taking this, action is following the precedent setby the Chicag o c ouncil and several 'other Boy Scout counicils throughout the country. Moe. Boateansd Canosa 0f great interest ta the Scouts will be the news that more. sait boats are ta be provided as well as, two war canoes for contests. There is also *to be a uew dock at the water front and a slide for the water front.. Direct telephofle connection will bc proviitwd fO'r the camp this year througb extension of a line from the *higbway and the installation of ,a telephone in the heaciquarters at the camp. The. camp will open on June 29 *and Will be operated for eigbt iweeks ora total of four 12-day periods. The camp bulletin will be published the last week of -Apnil giving complete details regarding the registration of the Scouts. In the meantime the reg- istration of leaders is going on and the council headquarters bas set out te% en . terat1>asto ne Scouit leader tournaflieft wiII De neld iater in the month. Ini May the joseph Sears boys will play basebali, or hard bail, instead of playground baIl. Track activities will round out the athlletic programn for that, montb. Tbree playground bail leagues have been formed by theboys' gvmnasiumn classes, and. several games, have been played. Tbe scores of games played- in the three leagues up -té Tesday of this weekfollow: Junior League-Black Bats 12,,Sea Horses .5; Black Bats 6, Black Hawks 5; Sea Horses 12. Night Owls 4, And Ilack Hawks 12, Night ý Owls 3. Natiofnil League Cubs 17, Pirates 'fi Giants 10, Cubs 9; Cardinals 21, PiZates 14, and Giants 14, Cardinals 6. American League-Athletics 7, Yan- kees 1; Tigers 17, Senators 7, and Athletics 8, Tigers 7. IHealth CGe¶r Mindful of a profound de Ir among Wilmette citizens for more perfect health, especially for the ris- ing gen eration and for children' yet unborn, we are convinced that con- certed community effort will hasten the day when every child will be born and reared under the most favorable circumstances that mani can provide. Therefore we urge our people, es- pecially those who are engaged in promotin.g the health of our children, to observe 'tHealth Promotion Weelc and Child Healtb. Day," the period commencing April 26 and ending May 2, '<Child Health Day" being M.ay 1. Community responsibility. and co- opertionfor child health is theý theme upon which the program for the week bas .been buiît. We have a ".Mother's Day» and a "Father's Day" . s10 w.hy flot'have a "Childreii' Health Day,". a day on which we might start witb an inventojy reading something like this: *'Has mv 'child been vaccinated Photo by canloz Mrt. George Lee Carey- wu Miss Dorothy Lee Pedigo before her inarriage at the homne of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Pedigo, 115 Robsart road, Kenil- worth; Thursda y, April 2.Mr. d Mrs. Carey after a brie f honey- moon are non' at home àt 6133 Kenmore avenue, Chicago. Mrs. Mary W. Meyers Dies at Daughter's Home Mrs. Mary Weimar Meyers, 628 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, died Thursday, April 9, at *Winchester, Mass., where she had been visiting a daughter, Mrs. Arthur D. Speedie. She was 91 years aid and was the widow of the late Philip L.. Meyers. Another daughter, Lillian, was i the east with Mrs. Meyers when ber, death occurred. .Besides the two- daughters, she is: survived by two sons, William of Kenilworth and George of Oak Park. The remains were brought back toý Chicago and funeral services were held Monday afternoon at 4 q'clock Recreation board will meet at the Shawnee Country club next Wednes- day evening and join with the mem- bers of the Recreation board and civic officiais for the annual Spring Recrç- ation banquet. Y Ihe banquet is given annually, to honor thé winning teans- in the-FaIli and Winter leagues and is significant inthe f act tliat trophies a'ûd indivi.dual medals are awarded to winners at this an nual affair. Ernest C. Cazel of, the Recre-: ation board wilI present. the, awards. Hienry C., Fowler,: chairnian of the Playground and Recreation board, will' be toastnlaster' for the occasion -and' Earl :E. Orner,: Village presidenti- will be, a ~pcial guestspeaker. Rollin:.C. Smithibas been chosen song leader, and group singing will be interspersed with other f eatures of the prograni. The program will be brief, Daniel. M. Davis, director of recreation, an- n ounces and states f urther that al speeches will be- limited. One important feature of the programi will be out- liining the program of activities for both nmen and women's departments for the summer season. Some additional ac- tivities:are being planned to supplement the regular league activities which ýwill bc coniducted in the same manner'asini former years. Mr. Davis reports that the program is not yet ready for publi- fcation, -but will be complete in time frannouncement at the banquet..' Ticket sales are 'reportèd' by 1>the Recreatioin staff to be progressing very favorably,. and the number of reserva-' tions is expected to ecceed the num- ber Previously estimated and wiIl prob- ably be more than 125. Robert H. Witte Dies Monday at Age of 6 1 Robert Hilmer Witte, 920 Chest- nut avenue, Wilmette, died Monday afternoon at Augustana hospitai, in Chkago at theage 'of1 61 years. Mr. Witte had been sùfferingfrm er- nicious anemia for some timie. He ivas in the hospital si,ç weeks prior to blis, death. council icir eanîy Weanesday morning or tn cents a ivpy. j1uAILUavat1 for the camp to carry but these ar- In conflectiQn witli Heaith Promo- grade, and the Gillett-Ketcham sixthi rangements. tion Week, the children of Av ca grade team eliminated ]Ruth Sprenger scbool, uinder the able direction of and Harriet Imus af the fifth grade. NEW GIRL SCOUT: their pri 1ncipal Mrs. Cottonom, assist- )lpry Thornton i5 a new member ed by Miss Klunbell, gave two short sketches were very well donc and Mf Troop No. 1 of the KénilWoeth sketches, When the Doctor Calîs" aroused an interest flot only in*a week gr Scots. and "How We Start the -D*y.".'Bath,,of health but in health for ail time. Gertrude Herrick, -t roop captain,- an- nounices. Mrs. C. T. Scott of 117 Broadway' avenue and ber nephew, Laurence' *Bukmaster, returned ecently. after spending the Easter vacation in Newý Orleans. 04* 1