mATmgs s ATruRDAY. SUNDAY Doons Open i1330 Show Swam at : Noenbffl Duriag Wu* Doort Opme 6:30- TOMIGH4T'SPICTURE p. in., 7 p-. GERGE BF. ANCROFT sud:ICAY FRAN.CIS SATURDAY, APRIL 1I i-DOUBL E FEATU RE GEORGE O'BRIEW ML AND) MR. GlIFFORtD PINCHOT AND SON GIWY "Tong of Ti»mulJe"-RUby milet - Paramnunt Xews Mati.. Olys phantoum eofttheWesP" - "Tii.FalSéecret" SuNDAy ANQ MONDAY. APRIL 12-13 qu mW THE i4.xii, Ts A pr, g 19ui-2421- .RMI~AWDIX sa" IRENE DUNNE "aY' u m aLmTiU SU , * r - .w11 U- Soshod by lifi,--JoJis Gilbert isn't af raid to face death %tith a miile in "'Gentleman's Pote," >ow-, erfud draina at thse Teatro del Logo Thuriday and. Priday, April 16, 17. Pctured above are Louis Wol- heimt (tvith fists cienched) and John Gilbe rt, who plays thse role - of JVolheims brother. NEWSPAPER PICTURE 'The attraction tonight (Friday) at .he Teatro del Lago is "Tbe Scandai bheet,"' newspaper mnovie with Kay Franicis and two-fisted. George Ban- roft as tbe leading stars. I Tepl Auss. Remmekm9 Druag C. Smider-Cýâ Drut -C.. Wium.vgs ?IBVUc7 or at thedeoe. Jwa t lw YJLvt The dreamn of a collegie youthi cornes to realization in a thrilling 'and instructive manner on the screen of the leatro del Lago Saturday, April 11, in the travel film, "South Seas," featuring Mr. and Mrs.' Gifford Pin-. chot and their son, «Giff y." Long before he was governor of the State of Pennsylvania, :GiffÔrd Pinchot, dreamed of taking, a South seas' cruise in his own yacht. Years1 later, Pinchot was able to have his own three-masted schooner, ithe' Mary, Pinchot,» for a cruise that was. val- uable b9th to science and the movies. Saturday's double feature programn also offers George O'Brien in .6Fair Warning," a' great outdoor romance, adapted. fromi the novel, "The Un- tamied," written by- Max Brand. Plenty of action, thrills and suspense tnake this one of. the best, filmns. On Sunda.y and Monday, April 12 and 13, Nancy. Carroll and Pbillips Holmes star in "'Stolen Heaveh *9 new raanatic sensation with the two film'n luminaries giving expert characteriza- tions. 1Here's a slice of the plot- Miss Carro1ll the discouraged and,'hf e-, wearyl-irl, does a good deed-saving .Holmes f romn the police. Holmes as: sick of if e as she is, proposes that they spend the proceeds of a rob- bery he has committed in one, last Wa fling at life, and,' then, together, seek death. T1he fling soon exbausts their money, and nothing remains for Holmes but death. A millionaire playboy offers Nanicy marriage. Bt. Holmes and Nancy discover their love for each other, and love adds a new meaning to life, makes it some- thing worth fighting for. Ayres as Gang-Leader Another not-to-be-missed picture is "The Doorway- to Heil," featuring .Lewis Ayres-on Tuesday and Wed-ý mo&t thrilling sequences of> this ýfilm is that in which the ex-gang-leader, who bas, come back to the old ha.unts to avenge the killing of bis imahl brother, is forced to face the macbine hiiu bllets of bis nne-time. pal, at the PINK SHOP (F.rmaely . et u tq 1ST urNATINAL BANUg BUILDNG Fýw ,