Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, p. 64

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s f orthe boys aud girls, mter vlha pérw -etéxrtoinal ac- tivty la Ociiéd onfilu ' ldren's Hall undér thé supervision of Miss Nttie 4-The Young Peeplé's meeting viii hé lu Ïbi*" tth e ilovship Cômmiq- sion, Lee Blarlock, dieector.. Thsis t e b.*0Pedgo Nlght" and opportunity vi b.given te msaké 70ur piedgé te thé cburoh tevards éxpénses for thé coming year The Woman'a Society méets today, AJril 10. lfunceoo at 12:30, sérvéd by Li H 411IlMM* IL r. -.Lynch. chairman. An atractie pegr à i pnned for the afternoon, eoatrlng arouud thé thaéofet oreign 'missions. Mis» Maza BVarus. mlsouary ln Assam,. and Who is nov beomé on turlough, viii be thé aitak.r. -Mms G. -N. Lamb, Mrs.'Zd- iPhoipe and Miss Pearl, Hoose vii sing acoompanied by Mm . F.G.,Guth- rldgeê IMis ta the day ot thé aboyer for thé. boe nM3Vwoo4. Bring artiles tq g may b. iasd. inthe home; shééts, 172x§g; two-yard square Indi*n Head napkilus; 0-4uIni square na-pklns. and alil knda ot mmuel fruits, ;égétabiés, jelles or jas; or bring articles that can hé soi! by themata théir basaar on April 01- taucy goods, aprens, etc. Money wifii aise hé acceptéd, vhich, . together vtithé proceeds troun thçir bauaar on »rli 821, viii. go for thé running ex- penses of thé home. odaAprIl 6, vas thé éighteenth ýý -#t- "I1n ; éfAu. The Bey Scoutset Troop 3: and their parents wiii have a dinnér Frlday nlght, Ap ril 17, at the church. Ticket& may hé secured through mémbereofe the 'Commitne. "T1hé Passing of thé Third Floor Back," a religious drama by Jerome K. Jeromé, wilI hé preented by a -group trom Us ch elurch .April 22. Tickets are, nov on saie. and i' t :1 hoped that no eue viii miss thé opportunIty of séeing this splendid play, Trhé Spring lunchéon for thé vomen ot the church viii hé héld at thé Shà.v- ne club, April- 23. Leola Aikmah, celer-ý atura .sopraao, viii héthé oloist. Shé la said te hé "GRé etofthé mont prouniéing and, talentéd .Young Américan artists héfore thé public teôdey." Shé bas had an éxceptienai prlze-winning <èareer, having won prisés flot only for personal beauty, but for ekuli and efféctivenes lu musical achiévement. BHer aýppear-- ance everyvhére meets with admiration and troin critits she* receivea almost fiattéring appreisal. Thé Guiid of Organists' récitai wiil hé qheld ln thua chureh April 26. Thére viii hé a mjeeting for ail teach- ers and parents of church sehool chul- di-en AprIl 29. This viii hé led by Prof. Franuk W. McXibban et Northwvestèrn university. Thé Meetings for parents on thé reli- gieus .trainlng and guidlance of chidren viiibél Mondiy événing, April 13. It la réquested that,>those mothérs anLd, tathern lnterested eau thé church office, se tha.t definite arrangements, can bé mnade. Thé next CubPacic meeting for Pack 63 viilhé héld Saturday morning, April Il. Itlis éxpécted that'évéry Den viii report many teste passed and that thére will hée areprésentative, from évery Den te récélvé thé rank advancemént badge. Saturday. 'April 18, thé> North End cide viii have a bake sale at Vani Deusens grocery. Kentilworth Union Kénilworth avenue and Walivlck road Dr.. HerbertL. Willlétt, minister. Dr. Wliett's subjeçt Sunday, April1 12. viii hé "Thé Reéallur et thé Sjons of God>.'! Thé mndrung service viii hoe t ilo'cleck. Sunday sebool ;III hé held for th, varlous age groups at 9 :45. Ther. vili b. no turthéi- meetings. ot thé I*dieas' Gulld until néxt séasôn. The last meeting vas held in connection vith a lunchéon'on March 31. There vili bé an éxhibit ef the splendid votk done by the ladies at thé annual apring dinner te hé held In thé very near fu- ture. Thé lecture et last *Wednesday eve- ning concluded thé séries wbich D)r. Willett has béén. giving for the Ipast L5P . ent q IThé music for' Sund aY, AprIl 12 As as foIIows: Prelude, *Zmmraus *......Frysinger Solo, --out of the Deep"'...... .Marke- Mi.Otis Ofroy My Ain, Countrie" ...Lee Potud,"rand Chorus"..'. ,GUlmýant Edward -Otis, seolat Erma Rounds, organiat and directer St.John's Lutheran Wiiniette and 'Park avenues, Wilmette Herma» W. Meyer, pastor 406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 Church telephone 31.11 Eirsj Sunday atter FZaster 9:30 a. m-SBunday achool and Bible class. 10 a. mn..-Advauiced, Bible class. il a. m.--Servlce -and examînation 0f catechumens. .Sermon: "A Whoiesome Pause ln a. Man's Lite,?" 1 Sam. 12, 7i MEETINGS Monday at . 7:45-Choir imeetinir. Monday at: 8 P. m.--Church councli. Tuesdayut 8 p~. nm. - Congrégation meeting. Wédnésday at 4 and. Saturday at 9-, Classes for children. The firât service usually held at 9 :15 o'ciock viil ot be held next, Sunday mnorning because it la presumed that everyone viii wlsh to attend 'the eus- tomary examInation. of chIldrén pré- sénting theinseives for confirmation. The Public exaniination of catechu- mens who have been preparing thém- selves for confirmation vili be held next Sunday morning at il o'clock. Tl examination la rublily heldAn Rorder, la sI-v- -.. - - - - - ..--- aul hé Anther group of adulte vfii aise hé- end t ré yc""&_n Mothér's day, Ma'y 10. " con'-I The <liurch scluoel atténqiancé for lest rive 1 Sunday vas 402. A progra.m la under of thé vay te malntain ttfs hgh lével et at- miCne tendance hétveen Easter and Pentecost.: Ë sharo Thé, Aoklye clasa, led ýby lira. R. G. -h . ïKimbell. met lait Tueuday night aithe. Harris, on. Meirose avenue. Presbyterian Church Woman's Club, Greenileaf avenue end Ténth stréet Church Office, 'State Bank, 3uildin Téléphoné Wilmette 64.and 688 Morning vQrship-11 a. i. Sunday school-9 :30 a. m. Junior school-I i a. m. Y. P. S. C. E.-5 :30 P.' M. Prayer meeting, Wednesday-8 p. in. wnile oners hve aattdedtve. yééi'a or more. In tbesé years«they have been, teught Bible history, thé Lutherà,n Cate- chlam aand soeé church history. The six, chiéf parts of thé Lutheren Catéchism,- with Its Tablé of Dutiés, and thé Chris-. tian Questions havé been;commnittéd te. memory as havé aise soe 200 ot thé main Bible passages ln the Bible, éspem- cilly those relatIng to thé Christian faith and. lite. It Is these matters vhich vili torm thé basis ef thé public éxam- ination ot thé caechuîéru,. Evéryone Io cordiafly Invlted. mers (pré-achool) : 10:45 to séhool (al tour yar) : 12 MeKI Uex Lied te M ofur

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