A ist of the summer activities to bc conducted by the Recreation staff <turing May, june, July and August, is being compiled at the. Recreation office, and 'will be announced in a special bulletin to be iusued for the aunual Spring banquet at the Shaw- nec country club, April 22. Daniel M. Davis, direc tor of recrea- don, announces thât a numberof spe- cial events' exclusive of thé annual playground bal leagues for men and women and horseshoe leaguesfor mnen are 'beiug planned.. Although the sea- son is much too young to announce a definite ý date for the beginning of activities,'Mr. Davis has set the teli- tative date for M'ayl& Mll definite announcements of sciiedules *nd activities are, being withheld until the time of the banquet when athietes, on- winning teains, of the winiter season will, be 'awarded trophies and individual medals for theïr prowess during the past year. Civic leaders, members'of the. nec- reation board, and prominent citizens îaterested ini the village Recreation movement will take part in the pro-1 grain being prepated for the banquet.. tments ni au- ------Jg ". 4- . creation departmnents of the nation and mnaintains a representative and a branch office in Chicago for purpeses oif assistance that may be required by system in this area. The Wilmette board willne ave a spe cial program. celebrating the 2Sth anniversary oif thé association, Daniel M4. Davis, director oif recrea- tion anounces, but he supplies the fol- lowing ciponni whidi rives an in- Hocward 5VsOWplaygi-ounus. witn'a record attendance. More than' 1,%00 chldlren, inclusive of all ajges f rom pre-kindergarten groupe tbropugh the fourthi grades of tbe public and-Wpaochiàl schools.- gath-, ered at the Howard scbool at 2:30 o'clock on' the -afternoon of the hunt. The emler groupe including pre- school age, kindergartenera. and first grade children hâa, a separate hunt, f romi thé rest cf.the-cbildren and be- gan 15 minutes earlier than the oider group. This junior group started f rom the Howardt gymnasium when Lowell F, Todld, principal cf Howard school, gave the starting signal. Assising Mr. Todd in conducting- this hunt. were Mrs. E., M. Simonds, Mrs. R. W. Armstrong, Mrs. H. O. VonDerHoff and Mrs. Herbert L. Leacb. Director oif. Recreation Da-niel M.' Davis gave the starting signal for the eider groupe which included chldren of the second, third, and f ourth grades. This group was allotted the grounds just north cf the Howard schol grounds for tbe hbit. Mrs. E. H. Free- man an-d members of the Recreation staff, Dudley C. Stone, Glen W. Gathercoal, and Miss Jee Skidmore, assisted Mr. Davis in supçrvision of this. hunt. Approximately 3,000 candy eggs were hidden, and were equally divided be- Aero Club. to Hold Last Seasonftl Meet April 24 The Wilmette Aero club will bave its last seasogi1 meeting Friday eve- ning, April 24, at the Stolp school. gymnasium, Glenh W. Gathercoal, rec- reatieon assistant in charge of, tbe group announces. ireiy to ti vvn,,ASDe t.,voiJtt ts of mndel :'nb class meetings, are planning to con - tinue the organization of the class during the summer nionths and meet for special social functions at intervals throughout the hot weather.season. Thé first post-seasonal meeting will, be field thislîeveningas a roller skat- ing p arty. Members of the clasi who wish te roluer skate will meet at -the, Howard -sçbol at 2:30 o'clock and tbe party w ill stàrt from there. Other members of the class who>0do net wish, to relIer skate will meet at the school at 8 o'clock and will later join the skaters% for refreshments. Later in the sumnmer a picnic.in the forest preserve and a swimming class at the beach are being planned. Menibers of the Recreation staff, who sponsor competitive activities.for other people. during the largest part: of the year, are themselves- having a taste of competitien thisý week 'and nIext week. Two-hundred tickets for the annual spring banquet given in honor of the winning athletes were distributed among the!n for selling, and the teains and organizatiens represented îin Rec- reation activities divided into greups.1 Each staff member bas been allotted. a group to whom hie van seil tickets,1 and the staff member meeting with most success in bis group gets a1 prize of a ticket for himself. LosersL in tbe contest miust pay for their own tickets. The banquet is teo beheki Mt the ShawvnecCountry club Wednesday evening, April 22, at 6:30 o'clock. The - affair will be the fiftb annual -occasion of its kind 'givei in honor of members of the winning teams finishing at the. top of their leagues during the past fali and winter season.. For thée 6rst time a year-round trophy will bc awarded to girl' ath- letes winning the higbest averagein a point systemn on the saine basis ast the men's awards. Girl athîctes takingi 'part in recreation -activities have been awarded gold balls, for winning first Girls who are ping-pong players, amateurs or experienced players, are to have an oportunity to conipete in tournamnent play an announcement f rom the, women's departinent. of the Play- ground and Recreation board reads. Ping-pong sets are.the newest equip- ment added to the Recreation stores and foll owing. the delivery :of a table already ordered ýby the Board, the first tournament games will be played. A tentative date for the beginning, of. thetournament is Friday evening, May 15. However, in *the event the table arrives before that time, it will' be set. up in the. recéreation board- office and players registered for the tourna- ment wijll be able to make appoint-> ments for special practice gameés prior« to the o pening of comüpetitivre play.. The womnen'i tournament is te be an open air affair and ail the, games will be played. on Friday evenings at Vatt- manpar bginning at 7:30 o'clock or earlier. 'Beca-use, of the time allotted for prac- tice games, no previous experience in playing ping-pong will be necessary f or registration. for, the tournamentý and staff members of the 'wornen'de- partment of. th e Recréation board are planning to arrange for special classes for instruction in the rules of the game. Entries will be acceptect at the Rec- reation office, 914 Cen' tral avenue, after* April 15. Girls who are interested ini conipeting, in the tourriament gamnes may register witb Miss Joe Skidmore, recreation assistant or- they may mail their 'ertries to the Recreatiin- office. this week but - the schedule wi'll be supplemented with track athletics, Daniel .M. Dlavis, director of ýrecrea-' tion, and Physical Training direct'or in the public schools, a nnouincesý. The. spring athleic schedule for boysç will occupy -five. afternoons a week, and extra track: practice. on Saturda morning. Monday, Wednesday and Priday evei-ings are also gfiven over to track in, preparation for the an- nual 'North'Shnre track mpp-t ihe1 in ofive li New York lias sent -foUlowiug plea for recretion ýs cf depresion: day's ýsearch for work has bppeless. Nothing b 'do but the. streetsor il and brood. me ta b<iy 8USIfluit for the - - - -------%& -- iup 4anaioward sCUOLS under itne building, training for the wise use Of supervision of Mrs. Olga S. Bail and leisure, must reach children. today if Mrs. Gertrude Fanckboner, gym- we would flot reap a harveet Of ill nasium instructers at the two respec-' health, delinquency and wasted- citi.. tive schools. Regular schedules will zenship tooeorrOw . ý. . In spite of be started in tbis sport for girls next, the critical. demande for relief,, can weelc and Will be contiiiued threugh we afford to deny. the children safe April. and happy play,?, Playground ball for boys. aise started NAÉTS ARTICLES 0P TIN I have a hiDbby that I like véry much. It is a collection of tin articles I made myseif. They conuist of a sugar scoop, cookie cutter, pin tray, box, doughnut cutter,, cup and two canteens. I.made two cuvs, one .whlch- was to b. uaed as an exhIbit. My brother aloo. hai quite a few tin articles, he Made hInself. e prise my tin artcles Véry xnuch.-Paul - EMrick, iC, Stoip,