Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Apr 1931, 2A

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Wiimette voters are urgled to au- thorize and approve the proposed $100,000 bond issue to provide 'an ade- quate water suppl.y for the Village in a report submitted. by the sewer and wate committee of thé Village board at the regular meeting of the board Tuesday night. 'rheproposed bond is- sue wil be decided by the voters at the, annual village élection on, April 21. .The report of the sewer and water, committee was submnitted to thée Vil- lage board Tuesday by Trustee W. W. DeBerard, chairman. of the com- mittee. It was signed by Mr. De- Berard and. by the two other mcm-, bers of the committee, Trustees' Er- nest C. -Cazel and Carl. Renneckar. Thé: board accepted. the report and concurrcd in'its recommendations.. Followin. is the sewer and water committee's analysis of the water sit- *uation as -contained in:the- report: ComnIlttee Repot "The Village of. Wilmette itg how ne-' gotiating with Evanstoin for a new and larger supply of water. As soon as these negotiations are completed and it le deflnitely determined where the supply wili be received, and what gize or the cap acity. of the: new, supply main -Is to be, It will be necessary for the Village of Wilmette to proceed at once with the construction of 'a larger Water ýmain from the source of suplily to the west part of, the Village at Ridge avenue. "Because of the' urgency of getting a better suppiy o! water to these parts.0f> o! the Village that were extremely sho rt. of supply during the past suinmer, the Village board are "Bking the citizens to authorize and approve a bond Issue of .$100,000 so that f unds will' be avail- month, accorciuig to B. T. Clark, secre- tary. The new members are: regular and professional-Dr. M. C. HëcIxt, Henry Spechit, The Pink Shop, Ben's Shoe $hop, Pennsylvania Ou ,coipany, Atlantic and -Pacific Tea company, Villag'e of Wilmette, Armaànd's Tai lor Shop, Lyman:Pbarmacy, Sign Craft Studio, 'W. 1. 1Bullard, Bowman Dairy comipany, Pcacock Ice Cream Shop, and 'Wilmctte .Aénimal 1hospital; and civic-Frederick J.. Newey, C. P. Dubbs, E,. R. J4fmes. G. T. Hellmnuth, P~. B. Weakly and 'H. W.. McKinne y. Kenilworth Eleets Two Members of Park Board on the north side of Elmwood avenue at its. intersection with Main street to the northeas't corner' of Sixtcenth street and Maple avenue. This house stands in the way of tbe proposed extensionl'and widcnîng" of -Main. street north from- Elmwood avenue to the Wilmette-KenilWorth villagRe limits, where it will.join Green Bay road, (West Railroad avenue) in Kenilworth, forming part of . the through highw ay which is .to run thr'ough the> north shore vi1llag!es- parallel te the Chicago and North Western railway.tracks on th e west from, McCormick boulevardî'n Evans-ý ton tbrough Glencoe. Tbe bouse and the property on wbich it stands bas been owned by the village of Wil- M r s. Florence mette for some'time. (Mrs. Bently G.), mi, >1Wrtten consent of twenty-five McCioud, 339 Ken-m property owners living across the .ilworth à v e n u esre from tbe location wbhere tbe was elccted a mem- village plans ýto mnove the bouse was ber-of the' Kenil- .submnitted to the Village board at its wortb Park 'board regular. nieeting Tuegday 'nigbt." at the board's an- nual election Tues- 2 a i si orne; day. of this week2Fanle iH to-fil the vacancy Legal' Action Ordered caused by the ex- Village Attorney Charles H. Jack- piration of thb e son was instructed by the Village term of, Charles D. board Tuesday night to take tbe Howe, president, necessary legal steps to sec tbat the was flot a candi- Herbert Taylor use of a residence at 220 Central Park date for reelection. Mrs. McCloud re- avenue in wbich two families have ccived 34 votes. Herbert B. Taylor, 631 been living conforms to tbe village 'Abbottsford road, wbosc termi on the zoning laws. The residence is ini a board also expired this spring, was re- dist'rict., where only single farnily Cooperation of ail social and civie .groups for tbe erection of a commun-ý ity house in Wilniette wu.s the key- note of the -plan offercd hy AIder Tighe in bis report before the Wjl- mette Chamber of Commerce. at the. regular -meeting on Monday. night i!b the Masonic temple. The formation' of 'a Wilmette. Cour- mumity House association, composed of repres entatives f rom every local s ocial and civic body, is, advocated by: the Chamber of Commerce special con-* munity bouse committee, according to the report of its chairman, Mr. Tigbe. No Fuad DrAveNow, No'financial solicitation .for Wil- mette -com un iity house f unds wiIl be made in the near f uture, Mr. Tighe emphasized, adding tbat much, pre7 limfinary work could be donc before any financial campaign is launcbed. t may tak tree, years to, realize tbe comm unity bouse dreain, the commit- téeebas estimated. ýMr. Tighce expressed' tbe bope tbat tbe building be coin*: pleted [n tirne for the Wori'd's fair flourish in 1933. -z' The special community bouseco- mittee, composed also of A. D. AI~- bright, B. B. Udeil, A. S. Van Deusei,ý Jobn Hoffn'an, D. E. Allen, Jr., and W. H. Zibble, bas suggestcd that tbe Wilmette Cbamber of Commerce act as bost at' a big meeting attended by aIl the. civk-and social groups of Wil- mette, and tha' f romn this gathering a permanent community bouse committee be organizeci. 'It.ý would be possible for the 'Village board to finance this proposed water. works improvement .by' Issuing what are known as water certificates. These water certificates would' bear interest at, 6% per..annumn, and if,.sold for lees than par, this would, mean they would:bear, a greater Interest rate than 6%, - By Issuing general ltability bonds, as, le suggested by the Villàge4bdard, these bonds would bearinterest, at, 4% ?1per annumi or 1%/~% less than the, Water cer- tificates, and this. difference lnIi nterest rate 0f î.% vw6uld, mean a.saving of '$1500 In intereet, alore ini the firat year. IIBcaueý f -*hbt idifference i Intr- are ]Uward F. H-an and R. W.' Starrett. JoscPh Joyce Arrest'Two Car Thieves, in Wilmette on Tuesday George Sbaugbnessr 1Y, 16. yéars old,- of Albany, N. y., and Edward HIein, 26 years old, of Cleveland, Ohio, were arrestcd by Wilmettc police Tuesday night as suspicious. characters. and it streets and alleys committec, to which committee on February 17 this mat- ter was referred. GRANT PERMIT A communication f rom *J.Woo- cock of the Wilmettc Realty co mpany asking for a permit to build a one-story brick building at 410 Linden avenue was read at the meeting of the Village board 'ruesday nigbt. A motion tbat the permit be granted- was passcd fnncier, reairorgenieral emnàni, lawyer. and.' philan- 'Conctudink bis report,. Mr. Tigbe ,çaid: "I can't.'belpý but believe that well soon bave -a pernmnent commnunity bouse commnittec. If we c an get an organization together, we won't stop until we bave, a community house. There is a real need for it, we want' it, and I tbink we'll deliver it bef are HURT IN iCRASH was present and three new members Mrs.. B. M. Coplan of the U nique were acccpted. Arthur 'Lee, candi- Style Shop, 1126 Central avenue, is date for Village trustee, addressed recovering f rd*u injuries received in the meeting and it wa's proposed that an ýautom.obile collision at West Rail- one of the Civic Party candidates be road and'Lincoln avenues, Evanston, also asked to, speak to the club. This Saturday night, March 2$. She was is being arranged for, and a special in the hospital five days following tbe meeting w'ill ýbe called to hear tbis accident.. Mr. Coplan also was in- speaker. Members will be notified of Jured in the sanie accident. the tume and place. .uuîcg'Sedian.,~ chéap at $260. 1143 or eall at Ave., Wilmette. ci.ock. He wl ie and "Playe l8y -Nom 4pnish.

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