fias been appointeci andithe iLaser week-end inveigled many north ýhore residecits to engafre their mounts and canter ov er the club's bridie paths. Mrs. John 1Ritchie, 'Miss Mary Ritchie,, Mrs. W., G. Kelly'.is Evelyn Calkins, ChariesNevins,- and Miss May Norris of Winnetka, Mr Ward Starrett,- James. Green, 'and Miss Joan KeÈtcbam of Kenilworth. and Miss- Jean Marie Ericsson and Miss Janet, Gregorv of Glencoe are among those who bave entered the spring. riding classes. Mis. William M. McIlvaine, Jr., bas been chosen to head fhe committee of womnen's activities by Donald. F. McPherson, president ýof the, club. The. riders over the oh shore bridie paths last week-end included Mr. ,and Mrs., Frank- Ketcham -and their guests. Miss Charlotte, Chandler, Ira C., Darling, Mrs. Edgar A. Stev- ens, Ward Starrett and Mes. H. F. Tideman of Kenilworth; Burt J. Den- man of Wilmette; M. H. Pontius- of Evanston; Mellen C. Martin, Arthur M. tox, !Marshall TForrest, Juclge Stephen Foster, M iss Dorothy Qtt and her guest, Miss Mary Lou Laird. Miss Evelyn Shurnan. Mrs. William Sherman Hay, Mrs. William P. Si- ley, G. D.. Cowin, Henry A. Gardner. and Mis§ E. Gardner, William B. Mc- Tivaine, Jr.. Miss inez McKeown, Donald McPherson, Jr., Gilbert Crow- der, Howard W. Fenton and bis guest, Miss Debora Butler, Miss Jessica Butler, 'and Mrs. Robert S. Laird, of Winnetka, and Alfred Watt of Glencoe. Junior Auxiliarg Meets Apr. 16; Flect's Off icers * The Junior Auxiliary of the Wom- an's club of Wilmette bas arranged to entertain its xùembers, with a din- ner'bridge Thursday evening, April I6& at. 6:30 o'riock, and announces that reservatiodns for the dinner are to be made with Patsy Flentyre of 919 Central avenue before next Tuesday. Newmembers just have beenade to the auxiliary and their names f ol- low_ Jane :Owen, Katherine Panush- WITHMIRACLEAN Have'Shoreý Line Mira- edean drap es-.curtainps --table. runners-silk shadles-tapestries- Oriental. rugs -domes- tic rugs7-blinds-hang-9 i ngs llh-ousehold, things. For Miraclean brings that' added touch, of lovel iness and color- without trace of clean- ing odor or oily deposit to attract dirt to 'the things that make a bouse home. There is a specialized service for eachhousehold .article -andan assurance of, resuits that conforms- with the requirements. of the most exacting, 'housewife. Hon~ored at Banquet Dr. Donald McKay Gallie, 1115 Elmwood avenu~e, was- tendered a testimonial banquet Monday evening,, APril 6, a t. the. Hotel La Salle by members of 'the alumni assocation of the Chicago Col1ege of Dental S$ur-- geay. ment.