Attorney JEimer E~. Jackson to pre- are was passed by the board at its April meeting Monday night, di this week. As a result of thle Passage of tbis ordinançe 'West Railroad avenue in Kenilworth becomies Green Bay road., Work on the;widening and paving -of this, Kenilworth street was started- last f ail and win be completed this spring and summiner. This newlywidened street in Keni- wortb will be a ink in 'the 'partially c,.mnpleted through, highway traversing the north shore f rom McCormick road ini Evanston through Glencoe, running parallel to the Chicago and. North. Western railwytrcs on the et Fail t. Agree onNazâe 'Efforts of the various villages to, agre e on a sin gle naine for the -new through road thus far have been un- sucessf ut. It is called WestRailroaâ avenue inl Evariston, Main street in Wiluiette, Green Bay 1-oad in Kenil- worth, Center street in Winnetka, Lini-. den avenue in Hubbard Woodls and' Glencoe road in Clencoe. Besides changing the naine of West Railroad avenue to Green Bay road, the ordinance passed by the Kenil- worth Village board Monday night provide s for the f ollowing other street naine changes ini Kenilworth. *Southdean road becomes Greenwood avenueCoventry road becomes Kenil- $40.OO Allowance for Your OId Radio or Phonogaph On, This 19 RADIOýý PHONOGRAPH COMBINATIO.N ý5,. AN INTRODUCTORY OFFBR For a limited time only we will allow you as much as $40.00 for your old -radio or phonograph, on the purchase of "ii.NEW 1931 Philco Radio- Phonograph Gombination. Here is tii. whole world of radio anud phonograph entertainment brought within the reach of every rîeasant avenue uvquzus vvayLOian ae nue and Temple court, bevomes Berke- lçy road. Mrs. Mary F. Keeler Dies at Residence Here Mrs. Mary Frances Keeler, wif e of, Hervey E..Keeler, 610 Forest avenue, Wilmette, died Thursday, April, 2, at her home after an illness of several wonderful phonograph records of today-aIl the great singera, orchestra. and entertainers ready to play and sing for you by radio or record with a realism that only Philco balanced-unit sets can give. A Il Electric! The phonograph is 100,7 electrie 1 EIectricslly driven motor, self -starting turntable, and ele.- triosil pkip 1 today (Friday) for a two weeks' fish- ing trip to the Gulf of Mexico. -- Mrt. Walter 0. Haas, 621 Park ave-, nue.. had as her week-end guests, her mother, Mrs.. Martin of Ka#ma-. zoon, )iich.i and her brothér Glen 'T. «at fAbert Lea, Linn. North. Shoe 742Eha S Ji..tkha 3474 3474 Ma.hqe0. 380cýu&Jm~ ighIawI P* rfON