e. dited to the labors and the,1uj execu .tive cormlittee and 1"0&d wIll b club's highly efficient preà McClure. IGretepantition Will Save Lifte Leta Hatée the Day! Thenumber. of boys and gisn vat- tending New Trier' high school: now ex- ceeds 1,800 and is increasing yearly at the rate of 100 a, year. RnlargedTo ieet this increase, >f Ch ho work 'will so o On. b e started on two new. bWildnigs to cost almost ffl,000O. It. seems vety likely that a, portion of this extension wiil be réady for use when school! reopens n@tfali. The- growt1h of high school population indicates rather accurately the growth of township population. 1Every spring. and fali more'than 100 families move into New Trier township, anid places i dur high *school must be provided for children niý these families Who are of higb school age. The size of these buildings can, be imagined from the fact that one of these structures is to contain 56 rooms. This There are meany. who criticize adversely' our educatioeial system, believing that too great a share of taxes goes to the schools anld also that current educational methods Are to a large extent ineffective. These 'critics forget that education, and only edu- cation can maintain the health of our com- monwealth. Uuman beings cannot inherit gSod citizenship. -'Tbey must'be trained Lng andd *eat ed~ in easy to the radio program ini t howmes. And yet, Mi of the Frank Now that. April is here and no mor e inow likely, it is appropriate. for every househol1der and storekeeper to. dean, up. Time to hiproperty. In Aprilna Time. ture:begins to work. up a, Clean Up landscape, that shall be pleasing to the. human eye. Trýee , g rass, and fiowers begin to cover ý thei* bareness. Birds of .various colors and shades of :color begin..to fly about, apparently . for - man's en*omet. Why shiould not man do his share in the gen- eral beautifying? Last year's faded leaves have accumu- lated in the hedgerows. Get themh out by rake or hand. Pile them up and burn them. You'l be surprised at the improve- meni sucb a removal will make. Perhaps your boys have left their sleds and skis propped üp against the fence or rear steps. Urge the obys to take these winter things to the .attic or basement. We won't be so brash as to suggest that windows be cleaned and dingy houses painted, but we will take the opportunity to hope that real estate signs be removed froin trees and that dilapidated and crip- next cloor or across thle street. F,,ven if it isn't yours, we're sure that the owner. wjil flot .object. Let's have flot onlya spotless north shore but a beautiful north shome In 1924 we flew from Paris (France, flot - Illinois) to London. Some time be- fore we took the trip we had though the - - - ~ matter- over rather 'tnip ini ti enjoyit rwe air. 'seemns to us peculiarly weil suited to a general house-cleaning in the inunicipal.establishmerit, Blustering Big Bill may be expected to steam out of his boat-garaýge in, the Chicago river withÎii a- few -days. and we trust, quarters have long since been arrangedfor- his menagerie. Bill's Ark shouid boast at lenst a pair of jackasses, the identity of which or whom ,WeIl leave to your reflection. MUSINGS 0F OUR ËIGHT EDITOR DIARY OF' A SPRINGTIME BACHELOR:. The robins are gettinig settled in their niests. I gues& :these birds aren't such cuçkoos, after ail. You knoW,. I feel "kind of"' left out. Think. ll ,tjrya littie poetry cure for t hat lonely mood: I. çpring I feel neglected; I've .gravy on mty test; My shirt is minus buttons- F'm a. bird uit ho ut a nest S0MFETHING' OUGHT' TO BE DONE ABOUT THIS: After. we've lôoked at the illus- trations ini the seed catalog, our appetite-usually of ordinary proportions-lias grown out of ail bounds. We simpiy can't keep our mind on our work these niglits. We're haunted l'y visions of squashes, tur- nips, rose-red radishe 's, tornatoes, string, heans and sucli. Ah, those waternielons which fil our dréains and float by with ail the beauty of o0 many Graf zeppelins ...... As for the flower pictures in the seed catalog, they're beautiful, aibeit less edible. ONE KINU 0F BUILDING BOOM: Golfersr and tennis players of suburbia are busily erecting air casties, sniartly, furnished with loving cups. won l'y narvelous performances in sumnmer touir- naments. Observing the world f rom bis Conning Tower,, F. P. A. suggests that ail wcrk on inventions l'e suspendeci for a hundred years so that our souls, which are out of breath, wiii l'e able to catch u with our bodies. If P. A.9's plan were carried out, what kind of Century of Progress exposition woudweha in 2033? It appears that quite a gang enjoyed the Tony's now celebt-ated cart. k'erhaps we- s hail, reëali ride on lit meet you next Tuesday at.......welyo uS. -IQIUE.s il