ýVillage Board Approves Amended Ordinane -at Session Tuesday Night The Wilmette Village, Plan, whicéh inte at three months lias been the' source of almost continuai discussion between property owners living où cer- tain so-called major streets. and me= bers of the >Wilmiette Plan'commission and the Village board, lias been amend- ed. The.amending ordinance. was passed by the Village board-at its regular' meeting Tuesday niglit by unanimous vote. The Wilmette Village Plan lias been brought prominently té the, fore 'by the Public Welf are party in the"present .Village election campaign, and Carbon P. Dubbs, standard bearer of that party, frdo if elected president of Wilmette will be to remnove thé ordinance approving the. plane This ordinance was passed by the Village board January 15, 1929. The amending ordmnancpassed by the board Tuesay nigt. of this week,. strikes f rom tRe plan all reference to any proposed widenimg of mauy of the streets listed as major streets iu the original plan and provides for certain street naine changes. With reference t0 street wideaing it says that thie old Wilmette Village Plan ordinance, las hereby amended IY strilçing f roui sauR plan auy and a l letters, words, signs and symbols imdi- cating any proposed widening of thie f ollowing streets or parts thereof . *"Michigan avenue, Sixth street, Maple avenue f rom Sheridan road to Park avenue, Fifteenth street, Park avenue f rom Prairie avenue to IsabeUl street. Prairie avenue, Illinois ras, Locust Street, E*ibbard road north of Skokie, boulevard, Lalcewood avenue, Ashland avenue eust of Illinois road, Ridgre roads norili of Forest avenue 1 toQuestionnaire On pages 22, 23 and 24 of this issue of WiLMExTTE Lute will be. found a wealth of valuable infor- mation for Wilmette voters. These pages contain. replies, by candi- dates. in the, Village election. on, Apil, 21 to a questionnaire pie- pared by1 the Wilmette League of *Women Voters. In the question- naire the candidates are asked to give their personal. views regard- ing issues - that are foremost1 in the current election campaign. The League of Womnen Voters,, a non-partisan. organization, pro- vides th ,is informati on to assist voters in making an analysis of candidates' qualificaions and at-ý titude concerning vital questions Of village-wide imnport. Defeat Ordinance for Vacating AIIey, An ordinance providing for vacat- ing part of a public alley in Block 24 the block bounded by Lake ave- nue on the north, Eleventb street on the west, Central avenue on the south .and Tenth street on the east, was pre- sented at the regular meeting of the Village board Tuesday night but was defeated. T he vote was 3 to 2 in favor. of the ordinance, but four votes were re-. quired to pass it. There is one va- cancy on the Village board because of the death of Hans vonReinsperg. Trustees W. W. DeBerard,ý Ruth Sny- der. and StaÛton Van Inwagen voted in favor of the ordinance, and Trus-. tees Ens C. Cazel and Carl 'Ren- neckar vioted against it. It w'as propqsed to'vacate the alley running south from Lake avenue to the est andl wet allev between Tentb Henry Fowler, 1404 Forest aveQu, LJ~VI IO> and, Henry J. H4ack, 1228 Gregory avenue,,, whose teruis as Wilmette FKri Publie Welf are Party'Presideut district commissioners expiree. spring, were reelected at the aun ti Nommùe. Challe.by Challeng e to public debate appears to- be the highlight of the élection campaigu in. the village this week. The ,challenge emaniates. with the* Wilmçtte, Civic party and is issued to Carbon* P. Dubbs' candidate for' président oný the ,Public Welf are, Party alâte. 1f1 t is proposedl by the' Civic party that Mr. Dubbs shall Imeet Frederick JNeweyr, c-andidate for president.on thé Civic party ticket, im a "free and Henr, FOýW Heny j liaÀcl frank discussion of ail the issues. of H.nw Fowm H.ry ~the campaign" stating that such. a Park district election Tuesday of this debate "would ibe of a.great educa- wek Mrà FowlIar rccivc4. 301 votes tional ,value to the voters." and Mr. Haack 267. D. C. Leach, 1417 I t hleg h ii at Forest avenue, whose name did not ropseithalln the Civic partyd un appear on the ballot, received 77 votes, perotpos h debatoe e hl u- Other commissioners of the Wilmette der thesponorshniof somenpoi-g Park district besides Mr. Fowler and nent csiii riationmetio-Cham- Mr.Hack reLois . illon ,presi- ber of Commerce or the Wimette dent; C. N. Roberts and Floyd L. Civic league. -The tinie and place for Bateman.the debate would be decided upon ac- ceptance of the challenge -by 'Mr. Students to Attend Dubbs., Meeting Plan Vails Wilmette Convention Efforts of the Chamber of Comn- Students from colleges in various merce to sponsor a candlaites' meet- parts of-the country will couic to ing .at the Howard school,, met with Wilmette next week-.end to1 attend failuire this weelc. the annual Lutheran- Ét#dent's con-~ The Chamber appointed Pauil C. vention in St. Johii'ý__ Lutheran. tang and Alder Tiglie a committee church, Wilmette and Park avenues. to erideavor to conclude such an ar- Those attending thie session, sched- rangement but the committee pre- uled for Saturday and Sunday, April sentçd the following report: 18 and 19, will represent colleges and "The cornmittee appointed by the universities of the Lutheran -Synoêi president to, confer with the leaders Cal Conference of. North America. of the parties sponsoring candidates The rinipa spakerat he on-for* Village offices, relative- to hold- vention will be Dr. Paul Bretscherigameiga h oadsho head of the River Forest Normaltohuthvaoucndaespak school. reports that an agreement to hold a joint meeting could. not be reached0 urtmnwuSS a 3 alu-u- HOLD JOINT LUNCHEON The Wilmette Optimist and Rotary clubs Reld i~joint luncheon meeting at the Shawnee Coutry club Wednesday of this weel. They heard a. lecture on ist1 veb@I l Nws .... 3- *juaw ios [ 1............0 UlW Pges ..... *....40-41 Public Foeua........... 6 Qmstinumfr........ 22-24 Reo.eàtIos.......... ...s Soelet>' Pags .** **45 ieifytrl Dib - m Ml, " ,e"- diciti to whkb Rie7sdt of.tbis week. MrW faigthe necessitY 0 SforrmýL tine, iat us