UUouIS 0* SPoq tin ntciCpation of funde not collected. .1. Eeferemdem: All major -questions, after ~rper atudy, ahould b. referred tthe votera and aucli actiontke au should be indicated by the maJor- fty Vote eut. Il. UuIi Code: Cont.mplated chang- ea to the building code, ,If"' any, PRfOUD and W. stand by Our fine 9110E REPAIRINIG It is the. talk of th to la nctifIliceiy that my opinion ýwilli be. conaidered et Imiiortance--more than* an expMmesalon of a private citizen and roi- dent > trWI.lmette; econaequently after du. consideration, 1 arn not returning the questionnaire at thia time. I aïn aiso et thie opinion that, we are al work- ling, fer - the same end, A greater and more beautiful, Wilmette. HERMAN T.: REILING Candidat. for Villge Tresurer ýTa2payers' Pavty Âddreusa:1521l Greenweod, àa venue. EdL et :Graduate of Southern 1111m 'nt Normial. univýeraty; :graduate, et Unilveraity.et Chicago Law sebool; sýtudied acceunting at Walton Sehool ef, Commerce. Prroacat. ]uslnensaConnection: Member of law firm ef KIXMiller, Baar and Hta;: professer et law at: Loyola- unvriY, teaching Federal taxation. Previta Bsines Reord: ,TaÙght'two Ilý yt itutory duties as ýTo receive aIl the Village Col- thoritis.to de- 10 faiUUlise imUi0rAwALh ur.oa problems. This le eue cf several ad- vant4gea tù e hoderived from the vil- lage manager plan. ? 2. Village Plan Commuission: a. Tirongb, Trae:e In a statement appearing ln theii. ImW«rE Lii on January 9,, 1931, the Chair- man of the Plan7 Commission aaid: "Thé Wilmette, Plan, con- templatea a complete boulevard syatem subatantially within our own bordera and encircllng the Village.'» I do not believe that such, la uecesaary or that plans ahould now b. 'made for auch a syatem. ýOur: streets ahould be Aèkept aa quiet. and free from dan- ger as peaal sble. Tralffic through Our -village 9houldnfot be en- couraged. h. Comamunity Houae:. A community bouse la a desirable asaet to a village. However, there are several factora, aucb aa the numn- ber of church buildings, theé ath- letie and other facilltiea at the .ucJools, the cluib buildings, and the xnovies. which make our problem much différent than In Winnetka. The present taX aitua- tien preventa any Immediate action being taken by the village. e. Pireaerva.tion of trees: The trees In *the parkways should be pre- aerved .by the village govern- ment. The. village should aise encourage the protection, of trees on private property, the expense te be borne by the property owners. 8. Zoulus -Asartaients. with secial .jo.u ..au f£40 m1s C *C wou.a Prou âbly beo a groater détriment te the adjoining vIfopierty if tàken .into thé, village., Thero ahoui 1d ho no extensive annexationi, Wilmette. in aufflcienbtly large In area. 4. Water . Oupplyt If a satiafactoryr rangement eau 'be. made with EvÀts- ton, thia ahould ho done. 7. Fee OMiea:i A study should be made of the fée officea, the compensation, received by the fee officera and the servicea render-ed, particuiarly Iu con- nectien with, special àssessment proceedinga. For example, during the. paat two years a good engineering departmeflt could have been main- tained more economically than under the preaent fee syatem eof paying the engilneer. However, -rather than have the expenae of an engineering de- partment,, the question.et large tees might ho aoived..by not having a aet rule of allowing a certain percentage Iu ail cases. In ether departinenta the feeaystem bhas been advantageeuq to the village. the building commisaloner, for exaniple, being -paid -loua undor the fee aystem than hi s srvices are wortb. 8. Parka and Reereation Grounda: The extension of the Park district bound- aries te take ln the territory weat et the Ridge seema advisable. Wben tuis ta doue the park board revenuea, col- lected from that territory ahould be used to provide parka and 'recreation grounds for that territory. ,9. Budget and Tax Â,ifroprlatlons; A welI planned budget is necessary te economnyp and thua means a ,well ila nned and nrnr.oP au rannntio'n or- '..ý mette1 LiBden 'Ave. rauy cA rranta.; to'x trustees 6 ires,, the a [th >the vi SOCIETY. VALET SERVICE Gearmneuts clean. snd pressed; lis clesned. and blocked; sh.., -cl«ed, dyed and reglazed; alteations and repairs. ]EXPERT WORMANS1IIP * -MODRATÉ PRICES Ima hobe IM'a atead et fall<o apatrment hij leparatlon à 1TÉ esalve acion ýatost pIruu- 'or, rea vil- leé tuf. te udy te de- area imay a plan te village« o! it; te re- tg threat. lage should Uon te a Il.: BuR »ro» ýrend;ui: Bond Issues necesaary Emaking et public improver»ptqs [b. aubmidtted te the people. los ot general intereat .and -af- g the entire village. sucb as, nenta, the building et- a cea-* y bouse, water uupply,, annex a- tf territory, abould be submpittedl ýeferendum., Ilng Codegg The manner ln which ,ty can be used should be. ade- ýy covered 'ln tiie oning ordin- . e. whether It can ho used for ntial, commercial or industrial ea. Tho. building Code regulates, Lety and! structure of the hul.!- As us.d ina to. Soul--E"sasoo liq lé- SA..w I..w 386 Ceatral Avenue. * Wdud Pé& ]HL P. 4141 Show Roum 16M h.rumau Avenu. «.4Mto night of. rnis week wnen the regular April'meeting of the board 'was held. This action was taken 'o that Kenil- worth wiIi be assured. of an ,adequate water sùpply ini case the. 4emand is unusuallylag durig the summer mpônths, -as it wa8 -aut year. - 1185.