Offices 1I caunot make a spociflo answer. 8. Parka and Recreatlon' Grounds: Very rnuch lu favor wth anythiug lu this llne, espoclally whero. it advances the tbe eut l the opeu under super- visedpay IL Budget and Tax Approprations: AUl appropriations fer taxation s jhould be based upon a very caretully prepared Bdecloarly settiflg forth the va- 1ilous ltemize.d requiremonts etf the village and each' dopartment, kept *ithin its Budget. 10, Reëférefl<hm: I arn lu tavor et the Oeferendum n o ail major prejects. il. Building, Code: I blieve that thé proseut building code la of high stand- ard. I amrn itonsely interested in -.,niaiutainiuig Wilmettç .as .a village et hornes and a strict code finds tavor with me. HENRY J. BRANDT Candidate for Village. Trustee Walnette Civic .Party 1. Village Manager: H u n d r e-d.s ot Xrmerlcan communiles have sur- reuderod te a Business Manager a 14rge portion ot the routine adminis- trative work of the .1nicipality. Iu a comm Uflity like ours, where the Board of Trustees is only intre- quet= ylu session and whore the. Prsdnt etf the Village is net ai- ways available, a Village.Manager le * a- virtual necessity.. That such .an office wouid redound te. the.efficient conduct et village affaire is tee plain for argument. 2. Village, Plan Commission:. Town planning is as feasible, logical and desirable as landscape .gardeniug. The statutes etf the Stateofe Illinois have long coutalucd an Enabliig .Act, authorizing tho cities and villages iu the State of Illinois te appoint a Plan Commission. The Village et Wil- * -mette estabiished a Plan Commission by ordinance passed ilu August, 1925. That ordinance provldod'that the Plan Commission should have only sucb rlghts, po'wers and authority. as was provided -iu the state statute, Net only do I believe in a village Plan Commission; I believe also iu auneffi- *elal plan for the village, subject, as, cf course, auy 'village plan Must etf îiecessity be, te -such changes and amendmenits as may. be dictated by niew needs and conditions. The-Plan Commission has neyer h'ad a:y power over questions et . street a. Through Traffie: A certain amoun t of traffic ibetwoen' the villages anti te peas oning era:nancea. Tue .ung- bu llsh Parliament bas made zônIng cern-.9.1 vulsery ln ahi municipalîties witb more than twenty thousand lubabitants. 1 belleve that zonlug là necessary te 'the bealtin and wel-belng et tho, cornmnunity and ln the. preservatienot its I dentlty as avillage oet homes. Apartmeuts,, except. ln the areas now *zeued for. them, aenet a necesslty *expeilseilll be lu the nelgIlberheod et $1,000 000. This Ila not a burden that the taxpayer Will lightly assume. 6. No )fan's Land, and Other Adjadentl Terrtor; A Étudy eft tusproblem should be made witb a view et de- termiiiùg the advisability of annexIng No, Man's' Iand. Stpps should. ho taken te .aunex the other adjacent territory. before another No Man's Laud preblem la croated., 8. Water Supply:. There Is a deflciency ln both water pressure and water sup- ply, notably lu the. section west oet the tracks. Plans te rernove, tuls 1l*- cenvenience and hqàard ehould ,be premnptly- executod. Engineèeshave detormined .that these. plans tfor supplying the village with water 'are toasibile and oconom- Ical. The ;details are purely 'toch- nical and should be lett te experts. The general policy was emphatlcall.y flred and determiued by the 'ref-. erendum' on the water bonds. lu. the 'spring et 1931. 7. Fec Offices: The general tendençY and practice et Arnerican government. is away trornftee offices. A' aurvey should bo made te determine whther a more ecouemîcal and yet equitable. metlod can be devised. 8. Parka an.d Recreation Grounds: The use miade by the-yeuth etftthe village et our parka and recreation grounds justifies their existence. They shouid be adrinistered and maintained, but with'due regard te considerations ef conerny. $. Budget and Tax APproPriatlin: 1 believe lu au approipriation erdinance which fixes the oxponditures. te ho made ln eacb ef the varieus deDart- monta ef the village and ln obliging the varieus. departrnents to koop with- ln their appropriations' 10. Referendum: The state statutes pro- 'vide In what Instances a referendum shiall ho had. 'The use et Village fundsiý for a. referendum lu cases wbere It la bot previded for by law would ho Illegal. 1 amn, thoretoro, lu taver et a referendum whonever àiLesûrt te It, la lawtul. F'rem the point cf view ettheoery It bias maily attractive features and It is net obuexieus asa practical inat-ý ter If conflned te its proper aphere. It la, howevor, uuwieldy and éxpensive and sbould- net be promoted as a sub- stitute forA'he. legislatîvo branch et our goverument. . We canniet legilate en massge. 'Wo elect the Board (1- Trustees ýte determine ail legislative. 055..refere Mae Plan Commislsion: 4. Gra Through Treile: Tbrough trat- 9. No fie a'hould be routed around the territ( Village te tthe greateat extent annez possible, wbi.lln l accordance 8. Wal with the, experleuce et'-rnany 7.FTee town anad villages, whe have made. found 'routing et thrçkugh traffic B., Parl thrffugh thefr tovus and vNWlages .ug I ad lm"ufadag rthe operati. or soins ture ad wasin a pre- cai@ua condition.I higbly undesirable and et no. advantage. *(b) Community Iflouse: A Commun- lty bouse would be a great as- net te. the VllageetfWllmette but thîs question shouldflot be declded bastily* baving In mmnd the. location ot the community bouse and "the *cost,.te' the tax- *Payera of the, Village lnu provid- Iug It. Wc Preservatioa ef Trees: There la no. question tbat every tree ln the VIiýlge- 'should be preserved If. possible, and partlclarly those on public preperty should not b.- damaged or removed. * without 'ofikifal approval andi furtbermore, funds sheuld, be provided to preserve ail. trees ln the Village. S. Zong-.7Apartmnents, with especial rfetereflce to thie 70-acre tract 1 arn oppesedte apartments lu the Village et Wilmette and any action ef the zoniug commission sheuld be restricted te the absolute neoecsities',f the Vil- lage. l'do net favor Increasing the populationi ot the Village et Wilmette for the beneit of traà,ùpcirttion cern- panies. 4. Grade Separation: Grade separatien nhoùld be accernplished at the, ea'rllest possible moment provided, howèver, that the cost oet tus grade separation le net saddled upon the tax-payers et this Village. . Nfo Man's Land and other adjacéent terrItery. Serieus consideratien ehe'uld be given te the matter et protectlng the Interests et eufr Village as affected by adjacent territory and the 'be,,t plan possible entered Into by ceepera- tien with the ewners of adjacent terri- tery te the beet intereats ef the Vil- lage. 8. Water Supply: An adeqate water supply should be providtid tor the Vil- lage at the least possible ceet. 7. Tee Offices: The question of tee, of- fices 'sheuid be studled anld arrangea- ments made-,te provide the Village with tecbnlcal services at thé least' possible cest. 9. Park@ hind Becreation ,Grounds: Adequate parks and recreation greunda sheuld be provided for. the Village, having Iu mind ecenorny ta expendlture et taxes fer these pur-. poses. 9. Budget and Tax Appropriations: The. budget of. Village exp)eiditures, should be carefuiiy an d econnimically pre-e pared and tax apprepriations made for the least possibile a*nount consiqtent with the' preper eperation et the Vil- lage. 10. Referendum:,Any question Involving 11g-APaitments. with ea>,ecial ncec te i 70-acre traict: Agaluet. le Beparation: Tes. Wan's Land and otiier adjaent Sy: Sheuld be controiled by er Supply: Must be adequâte. Offices: A survey should b si su& Roereattin G»ransî . Eduteation; iducated lun England, gradu- atod Northw$estern university Sebool et Comnmerce 1988. Present Bu;iness Con'ueetlou: Real ES- tate business. PrevousBusiessegeori: In service of South -Atrican geverrnent, 1899 te 1904; Wlth Western Tube company as ceat aocountant, 1905; with 1aahl Field and company as superinteudent"a assistant 13 years; Real »stite busi- ness since. PuRblie Office: 1. Village Manager: A Village Manarit should' have discretionary "Power In the Use ot method and'gE mai-fiF"5' shoUld be given auch authority as la neceseary to propetriy direct the work Ot all depairnments under hlm. Ucuia- omy, phoul§gi. bebis watchword. Heale, In!,&,e, 1an:efflciency, expert. work- lng te hbldl down comits, snd forthis reason 1 heartlly endorse the fViUlage Manager" plan. 2. Village Plan eomnmIssou:. (a) Tlreugb Trraffe: Wllmette 1l3-a village etfbernes with neoianu- taciÎrlig. and' little'i ndustrial traMfe orlgiuating, here. Our geographic position ins suh that' practically ail through traffic travelo on anhanuê~U ud south lhue. Authorities consider It -most practicable te route quob fafoparalel to the rights-Qt- way of transportation lhues, e. g. Main street and the Skekie bigh- way (b> Commuity fBouns:1Ifavor a Comniunity' bouse as a village ass et but care should be exei'- cised lu appreaching thils or q ether proposition that tendsio 'Increase the tax burden at thlla time. (c) Preservation ef Trees: Every effort sbould be made tor thle preservation et our trees. They are et Inestimable value to tke beauty. bealth aud colufort of the village. 3. Zouing: Iu the Wilrnette New Zou- iug ordlnance apartreents are permit- ted lu areas zoned 'W' comnmercial aud "CI" Industrial. The. density tac- tor la placed at 48 familles to the acre. Averaging 5 persons to a tam- Ily, under' these provisions, a 70-acre tract could be made to h<use 16,800 people. This wouid praotica.lly dou- ble the proeet, population of Wilmetté and place the majertty vote lu the bauds eof ou oprtàwnde - wtth the power te, approve bond isues with- eut regard te the icreas3ed tax bur- de. For.thlniAresnireasm OB"land 'à aîvng for the changea u'cens ort * (Oo~uedli-