LYMAN PHARMACY 400 Linden Avenue Ailso Carlson uDiding Pharmaey, 636 Charcis St., Euuasn, , reeuleat 3316 imODRI NFOOD STORfE Naulol Te. Co.' tta MorottMakes th SM agoe et "At Home" 1,the ou* dtt ttracts ber Mot. bur tér t ti nd1uTé*k.Co. Food Store s .Iways nuat nd attractive imd lu stocle.d wft reshou, weII- Is.wu uulty Ef fui sdze, fuit usna ull 1weIgà Péckiges that FBIDAY, AND SAMURA7 "Il fullit slfacon. ÇAIMMIILL'S - Priced Low Pork & Beans 3 Àrrop.Navy Dm Post's Bron Flakes or K.Ilogg's Pp. p h.. I Oc PilIhbwy'sBrin :c. 6CI PuIIsur~s LOUR L." CowiSynp i 22c, cons 19CI ans l.5< hmchiga.<lth Gelatine -Dessert Huel aOmd - Ail Mlaon pkg. Sc Palmolive Soap or Bas 3 fr 19é Flraits und An o Chicago centergfor purposes of first- hand study. IThe various groups making' the Fiel day trip. willgather in a body" at Orchestra hall in the evening to-at- tend the concert by:Mmie. Elizabeth Rethbërg. W.E PROMISED MARIE DRESSLER. FOOT COMFORT She got it Marie DresÉier, one cf tii. best 1735 SHERMAN AVENUE GRENLKCAF 6181 >vying taxes in the the .year 1931 was zal meeting of New J. rier LUwnsnA> ip U 4L ai ineving hall in Winnetka Tuesday afternoon at 2, o'clock. This amount is, the samne, as the annual requirement for the townshi p other.than for r oad and bridge'.pur- poses, levied for each of the past two years. The township highway cômmnis- sioner makes bis levy in- September, but as will be noticed.iii Commis- sioher.James A. William'ys annual report, elsewhere in this issue, he is withdrawing the. 1930» tax levy, and, shéoId- conditionsý warrant, says he wiIl nfo levy a' tax for the' year 1931. The varlous items and their resp ec- tive amoun1fs in the tax Ievy ordi- nance passed Tuesday, follows: The sumn of $3,800 for salaries and fees of townsbip officers; $800, for. health work; $2,000 for election ex- penses;,$500 for thistie eradication: $800 for su p plies ,and publication of notices; $4,500 for prem iums on fideir ity bonds of township officiais; $2,600 for contingent expenses. Totals, $15,000. SThe' annual Town meeting was. called to order by Mrs. Margaret S. Pierson township ýclerk, and Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurston, township supervisor, was elected nioderator. The minutes of the annual meeting Iast year were read and approved, as were the annual reports of the Supervisor, and treasurer of the road and. bridge fund. . ýThe supervisor's report of the Town fund, for the year, showeci re- ceipts of $15,131.33, with expenditures of $10,205.62, with a balance on hand of $4,925,71. The treasurer's report -showed total receipts in the road and bridge fund, for the fiscal year ending Mardi 31 of $33,82266. The expenditures were $32,327.27,- leaving a.,balance:on hand of $1,495.39. Protestant Service Club Holds Closing Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Richardson of 145 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, with their daughter, Miss Martha, a student at Bryn Mawr college, and Mrs. Lydia Putmn of 'Washington, have returned f rom an Easter visit with Robert. Richardson who is a student at Cul1ver,. md. Miss Rich- ardson wivll returni the latter part of. this week tô. Bryn Mawr. T