Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Apr 1931, p. 76

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Rate&-5 centg a lins in one papr. 26 cents- a line ln any two papers. ,~a~es-0 cents a line ln all tiir.e papers. MNIII*17 CHRJGE I Average of f8v. Word% to the. Une. No black face type- used. 10% discount en 911 cash wth order advertiseni.nts when- brouglit te. our offiide at 12323 Central Ave., Wlmette, SP Lincoin Ave., Winuetka, or 341 Park~ Ave., Glenom.. Contrac ratas, may be had upon, requent: Deaiae orInerios-CIaaslféd advertlsements will be Deadinetor nserion.ý- aePted up to, Wedneuday, 9 o-clock for thé . Wurxru Ln' or al - three apers; Thureday 9< o'clock for the Wn4wr TALE and Frlday S o'elock for the GLaxlom Nnws. Telephones: Willmtte 4300, Winnetka 2000, WlnnetLa 500 or 'Glencoe 1484, Greenleaf 4300or Seidrke6587. *LOST, - BLACK COCKCER SPANIEL. Call Wlnnetka 1399. Ample reward. 2-LTN48-ltc $10 REwARD FOR _RETURN 0F Voltmeter iost near Lake and l2th St.Wihnette. Ph.. Greenleaf 6809 after 8 p.m.LN4-t LOST- SM.ALL. BLACK SCOTTIE. Glencoe 1238. 2LTN49-te CARL BENGSTON CARPF3NTUIR AND BIILDER REMODELING ANI> REPAIRING --PHONE WINNIETKA 2480 - 8LTN44-tfid REMODELINO AND REPAIRING planning. lowest prices for satlsfac- tory -worlc. Flnaneing If necessary. Estimates free. J. C. Traweek, Green- leaf 2532. 8LTN4'7-2tp FOR KLEIN AND SON iCALL WIL- mette 3966, home Yepar and land- scape service. Artistie Masonry. 8LTN48-ltp CONTRACTOR, STORM SEWEI1 down spouts, and other- general job- bing. 377 Provident. Plione Winnetka 1288 aftor 5 p. m. 9LTN48-tfe. Ail Kinds of Carpenter Work Doa1e JOHN, BOESCIH Ph. W-Ilmette 2165, VING IN FAMILlES,Y nerience. ail klnde! of se'ça 14 .ADNN GAR»ENING TIME I15 HERE, young lIvely gaMreer,. Ameriec'an,. 3 -yrs. .experience N. S.1 wants 1, oi 2 places. B-11, Box 40 Wflmiette, Ill. - 14LTN48-ltp 15 INSTIRUCTION - TUTORING - SUMMER 'MAKE-UP" -work or regular lossonis for 1931-1932. Telephone Ardinore 0394 for circular. Pupils now reister4ng. 15LN48-Ip TUTORING, HIGH SCHOOIL OR LOW- er grades by tetaohers of experience. Reasonable rates. B-3, Box 40, Wil- -mette. -15LTN47-Stc 17 INTERIOR DECORATING COMPETENT WOMAN'MAXES SIP covers and drapes. Very reasonabie. Ph. Wlnnetka 1361. 1'ILTN48-ltc 214 PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR ANI) EXERIOR DECORAT- ing. For north shore service cali Mr Petersen, Cohassoet 4513,- reverse charges. 24LTN48ltp *5 PETS FOR SALE--.CHEOW"PUPPIESl, DARK red, champion stock, house broken. Reasonable. - irvate home. Ph. Gien- view- 161. 26LTN48-ltc FOR SALE - FINE RABBITS $1.25 and up. 428 Provident Ave. Winnetka. - Phono Winnetka 3268. ealu between 4 and .6 p.'- M. 26LTN48-ýlp BOSTON TFMRIER PUPPIE on north shore. Perfecil Champion stock. -Also 8 ni wluner o! 3 blue ribbons. P coe 1308. 2 *4O-A SADOLE NORUS 'markied.- - Tele EU.. Winnetka 2662 Bn- -PAIJLINEj'S mse, 748 Ehu St. md Winnetk. duenreasolaf o.assemn t. Write B-7, Box 409 WilmettO 111. 3411J.N47-2t#1 LOANS 'TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make.and bùy Tt anid 2nd rnortgages.- EVANSTON.BOND &. MTQ. CO. . 618 GoeS.Greenleat 5600 .1 OLTNas-tfe. 41 SlIrTATON ANEDFE BUSy EXECUTIVE! DO.yoU NZED a secretary? one who 15l efficient*,, de- pendable, and bias executive abillty. You cani take that much needecl vaca- tion and have some Onle Who *Ill re- lieve -you -of your business' worries during absence if you will phone, Ravenswood 3655. 41L48-ltp CALL PAULINE'S AGENCIES lFOR. gpFICIENT'HELP '1 WINNETKA' 2662 1 DAVIS 7777 HIGH. PxC. 2520 WINNETKA 3670 EXPERIENCED D>MfflTIC- HELP ÔNLY.- 41LTN48-Ite FXPERIENCED BOOKICEEPER WILL handie smali set of books and make up financial reports on part time basis; or do relief work -during va- cation periods. Addresà Bm9, Box 40, Wllmette, Ili. 41LTN48-3tp GRAD. NURSE TAXES EI.DERLY and conv. people lni her pleasant homne, exe. care. Ph. Wiimette 4299. 41LTN43-ltC WHITE NURSE, EXCELLENT N.* S. refs. 1 or 2 children. Miss Nielsený, 892- Rosiyn circle, Highland Park 2044. 41LTN48-1tp HOUSEWORK BY HOUR OR D>Y DAY, cleaning, etc. ,Care of obildren ove- nings. Call eveniings. Winnetka 2978.- - 41LTN48-ltp, EXP. COLORED -GIRL, G O O D cook and general- housework except laundry. N. S. ref. Phone Douglas~ 1168. -4lL48-ltp A CAPABLE EDUCATED WOMAN would like, housekeepIng position or, part-time work. Phone Wannetka 763. 41L48ltp PRACTICAL NURSE, TRAflNED. IN- fants or any kind of nursing,- good housekeeper. -Miss Timms, Ph. Green- 2520 -Highl 41LTN44-tfc ,iXPàRIENCE;D-GERMAN. WOMAN woUidIlike g eneral work, good, Cook, no lauridry. eferenaces. Ph. Winnetka 334L 41LTN48-lIne CURTAINS,"CHAIR COVERS, OTHER laundry work done. réesnnably. ,Willl ealu and deliver. 886 WIlIOW.rd. 'Tel. Winnetka 1924. 41LTN44-tfe GIRL-N.1EAT WISHESË POSITION- A$ mnatd, ai! or whole days. Cal! Drexel 9328.-41LTN48-ItP SITUATION WANTID 0EEA housework or care for children. N. S. Boçf. Ph. Wilmette 3627. 41L48-ltp WANTED-WASHING AND IRO>NlIN'G to take home. Ph. Wllmette ý3485. I,1LTN48-1 tc, 48UTUAàidN WANTKD-MALUg JAPANESE MAN EIES GN erai housework position by May lst. Qood- cocol, lbazdy, wrilling wolrker, elso capable to do some garden work.. Good reference. 8 yrs. ln present Posi-- tion. Write H. H., 5733 Xe'nrore Ave.. Chicago.- 42LTN45-5rtp FIRST CLASS GARDENER, HAND70Y man, painting, caleimitilng, wýallwaI ing, paper cleaning, or any kindof work by hour, day or -week. Jlest reference. Guarantoe satisfaction. Oison. Ph. D~avis 8400. 42LT48-Itl) SWEDTSF[ CHRISTIAN MAN DE- sires n)osition as bouseman. Exp. con- -sélentious. Best ref. Write Aron John- son, 809 Marion St., Oak Park. 111. 42LTN48-ltlP WINDOW WASH-IMG,. FLOOR WX -irig, paintinig, calclrninilig 2 cents per square ft. Walls cleaned aind r(,- st.arched. Cali Wilmet-te 1263. - 42LTN48-liin EXPERIENCED GARflENER BY DAY or hour, âlso window was.:hing and: housework. Ph. Willfette 2345. - 42LTN4$-lncë SIT. WTD.-EIXP. GARDENER, ,MATI- ieii, 9. yrs. exp. N. S.: Wishes, poul- tion. A-i ref. Ph. 'Northbronk ~'-T 42LTN48-lt EXPERIENCED G,-ARDENEÉR, WIN- dow-washer, and cernent worker,, by the day or hou'r. Winnetka 2764. - 42LTN4Rý-ltc, ~ A - I OuA TTp- This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THg~ EVANSToN REvmiE, reacbialg 17,500 fami- lies ini Evanston. REVIEW copy must bein by 5p.m on Tiaesday. Telep'-ne Wilmette 4300.or Winnetka 2000 - tta üUiLee J ii f L... L na *5 là LVu NI - 43 IDIT. WTD.--MIAL£ AND FEMALE YrOUNG GIRL 19 YRS. OLD WOUiD '..--. Illike to do, any - kind o! work, or do COLORMD COUPàln-EwXPlmR[NC»iD, geerlhousework.. - Ph., Wilmette reïlible, bout rf. PlI. ngi'ewood 4241.. 2623. 41 48, te r4e'N8-t il. 8 Lol? AND POUND Il .1 .-I'.

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