I1100 IL rstireet te Locuat :ROad eud-Asiana Ave- nue fromn 23rd Stréet te Locugt Roedi, and Illiniois Read tromù rroquois Road, te Asland -Avenue, ànd Grant Street,ý 26th.treet and Cleveland-Street from- Ashland Avenue te tRie nerth tint% et ' the Village et Wilmette, and 26th Street, Dartmouth Street, 24th Street and Col- rate 'Streeot trom Ashlend Avenue te keuillorth Avenue, e nd .23rd. Street. from Elmweod.,Avenue, te Beechwood Avenue, lncluding all! stréet Intersections te, the outer linos of *ald 23rd -Street, end 2st itreet»,fr6mi Elmweod Avenue te Beechwood Avenus,, anld Eimwood Avenue west et 23rd Street te Cher,ýkee Road wore opofled on the 3lst day et March, A-.D191 and A'rcle Contrucý- tion Ce., belig the lowest responsîble bidder 'thie contract was- awarded te snid :Arýol6 construction Ce. et -Nies Conter,' Illinols on tho. lst day et March, A. D 1. Iitt. Sad bld was for theo work as a whoeoand ia as tollows: 52,500 Cuble yards et earth ex- cavated ln gradinig ,for pavement, sidewalks and parluwaya@ -32e .pe yard ................$ 16,80000 90,600 Square yards et rein- terced concrets pave- ment, soven, (7) Inches thick, eomposed by vol- une of eue (1) part et bout quellty et American Portland Cernent, and twe (2) parts et cleali .ê,...,A.m.ngl d.and thre taches inside theO ýe etofeeh slab,,end, Ji a longitudinal con- led moetel jeint- et venized or painted ta o e ighteell (18) ig set aleng tRio place wttIi piecos of two (2) Inch byr four (4) Inch pine, timber three (3) test loi 10O.18c per foot ..... 1...... 15 Tons of hait inch round. steel roe for reInferce-.ý ment over Storm sOeVer trénch laid 'in,"place @' $59.00 per. ton.;.. 25 lineal feet oe, concrets curb removed et soutb- éaet corner et LocueIt Rodand Asbiand Ave- nu 0 10c per foot,.. 1,0)40. Lineal teestot eigb 't (8) Inch vttriÏledtMe pipe conlnectieli t rom .Valve chambers to sterm Oe'w- or @ 75e per foot'. . .. 3,10GLineal test Of concrets duct circuler ln cross. section three and one- haIt '(3%) luches in in- ternai diamet«r, with Wall five-eighths (% inch thilk, ljgid elghteeti (18) luchés below the surface et the concets paevement, and wlth thie Joints surrounded with concrets one (1) inch thick and three (3) luches wide, comPesed by volume ot oe (1 part et Portland Ce- ment, twO (2) parts of. torpédo sand, and four (4) parts ot crushed limestofle 01,gravel fromi oe-Quarter (,%) te eon- hait (%) Inch in size O30ecper foot ........ 804.O 3,975-00 790.001 930.00 TRie ewners et a. majority et thie frontage efthtle lots and lands upen said streets wRierein the s2ýid work le to be one 10mey, withiln ton days frorn tRie date Rereof, as provided by. Iev, elect te talc. sald,-work an>d enter Inte a witten contreet te do ssid work et ton per cent less than tRie prico at whlch the same Ries been ewarded. EARL E. ORN1ÊR *ERNEST C. CAZEL WILFORD W. DeIBERARD CARL C. RENNBICKAR RUTH HURD SNYDER STANTON VANX INWAGEN Board et Local Improve- ments et. the Village et ilmette. WILMI, DISTRICT r. construction as tow WVML£885 sur*e-i be select0d. Thie right IsR eserved te i'eject eny or ai bide or te accept any bld which will be for the. bout interest et the, public. LAVI~U E.SOLEM, Secretary et the Commis- sioners et Wilmnette Park SPECIALASSESSMENT NOTICE VILýLAGE OF WILMETTE spJECIL AssESSMENT No. S80 NOTICE in hereby given te ail lier- sens interested that the .President and Board et TrUstees et the -Village etf WlIXnette, in tRie County et Cook and State et Illinois, haviug lordered that the 'lrst alley south et Lake Avenue trom *the eat linset Tweltth Street te the west gutter lins of Wiimette Ave- nue be improved by grading, draining and paying with a reinforcedl Portland- Cernent concretp pavement, and other- wise limprovlng thie saine, In thie Vil- lage et Wilimette, Couhty etf Cook" and State.,et Illinoisi the ordinance- for the J"ar5 beln on fle in thie office ot the Villages Clerk, and iýaid -village having apnlied te thie County Court ot Cook< County for an assessment otftths costs et ueblid Iprovement, according te benefits, and an assessment therefor havng been made and returned te said court, docket No. 280, thie final hearing thereon will ho had on tRie 13tRi day oft April, A. D. 1931, at ton o'clock A. M., or an soon thereatter as tRie business of the court wifl, permt Ail persons desirlng may file objetions In said court beto re satd %ay and may appear on tRie hearing and inake their defense. Said ordinailce provides for thie pay- ment et seul assessment In ton (10) In- stailments, with annuel lnterest thereon at theo rate ef six per cent per annum. Dated et WU.mette, Illinois, tRis 27th day et MareRi, &.,D. 1931. * CRARLIS N.EVANS Person appolnted by thePresident efthtRe Board et Local Improve- mente of tRio Village et Wilnxette,' Cook County, Illinois, te make sald assessment. L47-2tc VIL4LAGE OF WILMETTE SpECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. 281 NOTICE is hereby given to ail per-, Bons interested that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, ln the County of Cook and StaofTIlinois, havinoe ordejred that provement has been comlpIOtOG. ln min- stantial conformity to the requirements ef the original ordinance thereor., and has aippliled to- said court to. constder and deteriflée whethfr "or îlot the. tact-F stated ' said certificate are true, eand' that sad court bas fixed Moyiday, the 20th- day ot. April, A. ID. 1931 at, ten o'ciock A. M. or as soon thereatter as the business et the court- wil permit, a t the -room' etqld Couihty Court, In the Coùnty Building, lu the City of Chicago, ini said. Cook Cô_unt3i, as the tine and place fcfr the hearing, on said applica- tion. AUl persofle1 destirng may.file ob- jections làn said court betoro, said day and mnay appear on the hearing-and mhake their defense. Dated AprIl 3, 1931.. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZIEL WIÉFORD W.. DeBERARD CARL C. RENNECKAR RUýTH- HURD SNYDER STANTON VAN INWAGEN Board:,of- Local Impro-ve- ments of 'the Village.,f W'ilmtte.L48-2te VILLAGE 0F WILtETTE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WILMETTE SPÉCIAL. ASSESSMEil%Tl NqO. S267 IN THE -MATTER 0F THE SPE- CMLA ASSESSMENT 0F THIE VIL- LAGE 0F WILMETTE,- for proceediiigs te levy a Special Asséssmefit fer loeal. Imprevement consistig et grading and paving with reintdr-ced Portland Ce-, menlt concrets, the first alloy south of Greenléat Avenue frem thie west curb) line o ethR Street to'tRie eagt curb Uîne et 9tRi Street, ln the Village of WlImette, Cook County, Illinois, Special Assess- ment No. 267, ln the Ceunty Court of Cook :County. NOTICE ls hereby given to ail per- sons lnterested that the Board ot Loca. Improvenfts et sald Village, bas bore- tofere filed in said court, lun aid caus'e, e certificate showing tRie ceet ef tRie Improvement, and thie amount reserved for Interest, leavins ne excess te be abatsd ln reduction et aid assessmerit, and aise that said improvement bas been compieted ln substential centormity te the requirements efttie original ord- Jnance theretor, aànd-bas applied te sald court 'te consider and' deterînfe whetber or net the tacts stated ln sald certificats are frue, and that said court bas fized Monday, thie 20tRi day cf, Ap'ril, A. D., 1931, at ton o'cîock A. M., oýr as 80011 tlereateras tRis businesçq et rth In the plans and >.xathe i i;an tu nstruUtonîsýte bld- IN THÇ MAI ed thereto I CIAL ASliESSâ [witb aeoompanying plans1 ILAGE OP WI!. ations shall >o onjclesed hIn te lYy a Spocli ouvelepe peiuly makd liprovement col les r (>F THE SPE-t !'>F TEIZ VIL-à !iI, for procoodînge 1 esul5 nt fdt-ae local.1 ng et pding and 1 s Rireby glven te al Sr- ýed thet tRie Boar'd ot Local te of sid Village, ha$ bore- n said court, ln seid cause, shewlng tRie coat . oethtRi end tRie emount re$&~ved 'ljea.ving au eeýc of et3SX iet-niie Dollars. and Seven, I v- le 00Rl~ -Pt M 1 Md