One of those good old-fasbiioned Saturday shows, full of action, wild riding, robust heroes andi beautiful women, is in store for Wilmette the- atre patrons on Saturday, April 4, when: the, evening's picture will be "Ihe Lash."' This features Richaàrd Bartbelmess in one of' bis.greatest roles' as.' tbe. iery lover, and fimerce battier in oild Cal- ifornia. At the Wilrnette ,Satur- day matiniee only, "îMen Without Law," a snappy. western, will be. sh o wn, starring Buck jones and, the beautiful Car-. melita G eraghty. Buck Jones Another matinee feature,.will be an:episode of the thriliing serial, ."Speil of the, Circus."' Will Rogers: cornes to the, Wilmnetté theatre on Sundav and ýMonday, April 5 andi 6, ini the titie role of "Lightnin'," adapted from John Col- den's. rnost successful stage play of that name. It is said to afford Rogers a better vebicle. for his art and hurnor than diçi either of his. previous successes. Talented Cast F.atur.d Louise Dresser one of the outstand- ing character women of the screen, portrays the role of "Lightnin's" wif e, while Helen Cohan, youngest daugh- ter of the celebrated George M. Colian, enacts the role of their On Tuesday and, Wednesday, April 7 and 8, the Wilmette theatre will have a* neturn engagement of "Hell's Aiigels." greatest of ali air epics, and featuning a'brillianit cast headed by, James Hall, Bepi Lyon ýand jean Han-, low.. Swanrnýs.of thr6bbing.airplanes in battles above the cloudý; a giant zeppelin built especially for tbis multi- million dollar air spectacle; gripping scenes of benoisrn; and a story so big that the actons ive thein parts-these are but a few of the highlights of "Hell's Angels.". that day Publix-JBalaban & Katz celebrate the. grand' opening of the newest of the fleet of Wonder thea- ters, the Nortown, located at West- ern and Devon. The Nortowai has Z,500 seats,' every one a "front row seat," because of' the perfect, acousical treatrnent .given the bouse during the. past weeks. The sound has been so evenly.disý- tributed that a person seated in. any section in the theater, main- floor. or balconty,bears wordsfroni the talking screen as clearlv as -voices corning frorn actons onthe stage. In. ordier to,.bring every . one 1.of filmdom's outstanding ta lking_ pic- tures to Nontown patrons, thene will be tbree*. cotnplete changes. of proý- grami weekly. 'Stôleiî Heaven," one of this sao's gneatest bits, bas benchosen to open the theater on Aprilý 4. Nancy Carroll and Phillip$ Holmes areco-starned in this dramàa- tic masterpiece of two loyers. on their, last "ffing."' Eddie Hotise, popi.dar organist- in the B. & K. theaters, will open the Nontown as guest artist. This ninsi- cian's excellent style and pleasing voice. have ;made buii many friends the citv ovven. Comedy of Crookdom at Community House "Up the River," scintillating and. satinical cornedy of prison if e. wil &ebut in this. rollicking and spicy story, witten by Maurine Watkins, former Chicago newspaper reporter. Many intenestinig quirks of crookdorn - the lighter sides, of course-wiil cause he arty laughiter and lasting thrills., *Educational Screen agnees that the play is "thoroughly and -wholesornely arnusing of its kind"' and that it is entertainnient for the whole faniily. Manv children will nrohahlv-see the One of the 'year's best pictures is "Cimarron," feeturing Richard Dix at the Varsity theatre on Wednesday, Thursday, . Friday and Saturdaiy, April, 8, 9, 10.,and. 11. 'IThe taikie v ersion .of' Edna Ferber's .thrilling novel 0!f pioneer days Is said tob .bv far the' best thing, that Richard Dix has done. *The picture cardes ail the sweep and power, of: Ferbers1 best seller. Not ,the land, rush sequence one of the rnst >exciting ever shot but Dix's portrayal -of YanceyCravat, gives hini screen rating as one of our. finest actors. roday and tonîoniow, Friday and Saturday, Ronald Colman, debonair as ever, breezes bilariously through a gigglesomne story about, theý big Mo- ment in a delightful, wastrel's, love- life., ,The picture is "The, Pay," and it's more than wortb the price. '-New Moon," a smash on the stage, ia beauty bright at the Varsity on Monday and Tuesday, April 6 and 7. This melodious, dramatic operetta brings one of the greatest combina- tions in screen history to the fore- Lawrence Tibbet and Grace Moore, both. Metropolitan Opera song birds. You may think you have heard "Lover Corne Back to Me'" sung- but you- haven't until you've listened to. this brilliant pair. 1710 Shora Ave. EVANSTON Fridsy, Saturday, AprU >~4 RONALD COLMN "CHECK AND DOULECHECK": Satiurd&y. Apa l4 RICHARD BARTHELMESS in 0uc loes"". "MEN, WITout LAW#@ sn eril.i,"Speli of $h. CIus" Tuesday-W.dnes&.y, Aprli 7-8 Retura Engagement ef a'huiso MAu JEANETTE MacDONALD in "O1,h, for aMan" Frkday Ouly-AprO Ilé WINNIE LIGI-TNER i John Halliday and Mary Brian are M "u ' na stars of "Captain Applejack," at the 10 OneeOfthlie niost njoYable Wilmette on Saturd&y, April 11. pro agUuo l.yay Tonight, Pr'iday, April 3, Amos and L-X41E TINÉE Andy apepar in a requlest engagement of "«CheCk- and Double Check" Cusîiuw "BLUE. ANGEL". "REDIJCINGS At last WIlmetb se thubgreat Not recommend