Statementf Condiion, March 25, 1931, i mhe BOARD 0F, DIRECTORS ARTHUR ANDERSEN Arihur Andersen and SEWELL L AVERY Prsdettnited Sittes GypimCe. SCOTT. BROWN Attorney NELSON L BUCK Vice Pesidnt Wm. Wigle. Jr, Company ROBERT W. CAMPBELL As~ci.e ounelKn.pp, Beye, Allen, Cochren & Cushing WILLIAM A. DYCH E Chairmen of Board WILLIAM EASTMAN Vice Prosident BIaely Pining Company OSCAR H. HAUGAN Vice Chairman Foreman-Sat. Banks AUGUSTUS KNIGHT. Bartiefi, Knight& Company JAMES F. OATES Hoèbeut &Oates, Gênerai Agents North- western-Mutuel Lif. Insurance CO.mpany C. H. POPPENHUSEN Poppenhusen, Johnston, Thompson& Cole F. J. SCHEIDENHELM Vace Chairman of Board RESOURCES Cash......... Clrrency, coin andreserves with legai depositories, comnme" lape mdQls Nt........ .......... Short-time notes of firms and, individuals immediately exchangeable- for currency througbh rediscount, at. the Federal Reser"*ve BÉanlc Cml1 Lam a 1m Oer - Loan.agmaet "àly .UéMI ..o........................... ........ Secured by, collateral of greater value than the1 loans and payable upon cali, or upon, short notice U. S. GýveÎmame&tSecuImties.................. ...... Othu Mmketal..ond ....... ................... Muniicipal, Railroad and. other bigh grade and easily salable securities 3,1064M4.1 1,628,101.98 68M,13.33 3,514,86524. TOTAL VUNI>3 CON VERTIBLE INTO CASHION SHORT NOTICE .... ................M514IM Demand mnd Short Timea Loas to Customers...... . .. >2,68,876.07 Loans amply secured and loans to bank's customers" about whose financial condition the bank is acately, informed Rteal Estat. Mootgag. Loans.............1,429,457.32 Representing first mortgages on high grade improved North Shore properties witb a wide margin of $ecurity in eacb case Stock in Federal Reserve Bank ......... ......300.0 Giving the safety of membersbip therein Bak Buildinmg and Leasehold .......... .... 570,000.00 Represents an extremely conservative valuation of our new building and leasehold Cmstmera' Liablty Unâer Lette". of ......... 30,9300 This asset is secured by adequate col lateral and re- sponsible guarantors Othe, Assets ......................................76,404.28 TOTAL RESOURCES ......... ................ $12,7IUILIS LESS LIABILITIES Deposits D em and .. ..... ... .8.....0... .0 'lim e . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . 5,316,422i07 TOTAL DEPOSITS................... $1,2e 2.77 Letters of Credit Outstanding.......... 32fl.72 TOTAL LIABILITIES................. $12,2773M.49 MEBRFED'ERAL, RESERVE. SYSTEMI,,l-. 56 Y&tofSe,>iceth tA'Norts ho tô h.,0