tom. TicM blnd with i. unusuaipamuacu1n elciles, g5vm Mu fotyou th.......aa~ w.u.f9-11-- ot.'* ad plae. usin poton. MVEVO U ONET >:AND SERVIE V@U BI "Sixes Mil..per Dolar" me» Rubbv VOL.. e u. la., in.*u Me» lâm t Trd S lies COMARE TRSE icPRICS AUTOMOBILE Meuacturer, do mot tae chaknces with speciel brad tires. Why ul'ould yota thel itslu *heu you eau cave ancmy by buyimg FPW.stome Quallty 01dfiold type, our service together witlm the double guarantes of Firestome end ourselves? F7. liai ýb#ljw she L.adiug re>l.cuvss.t ses NAKE 0F CAR Ford ..... Cievrolet .. 5« Chevrolet,.,. Ford. Fordl... Chbevrolet I Whipp~et lamu mixE 4.40.21 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19. oua CASH rmoecm. mACH $428 5.60 5.6S M5~ MAIL ORMos ViNst $4.98 5.60 6.65 OUR 1j CAH PIE lMAKE 0P CAR $ A1ubirn Jobrdan .. l a eo . ..... GL ardner.. Maifion lOakIl. 5.50-19 ou* CASH £ACH $U75 8.9, *SpwcIA "UAND MAIL OIREM imit 8.901 CASH PAIR, 41700 17W3 of the a fternoon, is promiinent i-n edu- cational work, and in the past has acted as principal and superintendent of variôus scbools in Colorado and South Dakota. A resident. of WýiI- mette and'father of one of our eighth grade girls, Dr. MéClinton wllb especially, welcome as our speaker. His subject, "Thtif t," he announces, will be treated. from' th 'e standpoint of conservation of wholesome traits and desirable characteristies.. 1_. The gýJrls- of Mr. Oathercoal's bar iclass will givç> a demonstration,- and Arlan Delander will playr flute num-' bers. accompanied, by Mrs., Arthur Rui. The Logan-Howard Pre-School circle wiIl meet at the Howard school,'Wednesday evening. April.8,. at 8 o'clock. Mrs. jerome Schneider, Mrs. H. S. Davidson and Mrs. A. E. Tucker will revilew the three remain- iniz chapters of Blatz' book' "Parents and the Pre-School Child."' .The Babies' Friendly will meet at' the home of Mrs. 0. H. Bersch, 1441 Forest avenue, Thursday, April 9, at 1:30 p. M. TaIk on Zionism Ends Study Class Season Dr..:Herbert WNillett gave the last. of a series of slix lecture recitals on historie rel igions and their literature. at bis homie on Richmond road, in Kenilwortb, Monday morning of this week. His subject was "Zionisni" and what it means today. He brought the relationship of Jew and Arab as it stands at the present time -and gave a clear concise sketch of what, the terni «Zionismi" mèans and a -gen-, eral idea of the problein of the future of Palestine., The class now closes for the sea- .son -not to be resumed. unitil some timùe in thefall.'.Mrs. ,A. L., Mc-» *Dougal bas, been chairman -in, charge during the past season. Soldier -Injured When: 2Z.10 s~-ft 721 MAIN IYTING FOR~ THE AUTOMOBILE ~jf~jSu'rvaC.NEVER ateu Into neta ±neta Pi fraternity. 0o Mrs. Frank May, 1317 Wilmette avenue, and a group of her friends -entertained ili onor of. Mrs. Alfrid ~,Weeks, lut Thursday. ev enig at Ma's home. .ýi-