Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Apr 1931, p. 66

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Illinois highway officiaIs 'will open bids, April 14, for almost $6,00,000 worth of paving and bridge construc- tion sca tte red thrôughout the mtate. There'are fifty-four jobs in this,let- ting,. They, total 135.86 miles of pav-, m g and Widening, 41.72 miles of grad- ,&gand 23 bridge-bilding jobs. The ôfie of Frank T. Sheets, cbief higb- way engineer, will supply detailed* in- formation- upon request. cannot De seen in any ottner 'wây.ý The program will be highly instruc- tive -and entertaining ý it is promised and the Skokie Motor company in- vites the general public to tbis uni- que sbowing. This will be, a rare chance for the motorist to actually sec wbat'goes int o tbe.car, he buys, it is epafined. I <'Filmete .IBmiess le PersonaIied" Pi CK-UP* AFLASH of groen Iigbt . . . touéh on the gme . . . sud yýoW' , ont in front oftbtii. Pack ucooting smoothly alog How? Just drop by Main ai Linden end ýask for Red Crown Etiryl. TUE 011.WELLI Bob 'n Mac Main St.ç et Lindep Avie. Phion, Wilmetté. 3334, 1 BELIEVEt car as we sel i dollar t/sa,, any new car atj tihe reliability., the 'com fort new Packard at oniy Part that a Used Packard it, oflers '.more for the t/sesame Price. It has and t/he pr-esitf of.a of the new car price. The battie for speeci supremacy on the water bas been largely a battie ôf motors in recent years. Speed elimbed as power was increased, with America, remaining always ahead until lait June wheni the lâte Major Seagrave wrested the. world's speed ..record away front this country and, gave it to £ngland. World-wide in- terest in speed on the water.grew also ais the 100-mile-an-bout, mark Was 1approached more closely. Major Seéagrave $et the record at 98.76 miles an hour.just a few minutes before bis boat, -Miss England II crashed, so in- juring the intrepid- Englisb sportsmanl that bis death. resulted. It *as believed, by motor boat men that flot even -Wood woufld be able to beat Seagrave's record, at Ieast not for several years. Howevrer the speed possibilities of Wood's boat, Miss America IX were flot * fuliy. known, fox despite the records establisbed by the two 'great 1100 horse power Packard çngines, in the craft,, they had neyer been run "wide open." Wben Wood in the attempt to regain the reçord for the United States at Miami told bis mechanic, Orlin Jobn-, son, to give both engines everything tbey bad, the coveted 100-mile-an- hour mark on the water was flot O'nly reacbed but passed. Makes Two World Marks Tbe engines in Miss America IX ý have been racing for three 3ears. It was the second ti.xme tbey bad established an officiai world's speed passd narmed through two wrecks wicb in eacb case sent themi to the Both engines, were designedý and built by tbe Packard Motor Car com- pany for Miss America VI with wbicb Wood planned to. defend the Harms- worth tropby against. England on, the Detroit River* in 1928. -Wood and Orlin, Johnson were testing the Miss America VI, believed the fastest mo- tcw boat ever buiît. Tbey were traýv- elinoe at an estimated speed of more couIICIl has long recognizen ilulty headlights as a dangerous high- way hazard. It is flot only a di-. rect, violation of, the law, it is a p ractice wbjch helps to ,swell.our annual total of traffie killings. 64Evoey -làotoRist is aware of the hazard caused by, the 'one-light' driver, particularly when'that one bead lamp throws a beam diréctly into the eyes of'oncprning mo-. torists. The, hazard is especially bad iii winter, wben safe driving is nonie too easy any way. "May we 'urge you to check up on your headligbts? And to bc~ more: courteous to your f ellow automobile drivers ? Such littie precautions'as this will go fàr to- iward reducing our national auto- ,mobile toi! which is.now near to Lbeîng ýa disgrace. > nlsh hardjy. 4dry lie easllY won theý famous Harmsworth race. '2wo daYs late'r at the wheei of Miss Amnerica VII lie established a, new speed record of 52.862 miles an hour. In 1929 Wood built Miss America ViII, installing two new Packard motorr,. duplicates of those In the' eariier boat. Wlth this craft lie won, the 1929 Harms- worth race, Miss America VII flmishiflg second by not more than tlfree féeet. Miss America VII then was sent to Venice, Italy, at the personal request. of Premier Mussolini to race against Major Seagrave In Miss England. With Phil Wood, brother of Gar Wood, at the wheel M~iss America. -111 was tearlng through the water at hlgli speed when she hit a floating obJect and was wreclçed. Again the big Packard motors went to the bottom, this time In, sait water. They were fished eut and after being cleansed ef mud and sand were found flot to have been harmed. The sanie two engines In 19 30 were isaldIn Miss Amnerica IX and ýon Labor Day they agaLin carried ýGar Wood te victory against FEngland in an-, other Harmisworth race.". They were theý ýsame moters that ledthe mor béat speed king: te his latest achleveient on the water. Whnether maLn can carry Èpeed on the water to mucli greate.r heiglits bas beein a matter of. speculatieli amoflg motor boat nmen since Wood's new record wws r his Week WHO OWNS 0ONI" Appui 10 PACKARD USII> CARS L/J akm d6 9* QPo 36 J~ â' E RUPOFWAM5HOUSE CHAIRS AIM FA]IEEs -FOR ]LENT vola ALILOCCASIONS 521 MAIN $T.,1 WILMETTE 32 -ai *11U -

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