1Bobby Eckhart, slashing welter- 'weight of Winnetka,, after a. sensa- tional one round knock-out victory in Iast week's show, will appear against Connie Rodgérs, a top-notch boy f rom the Bel Plaine Athletic club. This card will again feature ýPhil Pernice in, the wind-up against Amn- brose Drazy ofKankakee, Ill. These -headliners -a re supported witb four other well matched ,bouts., These.- matches will -include 'Tony Pernice vs. Howard Neveau in the 130-pound class, Ted Barry vs. AI Grilli in the 135-pound class, Johnny Bisk vs. Clarence Miller and Leo Schmelervs. Leonard Olson in the 145-pound class. Appearing against suitable o ppon- ents will be-Franik Talaber, the sen- satiofial middleweight wrestler who promises to excel his fanious father, Lew Talaber,: former middleweight champion and the man of a thou- sand hâlds. 1:-jabber young, chief coach of the Tribune Golden Glove teani, will officiate as referee, The management expects to be able to introduce at this show Chicago's leading contender. for the world's Mrs.' Henry at the1 major old. Katharine Paul Urioi K. Urion, died last' Evanston hohÎ?ital f ol operation. She.. was. Besides, ber husband, who is5 an at- torney with offices at 134 'S. LaSalle street, Chicago,> she is survived by three sons, PaulB. 14 years old, UýenryK., Jr., 9,, and Phillip A, 4, her rnthr-Mrs. Isaac F. Paul'>of Beoston, and- a brother, Richard F. Paul, also ofBoston.. The Union home is at 1025 Mohawk road, Wilmette. For the past. year Mrs. Urion had been a resident of Wilmette, but for- nine'years'prior to that had' lived in Winnetka.,Before moving to Wînnetka> the Unions had hived in Chicago. Mrs. Union was born* at Fitzwillîam, N. H., on june Agraduate of Wellesley college with the clam. of 1914, she had been active in the North Shore Wellesley circle. She was a meniber of the Womaii's guild of Christ ehurch, Winnetka. The funeral services were hetd Monclay afternoon at 4 o'clock at, that church. The bride wore a gown of powder blue chiffon and held a bouquet of pinlc sweet peas. She was attended by Miss Dorothy Anderson of Madi- son, Wis., who.wore pink chiffon and carried blue sweet peas. The groom was served by Orland Gimrick of Chicago *as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Carey, Who have now departed on a brief, hôneyniboon,. will mnake their homne at 6133 Kenmore av- enue, Chicago. TO MOTOR SOUTHI Mr8. Frank Nason, ber son, jack of 733 Cummings avenue,'and Mrs. Wilt. liam 0. Beit of 202 Abingdon avenuep are Ieaving Kenilworth Saturday on a motot r tp of about -tbiree wee.ks' duration . They will first visit the famous Magnolia gardenis in Chartes- ton, S. C., and froni there witt go te Charlottesývitte, Va. to' visit Seymour Nason and- bis family. They expeci to return by way of Washington. IOIL BýU>RNERI:SERVICE I Phone Winnetka.3 Night or Day, 37 HEATINE ýSEJRVICE CO* BROWN FLJRNITURE CO, COING %UT BUSINESS! - CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK THE REASON period of deflation whicii we have just about pmsedi througli has unbalanced the lic sens. of proportion. A value of a piece of furniture is judged 4rom advqr- 1460 BU.RMAN VE uVANSImE